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Nawaz expresses distrust of Pak Army to Indian PM

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Home truths from Nawaz: Pakistan's PM says India has more faith in his country's army than he does | Mail Online
Home truths from Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan's PM says India has more faith in his country's army than he does

PUBLISHED: 22:45 GMT, 28 October 2013 | UPDATED: 22:46 GMT, 28 October 2013
In a sensational disclosure previously kept under wraps by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif said he had less faith in the Pakistan Army than India when the two met in New York last month on the sidelines of UN General Assembly.

The remark was not in jest, but came in the course of an intense discussion between the two premiers during their one-hour meeting on September 29.

Sharif's remarks were reported in a 'Record of Discussion' (RoD) made by the prime minister's aides and compiled by the Prime Minister's Office to be shared with top government functionaries of the Indian government. Mail Today has accessed this document.

Sources say that discussions provide insights into the meeting of the prime ministers in the New York Palace Hotel's fourth floor Stanford Room.




Pakistan's PM Nawaz Sharif (left) made the surprising comment during his New York meeting with Indian PM Manmohan Singh

The meeting happened amid a tense standoff, and Sharif repeatedly tried hard to push for dialogue between the foreign offices of the two countries first, before involving the Pakistan Army in resolving the standoff on the Line of Control.

The revelation comes on a day when the tensions between the two countries have escalated; a Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) was killed on October 28 during a cease-fire violation by Pakistan in the Uri sector of north Kashmir.

The firing took place in the wee hours of Monday when troops of the Indian Army's 8 Kumaon regiment were patrolling along the LoC in Uri sector, 120km northwest of Srinagar.

An Army official said that an area domination patrol party came under firing from the Pakistan side after midnight at 12.15am on Monday leading to the death of the JCO, Prakash Chander, of Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand.

Officials said the Army didn't retaliate but lodged a protest with the Pakistani Army over a hotline.


The two leaders met on September 29 in New York, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly

It is apparent, however, that Pakistani assurances are not translating into action. On Saturday, India had slammed Pakistan for claiming that it had not been given adequate evidence on the 26/11 attacks, where Islamabad is yet to bring the perpetrators of the 2008 attacks to justice.

The ceasefire violation took place at Bhim post near Kaman Bridge, the place where the Srinagar- Muzaffarabad bus crosses the LoC.

Last week, a BSF soldier was killed and six others wounded after Pakistani troops fired at 50 Indian posts along the International Border in Jammu.

There has been a steep rise in cease-fire violations along the LoC and the International Border in Jammu and Kashmir in past few weeks. Officials say over 135 ceasefire violations have been reported in 2013, the highest in the last eight years.

At the New York meeting, the conversation began with Sharif clearing the air on the dehati aurat controversy that had broken out earlier in the day. The RoD notes that Sharif pushed for talks led by the foreign office, but Singh stuck to his guns and insisted talks cannot be held between the civilian officials.


The Pakistan Army continues to violate the ceasefire along the Line of Control

NY meeting
Sharif again revised his proposal and suggested that talks can be at the level of the Director General of Military Operations and the Foreign Office, which was also declined by Singh.

It was then that the Indian Prime Minister repeated his assertion that those who have caused the incidents on the Line of Control and the International Border will have to resolve it, and that militaries both countries should be involved.

Sharif signed off with the remark reposing mistrust in his own army, telling Singh that India had more faith in their capabilities then he did.

The remark is significant because it revealed that Sharif continues to struggle with a powerful army at home.

It is also a reassertion that India will have to deal with multiple power centres in Pakistan, even more significant in the present context when the pressure is on Sharif to give a powerful post-retirement role to his hard-line Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani. The general wants to handle Pakistan's Kashmir and Afghanistan affairs as National Security Advisor, and control Sharif's foreign and strategic policy.

Sharif also raised the issue of Baluchistan, to which Manmohan responded that no evidence has been handed over by Pakistan on this accusation which has been leveled earlier as well.

Last week, on his way back from the summit meetings in Russia and China, Manmohan expressed his disappointment at the happenings on the LoC.

"Let me say that I am disappointed, because in the New York meeting, there was a general agreement on both the sides that peace and tranquillity should be maintained on the border, on the Line of Control as well as on the international border and this has not happened," he said.

Nawaz's statement exposes the fissures in the Pakistan establishment, but it also brings to the fore his Janus-faced approach, as he is neither willing nor capable of reining in the army, but he is willing to run down his own army to show the international community that he holds the reins of power in Pakistan.

WTF ... can he really say that?
The kind of leadership Nooras and patwaris so energetically defend on this forum. Laanat hai!
PUBLISHED: 22:45 GMT, 28 October 2013 | UPDATED: 22:46 GMT, 28 October 2013 :raise:
I think it is not true otherwise he may have been sacked by now. This news is 8 months old so I see the only point to highlight it once again is to troll. The article was written by an indian and I don't see any reason we Pakistanis should believe it in the first place
I think it is not true otherwise he may have been sacked by now. This news is 8 months old so I see the only point to highlight it once again is to troll. The article was written by an indian and I don't see any reason we Pakistanis should believe it in the first place
Sacked by whom?
How do you sack a Prime Minister with a majority who is also the leader of his party?
Sacked by whom?
How do you sack a Prime Minister with a majority who is also the leader of his party?
Army-Politicians would be fighting and created a rift for not trusting the army... It is a fake news so don't need to comment on it.
Army-Politicians would be fighting and created a rift for not trusting the army... It is a fake news so don't need to comment on it.
You didnt answer the question.
Who would sack a PM with a majority in Parliament ?
I dont know whether he said or not.But if he did that ,then honestly he is not a good PM for Pakistan.
Pakistan or Pak Army may be our enemy .But for a PM like him or his citizens they are the protectors.If Pak Army did any thing it is only for their own nation dignity.
I dont like leaders like him .
Had been already posted and discussed...
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