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Navy to get weapon of light

Dude I would take this as being another south asian media "hype" After all lets not forget the whole kitty hawk saga and also the F-35 hype when something was taken out of context by the journo, And then beaten to death on forums.

So, that is what i also said, this might be a sales ploy.
this is likely to be another sales ploy. if USN hasnt adopted the system yet, on what base are they offering it to IN? and have they offered it to any other nation?

these questions need to be answered satisfactorily before we can proceed with a reasonable debate. till then this is more speculation than news.
What about the rolling air frame missile I thought that was the latest CIWS system the US was going to install on its future surface combat vessels.

To anyone with knowledge of Indian navy vessels could you provide information on the combined gun/missile CIWS on the Delhi class destroyers?

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