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NATO to keep forces in Afghanistan until the Taliban uprising is extinguished


Jan 5, 2012
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Those banking on the Talis return need a wake up call!



NATO foreign ministers are meeting on how to handle a daunting and simultaneous array of security challenges facing the alliance, from Afghanistan and the Middle East and North Africa to a rearmed and resurgent Russia.

On the Afghanistan front, Army Gen. John W. Nicholson Jr. made the case that US and coalition forces would have to stay until the Taliban uprising of late has been extinguished.

Newly appointed supreme commander of NATO Mike Scaparrotti summarized Nicholson's plan of action for Afghanistan:"It's a means to realize our objective of a stable and secure Afghanistan that is not a haven for terrorists any longer... I think that's what I take away from General Nicholson's report, and I think it's important that the [military chiefs] also heard it today."

This plan of action would contradict US President Obama's stated goal of reducing the number of US troops involved in the 15 year war in Afghanistan, though the US and NATO have both suffered casualties recently in Afghanistan.

On Thursday, the first day of the two-day meeting, the ministers will officially welcome Montenegro as a new alliance member-designate, subject to approval by the US Senate and parliaments in NATO's other member states. The rapprochement between the former Yugoslav republic and NATO has been loudly opposed by Moscow.

It's only the seventh time in NATO's 67-year existence that the alliance is agreeing to grow. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is calling it "a historic step."

Ministers will also review NATO policy toward Russia. Stoltenberg said the alliance's approach is based on two pillars: defense, but also dialogue.

Currently, there are 12,800 NATO troops in Afghanistan, including 6,900 US troops as well as 2,900 US troops on related, but not NATO, missions.
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i wish every extremist and terrorist die in next second but it seems taliban will take too long to die
We'll see. Personally, I think the US should keep some troops within Afghanistan, to keep Kabul from falling.
We must stop appeasing these yanks and close the NATO transit routes and renegotiate transit fee at market rates or even little more than that.
No !!!!!! that do not depend on Pakistan at all .

Had Pakistan not supported Taliban to secure power in Afghanistan.
Had Pakistan put its foot down, when Taliban gave shelter to Al Qaida.

NATO wouldn't have been in Afghanistan, in the first place.

Even now, ball is still Pakistan's court. Finish off Taliban elements residing in Pakistan, either Taliban looses or becomes weak enough to accept the Afghan goverment's terms. Afghanistan becomes stable, NATO leaves Afghanistan.
NATO mission had entered the next phase after the ISAF pulled out in Dec 2014, the next phase called "Resolute Support Mission" would focus on training ANA/ANP personnel with advisor support role of NATO Nation.

The current RSM saw 13,000 NATO troop deployed in 7 province of Afghanistan
Had Pakistan not supported Taliban to secure power in Afghanistan.
Had Pakistan put its foot down, when Taliban gave shelter to Al Qaida.

NATO wouldn't have been in Afghanistan, in the first place.

Even now, ball is still Pakistan's court. Finish off Taliban elements residing in Pakistan, either Taliban looses or becomes weak enough to accept the Afghan goverment's terms. Afghanistan becomes stable, NATO leaves Afghanistan.

No, we will do nothing in this regards but seal the borders and NATO should deal with mess they created for soviet union.

in the end Karma is a bitch
I think they will stay there until they die and their children will serve in their place
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