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Nato troops get ‘nappy rash’Face the pain of blocked diapers

Thats the boy- with slave/ humble/ appologetic attitude like this- you will not have any problem with the shuper powaaa for centuries-

And these are the same people who hate or pretend to hate Britishers for their occupation of Indo-Pak region. :lol:
^^ What else could be the reason for sudden urge in making peace deals with Talibans.
Proud American solider
Pakistan Fanboys forgetting this is too existing and Russians are still too much helpful. :lol: :lol: :lol:

^^ haha- what a reference--
I hope they do not try the plan B which the General Marshal personally proposed-
Pakistan Fanboys forgetting this is too existing and Russians are still too much helpful. :lol: :lol: :lol:


We aren't forgetting anything buddy. It was Americans who used to think like you and are now talking with Pakistan to reopen the supply line. Wonder who is the "fanboy" here.
Pakistan Fanboys forgetting this is too existing and Russians are still too much helpful. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Have fun,

Through Hell and High water is a good plan, much better than the simple way.

You have no clue how hard I laughed when I saw the looooooooooooooong @ss route(s). :angel:
Why don't they take a shait in open Wind in desert , .. let it all hang and wipe it clean with Afghan dust & stones

Nappies/Diapers are a good idea. That means soldiers can sit in their position of attack or defend for hours without needing to relieve themselves and possibly open themselves up to enemy fire.

Think about it, when in a battle soldiers drink loads of water and that means they will need to pee often but they can't do that during a battle because they are under fire.

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