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NATO's Deadliest Days In Afghanistan

Pretty big specially when you are camped inside secure fortified bases with all your air and ground power against those who literally dont have the same

Come on Jana your standard is better than this but just for you some pics of Kiwi's cowering inside their heavily fortified bases.


DUBAI, June 22, 2010 (AFP) - An Afghan woman carried out a deadly suicide attack on against a US-Afghan army patrol in the east of the country, the Taliban said in a statement cited on Tuesday by the US monitoring group SITE.

It is the first time the Taliban have publicly claimed a female suicide attack, which they claimed was carried by "Halima" in front of a health centre in Shigal district, in the eastern Kunar province, killing 10 US soldiers.

"Mujahedeen sources in the area reported that a mother in the Islamic Emirate... carried out a martyrdom-seeking attack... this afternoon on a patrol of occupation forces and their Afghan agents," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahed said in the statement on Monday, which was posted on Islamist websites.

"It resulted in killing 10 American soldiers and severely wounding 7 more, and disabling an enemy armoured vehicle. Ten (Afghan) army soldiers were also wounded."

Monday was the worst day of the year so far for the NATO alliance in Afghanistan, with a total of 10 NATO soldiers killed in militant attacks and a helicopter crash.

In the deadliest incident, three Australian commandos and a US soldier were killed when their chopper crashed in southern Kandahar province.

Another two NATO troops, including an American, were killed in separate bomb explosions elsewhere in the south, the spiritual home of the Taliban militia that is fighting an increasingly deadly insurgency against Western troops.

Are you a supporter of the Afghan Taliban Gunner?
3 more NATO troops killed in Afghanistan
* Bomb explosion in clinic kills doctor in Kabul

KABUL: The head of a provincial health department in northern Afghanistan was killed on Tuesday by a bomb planted in his private clinic, while three NATO service members were killed in attacks, officials said.

Dr Azizullah Safari was walking up to his second-floor clinic when a bomb exploded under the stairwell, said Muhbobullah Sayedi, a spokesman for the governor of Kunduz province.

Also on Tuesday, the international coalition reported the deaths of three service members, bringing to at least 67 the number of its troops killed in the war so far this month.

NATO said a US troop died on Tuesday following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan, but did not disclose further details.

British defence officials said a member of the 40 Commando Royal Marines was shot on Tuesday during fighting in the Sangin district of southern Helmand province. Another member of the same unit died on Monday night in a blast in Sangin, the officials said.

Meanwhile, NATO and Afghan forces captured a senior Taliban figure in an overnight raid, the international force said. The man had recently been appointed the Taliban's finance chief in Baghlan, a northern province, NATO said.

He was captured in Helmand along with two other suspected insurgents after a tip-off that he was staying in a compound in Nah-e Saraj district. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
This is such a good news.. But sadly its not even 0.01% of deaths as compared to Afghans who loose their lives to American and NATO's atrocities. Afghans, you got to balance the equation buddies.. you got to take this number to 100 soldiers a day.. even more if possible.

For the freedom and liberation of Afghanistan.


do you know how many innocent afghans are killed by the taliban?

and thank you, afghans dont want freedom of that type which is barely called freedom, they want peace, that is what the taliban dont want. if you so in love with the taliban, you can have them in pakistan.
do you know how many innocent afghans are killed by the taliban?

and thank you, afghans dont want freedom of that type which is barely called freedom, they want peace, that is what the taliban dont want. if you so in love with the taliban, you can have them in pakistan.

This link suggests a different story:

Afghanistan - Atrocities and Victims
This link suggests a different story:

Afghanistan - Atrocities and Victims

The hell with the NA, who care about them? They , Hekmatyar and all the mujahideen factions(NA and none NA mujahideen)were all human rights abusers just like the taliban, the Taliban are still killing people but now the others have stopped doing so, ironically majority or most of the human rights abusers were supported by Pakistan. Secondly, the so called atrocities mentioned in that report was against the taliban, you should know that there is little sympathy about the Tajiban in Afghanistna, they lose their lives, so it be, the militias can kill each other as much as they like, the taliban killed NA fighters and NA fighters killed the Tablian. Where were you guys when the taliban masacared THE CIVILIANS in Afghanistna? by entring the houses they killed everybody, many many thousands pepole were killed by them as well as demolihing the whole cities to dust. right now the majority of innocent death is happening because of the taliban attack, let me know if you want the link for it.
Are you a supporter of the Afghan Taliban Gunner?

I am not a supporter of the Taliban, either Afghan or Pakistani.

Neither am i a supporter of the Foreign Troops.

I support an independent, peaceful Afghanistan.
KABUL, June 23, 2010 (AFP) - Four NATO soldiers were killed in attacks in Afghanistan on Wednesday, alliance forces said, bringing to 73 the number of foreign troops who have died in the troubled nation this month.

The deaths of one British marine and three other soldiers, whose nationalities were not released, made it nearly certain June would be the worst month for NATO casualties since the 2001 invasion to oust the Taliban.

The British marine was killed in a small arms fire in Helmand province, a hotbed of the Taliban insurgency in southern Afghanistan, the UK defence ministry said in statement.

The three other soldiers died in homemade bomb attacks, two in the south and the third in western Afghanistan, NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) announced in Kabul.

The deadliest month for NATO service members in the nine-year war occurred in August last year, when 77 soldiers were killed.

So far 293 NATO troops have died this year, according to AFP tallies based on the independent icasualties.org website.

In a separate incident Wednesday, seven security guards were killed when their vehicle struck an improvised bomb in the province of Uruzgan in southern Afghanistan, a police official told AFP.

Much of southern Afghanistan is blighted by the Taliban insurgency, now in its deadliest phase since the US-led invasion ousted the hardline Islamist regime and installed a Western-backed administration led by Hamid Karzai.

The US military has warned that casualties will inevitably mount as foreign forces build up their campaign to oust the militants from the southern province of Kandahar, a hotbed of bombings, assassinations and lawlessness.
This is such a good news.. But sadly its not even 0.01% of deaths as compared to Afghans who loose their lives to American and NATO's atrocities. Afghans, you got to balance the equation buddies.. you got to take this number to 100 soldiers a day.. even more if possible.

For the freedom and liberation of Afghanistan.

Afghans are siding with the NATO for your information rather than propaganda YouTube videos that you watch. Their nation was a hell under Taliban who deserve the worst possible death at the hands of a democratic Afghan government for manhandling Afghan nationals.

Too bad you are trying to make such a wishful thinking of supporting Taliban-led government in future.
June deadliest month for foreign troops in Afghan war
Updated at: 1000 PST, Thursday, June 24, 2010

KABUL: The deaths of another four NATO troops in an accident in Afghanistan made June the deadliest single month for US-led foreign forces in the nearly nine-year conflict, according to a tally Thursday.

The four troops died as a result of a vehicle accident in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the NATO-run International Security Assistance Force said in a statement that gave no further details.

The new deaths bring to 79 the number of foreign troops who have died as a result of the conflict in Afghanistan so far this month, according to a tally based on statistics on the independent website. The grim record eclipsed the previous most deadly month for NATO troops last August, when 77 soldiers were killed.

June deadliest month for foreign troops in Afghan war
This is such a good news.. But sadly its not even 0.01% of deaths as compared to Afghans who loose their lives to American and NATO's atrocities. Afghans, you got to balance the equation buddies.. you got to take this number to 100 soldiers a day.. even more if possible.

For the freedom and liberation of Afghanistan.


Turkey is part of the ISAF so i guess it is perfectly fine for the Taliban to end their lives too is that it ?
There is not much difference in the losses on both sides. Combined losses of ANA, NATO-ISAF Troops would far exceed the losses of PA.

Perhaps we should also look at what has NATO acheived in the nine years? And then compare it with the achievements of the PA.

Would you mid sharing the number of losses.....I hate to be-little anyone's effort however there are many things that we need to look into...

- NATO losses of 10 years vs PA losses of last 2 years
- NATO is operating on a foreign land vs PA own backyard
- Local support for PA vs Local Support for NATO

As far as achievement is concerned then i am not sure what actually you are talking about....Terrorists strike at will in AF and they strike at will in Pakistan....No doubt PA has done a great job but AF is a different ball game and looking into all the odds they are doing a good job.....Recently some 35 odd personnel have been kidnapped by Taliban...that by no way means PA is loosing right????

P.S : My post was merely on the number of losses NATO has got to tell how much money is spent in saving the lives as compared to south asian armies(India included) where perhaps life comes cheaper...
Would you mid sharing the number of losses........

Why Not...

1. Coalition Losses in Afghan War so far: 1600+ [Appx]
Losses of Afghan Army+Paramilitary Forces: 5000+ [Appx]

2. Losses of PA+Pramilitary Troops: 2200+ [Appx]

I hate to be-little anyone's effort however there are many things that we need to look into
- NATO losses of 10 years vs PA losses of last 2 years

PA losses are not in two years. In fact the first major clash between PA and TTP took place back in 2004.

- NATO is operating on a foreign land vs PA own backyard

NATO operating in a foreign land with the support of local forces. Pakistan fighting on it's soil on it's own [not counting the material support here]

- Local support for PA vs Local Support for NATO

I can agree with you here that local support may be more for PA as compared to NATO. But an Afghan member willl be in a better position to tell you how much local support coalition forces enjoy.

- As far as achievement is concerned then i am not sure what actually you are talking about....Terrorists strike at will in AF and they strike at will in Pakistan....No doubt PA has done a great job but AF is a different ball game and looking into all the odds they are doing a good job.....Recently some 35 odd personnel have been kidnapped by Taliban...that by no way means PA is loosing right????

I agree that the situation in Afghanistan is completely different and the situation on bith sides of Duran Line cannot be compared as far as military ops are concerned. I agree also that Afghan forces have done good job. I do not mean to belittle their efforts, but ground facts suggest that they have lost ground to the Taliban in the last two years. Taliban enjoy free space in several areas and have governors for almost all districts. On the other hand, PA has regained Swat, Bajaur, Mohmand, South Waziristan and several settled parts. In fact, if you look back one year, the situation was very alarming. It has been acknowledged by the international press and world as well.

As far as terrorists striking at will is concerned, i think individual acts of terror are hard to stop. Mumbai attacks are an example. So are several incidents in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In time however, PA has managed to deny free space to the terrorists of making deals on their terms. This is by far the greatest achievement. It is the other way around now. On the other side of the border, it appears that Afghans and coalition is now at the brink of a dialogue with the Taliban. Several recent developments point to that.

P.S : My post was merely on the number of losses NATO has got to tell how much money is spent in saving the lives as compared to south asian armies(India included) where perhaps life comes cheaper...

Agreed on that count. Foreign forces are wary of the losses in life. That is also due to the fact that more bodies returning home will create political pressure. Fighting in some one else's backyard has it's consequences. I am not sure that life comes cheaper in our part of the world. But we lack in the means to save our men in terms of technology.

I don't think there will be single field commander out there, both in Pakistan and India, who wants to loose his men. Nor do the people.
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