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NATO warns Russia of ‘high price’ for any attack on Ukraine


Aug 26, 2010
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30 allies together represent more than 50 percent of the global economy

NATO warns Russia of ‘high price’ for any attack on Ukraine
Economic sanctions on table as allied foreign ministers met in Latvia to discuss new border threat.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg | Gints Ivuskans/AFP via Getty Images

November 30, 2021 8:12 pm
Another Russian invasion of Ukraine would carry a “high price,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned Tuesday, adding that the 30 allies together represent more than 50 percent of the global economy.
“Any future Russian aggression against Ukraine would come at a high price and have serious political and economic consequences for Russia,” Stoltenberg said at a news conference following a day of meetings among allied foreign ministers in Riga, Latvia.
The United States and other Western allies have warned of a large mobilization of Russian forces and weaponry along the border with Ukraine, raising the risk of a potential new invasion. Russia invaded and annexed Crimea in 2014 and has backed armed separatists in a nearly eight-year-long war that continues in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas.


Russia carried out a similar mobilization of forces last spring but the U.S. has told allies that aspects of the current build-up seem even more alarming this time.
“The situation in and around Ukraine remains fluid and unpredictable,” Stoltenberg said Tuesday. “There is no certainty about Russia’s intentions. We see a significant and unusual concentration of forces, which is unjustified and unexplained, and accompanied by heightened rhetoric and disinformation. And we know that Russia has used force before against Ukraine and other neighbors.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday warned NATO that deploying weapons or soldiers to Ukraine would cross a “red line” for the Kremlin and trigger a significant response. Asked about his red lines over Ukraine during an investment conference, Putin said: “They are above all in the creation of threats to us which could come from [Ukraine].” He continued: “We would have to create a similar threat for those who are threatening us,” before adding that Russia had the capacity to deploy hypersonic missiles, saying: “We can do that already now.”
Ukrainian officials have said they have no expectation that their Western supporters, including NATO allies, will join a military conflict against Russia. Senior officials have called for an increased NATO military presence in the region, including stepped-up air policing and additional support such as military training.
U.S. and EU officials have said that while Ukraine might request help in the form of weapons, they did not expect such assistance would ever tip the outcome of a conflict in Ukraine’s favor, but would simply raise the number of casualties for Russia and, inevitably, for Ukraine.
Pressed during his news conference about the specific steps that NATO allies might take in response to a Russian invasion, Stoltenberg focused on economic sanctions.

“NATO is a platform to make decisions but also to consult and coordinate efforts by NATO-allied countries,” he said. “So for instance, on economic sanctions, political reactions, even though NATO doesn’t necessarily make the decisions to impose sanctions, that’s for individual allies to do, and for the European Union … the political discussion we have here is actually shaping the decisions we take as individual allies.
“Therefore also economic sanctions and political reactions is part of what we have discussed today, also with the United States,” Stoltenberg said. “We represent 50 percent of the world’s GDP and of course it matters when NATO allies discuss also the use of economic sanctions against the behavior of Russia.”
He added, “We have seen our resolve and our willingness and our ability to maintain, sustain such economic sanctions when needed. I think that Russia actually underestimated the resolve of NATO allies to impose sanctions and sustain sanctions after the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014.”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that NATO and Western powers, particularly Washington, were trying to incite Ukraine into a new military conflict with Russia, and he insisted that it was Russia that was under a growing threat.
“Significant units and military equipment of NATO countries, including American and British, are being deployed closer to our borders,” Lavrov said, responding to a question about NATO’s support for Ukraine during his own news conference in Moscow Tuesday with Brazilian Foreign Minister Carlos Alberto França.
Lavrov appeared to be referring to NATO battle groups that were deployed in Poland and the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania after Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea. All four countries are members of NATO.

Many of the elements that make up NATO are just paper tigers when it comes to common interests. Russia also sees very clearly that the NATO's spirit of unity does not work in practice.

For this reason, some Baltic and some eastern European countries cannot rely on the assurances they receive from France-Germany, the core power of Europe, and directly want a US base on their territory. As a result of this process, Russia can come out stronger, even the USA may come out stronger, but I guarantee you Europe will not be among the winners.
NATO and the US couldn't win in Afghanistan LOL Here they are handing out empty threats to behemoth powers like Russia and China.

Europe is divided. The Western world is feeling the heat.
Many of the elements that make up NATO are just paper tigers when it comes to common interests. Russia also sees very clearly that the NATO's spirit of unity does not work in practice.

For this reason, some Baltic and some eastern European countries cannot rely on the assurances they receive from France-Germany, the core power of Europe, and directly want a US base on their territory. As a result of this process, Russia can come out stronger, even the USA may come out stronger, but I guarantee you Europe will not be among the winners.

UK is already stronger

Royal Navy sent Type 45 DDG to both China and Russia none made any move it just kept sailing despite all the empty threats

UK has 11 nuclear submarines, 7 x Astute Class Hunter Killers + 18,000+ tons 4 x SSBN each can carry 16 x Trident missiles each missile has 5-6 re-entry vehicles

the 4 x Vanguard class are being replaced by larger faster more sophisticated 19,000 ton monster SSBN The Dreadnaught Class

highly trained, highly ready, highly motivated with a strong tradition and more capability than Russia and China combined

and on top of that Royal Navy has maintained a at sea nuclear deterrence since April 1969 which means 24/365 for over 52 years, if anyone makes a move UK will annihilate them

since its deployment the Trident has been tested and tested and re-tested and refined with over 180 live tests of Trident

each SSBN can turn Russia and China into a glass desert where nothing with grow for next 10,000 years

no country not even USN has this kind of readiness per ship per day deployed
Many of the elements that make up NATO are just paper tigers when it comes to common interests. Russia also sees very clearly that the NATO's spirit of unity does not work in practice.

For this reason, some Baltic and some eastern European countries cannot rely on the assurances they receive from France-Germany, the core power of Europe, and directly want a US base on their territory. As a result of this process, Russia can come out stronger, even the USA may come out stronger, but I guarantee you Europe will not be among the winners.
Finally some opinion from you that makes sense.
UK is already stronger

Royal Navy sent Type 45 DDG to both China and Russia none made any move it just kept sailing despite all the empty threats

UK has 11 nuclear submarines, 7 x Astute Class Hunter Killers + 18,000+ tons 4 x SSBN each can carry 16 x Trident missiles each missile has 5-6 re-entry vehicles

the 4 x Vanguard class are being replaced by larger faster more sophisticated 19,000 ton monster SSBN The Dreadnaught Class

highly trained, highly ready, highly motivated with a strong tradition and more capability than Russia and China combined

and on top of that Royal Navy has maintained a at sea nuclear deterrence since April 1969 which means 24/365 for over 52 years, if anyone makes a move UK will annihilate them

since its deployment the Trident has been tested and tested and re-tested and refined with over 180 live tests of Trident

each SSBN can turn Russia and China into a glass desert where nothing with grow for next 10,000 years

no country not even USN has this kind of readiness per ship per day deployed
UK is a modern day Mongolia that used to have a fat empire but now it's nothing but a decaying island. Soon I will struggle to find this irrelevant island on a world map.
Many of the elements that make up NATO are just paper tigers when it comes to common interests. Russia also sees very clearly that the NATO's spirit of unity does not work in practice.

For this reason, some Baltic and some eastern European countries cannot rely on the assurances they receive from France-Germany, the core power of Europe, and directly want a US base on their territory. As a result of this process, Russia can come out stronger, even the USA may come out stronger, but I guarantee you Europe will not be among the winners.

The EU is a fiefdom in reality except for France, Germany and to a minor decree Spain and Italy the remaining are just fiefdoms
The West and it's NATO are desperate for a war with Russia. When it does happen, Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah will "Deal with" them with a "great fire and flash" for they are an arrogant kind and they are think it's their birth right to rule over the rest of humanity.

Russia will remain in a position of dominance over the West, there is not a damn thing they can do about it. For Russia is not arrogant, nor does Russia want to rule over the world.

Those who are dismissive of this, are in for a horrifying shock when war actually breaks out. This war will be one where the West will not only collapse but also be devastatingly defeated.

Least we forget, it wasn't Russia who put it's military bases on america, britain and france's doorstep, rather it is the West who has planted it's military on Russia's doorstep. And it is only fools who would still support the arrogant, soulless West.
UK is already stronger

Royal Navy sent Type 45 DDG to both China and Russia none made any move it just kept sailing despite all the empty threats

UK has 11 nuclear submarines, 7 x Astute Class Hunter Killers + 18,000+ tons 4 x SSBN each can carry 16 x Trident missiles each missile has 5-6 re-entry vehicles

the 4 x Vanguard class are being replaced by larger faster more sophisticated 19,000 ton monster SSBN The Dreadnaught Class

highly trained, highly ready, highly motivated with a strong tradition and more capability than Russia and China combined

and on top of that Royal Navy has maintained a at sea nuclear deterrence since April 1969 which means 24/365 for over 52 years, if anyone makes a move UK will annihilate them

since its deployment the Trident has been tested and tested and re-tested and refined with over 180 live tests of Trident

each SSBN can turn Russia and China into a glass desert where nothing with grow for next 10,000 years

no country not even USN has this kind of readiness per ship per day deployed
Kind of confused how nuclear deterrence in a primarily ground based conflict where the focus will be on a UK force that is currently under revamp modernization with many systems not fully integrated and only now achieving IOC on many systems is expected to have bear?
Claiming Russia and China will turn into glass sounds like a bunch of jingoistic BS especially when technically the Chinese alone could glass the UK from the north sea to London..
let be more objective
The West and it's NATO are desperate for a war with Russia. When it does happen, Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah will "Deal with" them with a "great fire and flash" for they are an arrogant kind and they are think it's their birth right to rule over the rest of humanity.

Russia will remain in a position of dominance over the West, there is not a damn thing they can do about it. For Russia is not arrogant, nor does Russia want to rule over the world.

Those who are dismissive of this, are in for a horrifying shock when war actually breaks out. This war will be one where the West will not only collapse but also be devastatingly defeated.

Least we forget, it wasn't Russia who put it's military bases on america, britain and france's doorstep, rather it is the West who has planted it's military on Russia's doorstep. And it is only fools who would still support the arrogant, soulless West.

russia will survive it is a massive country but the rich white ethnic side of the country will be wiped out not the least industrialized land which mostly have darker ppl.
He's right when talk about a high price.
But it will be a high price for West Europe if NATO dare to do something, it wont be for Russia.
UK is already stronger

Royal Navy sent Type 45 DDG to both China and Russia none made any move it just kept sailing despite all the empty threats

UK has 11 nuclear submarines, 7 x Astute Class Hunter Killers + 18,000+ tons 4 x SSBN each can carry 16 x Trident missiles each missile has 5-6 re-entry vehicles

the 4 x Vanguard class are being replaced by larger faster more sophisticated 19,000 ton monster SSBN The Dreadnaught Class

highly trained, highly ready, highly motivated with a strong tradition and more capability than Russia and China combined

and on top of that Royal Navy has maintained a at sea nuclear deterrence since April 1969 which means 24/365 for over 52 years, if anyone makes a move UK will annihilate them

since its deployment the Trident has been tested and tested and re-tested and refined with over 180 live tests of Trident

each SSBN can turn Russia and China into a glass desert where nothing with grow for next 10,000 years

no country not even USN has this kind of readiness per ship per day deployed
EU shall be more concern about having enough natural gas to survive this winter if they poked the Russia bear!
UK is already stronger

Royal Navy sent Type 45 DDG to both China and Russia none made any move it just kept sailing despite all the empty threats

UK has 11 nuclear submarines, 7 x Astute Class Hunter Killers + 18,000+ tons 4 x SSBN each can carry 16 x Trident missiles each missile has 5-6 re-entry vehicles

the 4 x Vanguard class are being replaced by larger faster more sophisticated 19,000 ton monster SSBN The Dreadnaught Class

highly trained, highly ready, highly motivated with a strong tradition and more capability than Russia and China combined

and on top of that Royal Navy has maintained a at sea nuclear deterrence since April 1969 which means 24/365 for over 52 years, if anyone makes a move UK will annihilate them

since its deployment the Trident has been tested and tested and re-tested and refined with over 180 live tests of Trident

each SSBN can turn Russia and China into a glass desert where nothing with grow for next 10,000 years

no country not even USN has this kind of readiness per ship per day deployed
You just compared Britain with Russia. :nono:
Russia and China military exercise near ukrainian border is due. Already did that military exercise and made the japs wet their beds lol now time to make those puppet regimes in eastern europe do the same
EU shall be more concern about having enough natural gas to survive this winter if they poked the Russia bear!

Chinese are afraid of the Russians but British aren’t
Kind of confused how nuclear deterrence in a primarily ground based conflict where the focus will be on a UK force that is currently under revamp modernization with many systems not fully integrated and only now achieving IOC on many systems is expected to have bear?
Claiming Russia and China will turn into glass sounds like a bunch of jingoistic BS especially when technically the Chinese alone could glass the UK from the north sea to London..
let be more objective

which army are you talking about the Chinese army?

I am talking about the British army the same army that won the battle of Britain won the battle of Trafalgar when they won the battle of Waterloo one in the Crimean war

The same Royal Navy held down the entire Russian northern fleet during the entire Cold War

The best trained the best equipped with the best experience in the world

I don’t know which country you’re from but I suggest you look into the UK military history
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