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Nawaz has no authority to hold peace talks: Pakistani Taliban

Your advise will fall on deaf ears.

Pakistan is often called "An army with a nation".

Pakistanis, especially the Punjabis" are congenitally incapable of running a democratic polity. Their minds and actions are stuck in feudal 18th Century. Which is why Pakistan is a failed state.

Are You Pakistani ?
Who the F are you to judge any Pakistani, Just Go and check your past dude The 1000 years Muslim ruled india They always Ruled With justice and equality if you dont mind let me tell you some things about india
79.9% people are living on less than 2$ per day per person.
47% children born in India are malnourished,
India has the highest illiteracy rate
More then 60% of Indians don't have sanitation facilities.
More than half of the country is without electricity connections
Farmers still commit suicides
More then million people earn their income by carrying Other peoples **** on their head
and the list goes on

I don't see any evidence that Pakistan's leaders are seeking such a new bargain but I feel pretty sure they won't even try without some grass-roots support. There are a lot of angry young guys here, yes? Why don't you organize and apply yourselves, then?

That's it. There are politer ways to discuss matters than curses and bad grammar. You learned religion from the Arabs, so doubtless you would understand it better if you learned something of their manners. No more responses for you until you apologize.
No need to bring religion Into discussion
Remember Swat? The Army let the Talibs take over Swat to show Pakistanis how awful the Talibs can be, then cleared them out - but the locals were offered no improved governance in return, so their grievances against the state remained - the same grievances that persuaded them to welcome the Talibs six years ago. Is it any wonder, then, that the Taliban are once again a problem in Swat? Who says Pakistan can do better this time than before?

No, some fundamental change is needed, both in how the Army is run and the contract between the State and ordinary Pakistanis. Something to turn rulers of the country into its servants, the subjects of the State into citizens, and the dogs of war into watchmen.

I don't see any evidence that Pakistan's leaders are seeking such a new bargain but I feel pretty sure they won't even try without some grass-roots support. There are a lot of angry young guys here, yes? Why don't you organize and apply yourselves, then?

That's it. There are politer ways to discuss matters than curses and bad grammar. You learned religion from the Arabs, so doubtless you would understand it better if you learned something of their manners. No more responses for you until you apologize.
if you keep comming, & teaching me, the dam manners from who ever you think, then there will never be a dam sorry?

just be at topic, instead teaching others, the american faked dreams, & inspirations!
keep that to urself. buddy i am deadly patriotic, i love my country more thn life, & i am a proud pakistani , who went to fight for this country?
dont try , to be a master ,on that wave length , i guss im yours?
just be buddy, be fair dont paint USA the dam master of universe?
cause i am nt gona give any dam to that, ok?
just be buddy, just be fair! & thats it!
now comeback to topic, our little chit chat is over!
now back to topic
Of course he does not , he is just the PM of the country . :rolleyes:

When will these guys come out and realize they are in the 21 century?
No surprise from their statement but its probably easier to say its not the "good" TTP rather its the "enemy" controlled TTP.

Still not too late to wake up and see that the real enemy is from among us and is as Pakistani as anyone else.

Never thought I'd say this about anyone but the only good TTP member is a dead one.
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