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NATO Summit: Pakistan Offers No Quarter

So where is the resolve to say "See IF we blink..." rather than "See WHEN we blink..."; this is quite telling too.

The real sad part is that the basis of the whole relationship going forward has been reduced to dollars-and-cents transactions while countries to either side of Pakistan will benefit from longer strategic partnerships internationally. It does not bode well for Pakistan in this aspect. A few extra billions cannot make up for that loss.

no amount of money and no amount of US friendship can make up for the threat to pakistani security if the country let US and india dictate the agenda in afghan. i never doubt after completely robbing pakistan of its safety and independence anglo-americans and indians would sincerely extend friendship to pakistain, but it would nothing to a nation that could have fended for itself.

anglo-american history - and specifically, your history here on pdf, VC - of blackmailing other countries by threatening to withhold your "friendship" is making me violently sick. you anglo-americans know no friendship to begin with, and friendship with you demons is always sheer liability. enough with your blackmails and threats - you anglo-american cannot withhold that which you never possessed: the very openness and possibility about making friends.

i hereby declare that each time VC threatens "embarassment" and "isolation" for those with whom anglo-americans cannot get their way, i will just give her a slap - absolutely tired and sick of this same bullsh*t year after year

Pakistan cannot be isolated. Its geographical location in context of this war is pivotal. It plays a key part whether it is in this useless coalition or not. Pakistan will always be part of the solution of Afghanistan problem. Regional countries like India want to diminish or replace Pakistan in Afghanistan war but that will never happen.

what isolation can these blackmailers really threaten pakistan with? the country is just THERE, lying permanently next to afghanistan; the people are just THERE, mingling continuously with all the tribes of afghanistan. this kind of geographical reality and commerce of people and goods on the ground - what international isolation can jeopardize pakistan's position and privileges in afghanistan? the threat of international isolation is just a mind game, a trick, a sinister frame of thinking that anglo-americans wanted to impose upon pakistanis to coax them into voluntarily surrendering everything to anglo-american conmen who want to get everything for nothing.
I believe not giving right of access to help Afghan civillians, is a morally bad thing, denying basic human needs to people of Afghanistan.
I believe not giving right of access to help Afghan civillians, is a morally bad thing, denying basic human needs to people of Afghanistan.

I believe its duty of Pakistan army to block all covert & overt supply lines to TTP.
No executive order can force army men to step back from their fundamental duty and allow fuel for generators of TTP, so that they can have comfort in their Indian made bunkers.
for the first time, I respect Zor-dari for his stand against US.
doesn't matter if its for money, or whatever. He still did not bow down front of Obama! Which i really admire!
for the first time, I respect Zor-dari for his stand against US.
doesn't matter if its for money, or whatever. He still did not bow down front of Obama! Which i really admire!

Zardari is the thief of all thieves, why would he bow down in front of anyone? :rofl:
This is after more than 10 years of free use of Pakistani routes.......let the thankless mother fuckers enjoy the Russian and Central Asian routes.

Obama's irritation at the impasse was clear Monday when he addressed more than 50 world leaders and publicly thanked Russia and Central Asian nations "that continue to provide critical transit" of war supplies into Afghanistan. Zardari sat only a few feet away, but Obama pointedly did not mention Pakistan. [/B]

****-off you champion of morality.....................write "MORALITY" on a meter long sheet, turn it into a roll and stick it up your ***.......if it's not enough let us know....

I believe not giving right of access to help Afghan civillians, is a morally bad thing, denying basic human needs to people of Afghanistan.
Its all because its ELECTION TIME.

If America asked Pakistan to re-open supply route in 2010, Zardari would re-open the supply route in less than 24 hours.
Don't be so naive, national policies are not made by one person. Do you think he or that idiot of a PM are capable enough to do anysuch thing? There is a whole team of seasoned beuarocrats, foreign office and defence analysts to formulate such policies and "educate" the representative leaders, even their speeches are written by foreign office officials.

Its all because its ELECTION TIME.

If America asked Pakistan to re-open supply route in 2010, Zardari would re-open the supply route in less than 24 hours.
So where is the resolve to say "See IF we blink..." rather than "See WHEN we blink..."; this is quite telling too.

The real sad part is that the basis of the whole relationship going forward has been reduced to dollars-and-cents transactions while countries to either side of Pakistan will benefit from longer strategic partnerships internationally. It does not bode well for Pakistan in this aspect. A few extra billions cannot make up for that loss.

In my books blinking = opening the routes. period. I wouldn't have opened the routes for money, apology - not without the cessation of drone strikes. So by 'when', if we blink after the costs, apology and cessation of drone strikes then its good.

I have to be realistic in my comments given the players we have fielded... When is good too, since if they drag it to the winter, the northern route won't look so pretty again.
Don't be so naive, national policies are not made by one person. Do you think he or that idiot of a PM are capable enough to do anysuch thing? There is a whole team of seasoned beuarocrats, foreign office and defence analysts to formulate such policies and "educate" the representative leaders, even their speeches are written by foreign office officials.
so you mean to suggest not one thieve/corrupt conducts the polices, but a WHOLE GROUP of thieves and corrupt people? Wow, thanks for letting me know! :rofl:
In my books blinking = opening the routes. period. I wouldn't have opened the routes for money, apology - not without the cessation of drone strikes. So by 'when', if we blink after the costs, apology and cessation of drone strikes then its good.

I have to be realistic in my comments given the players we have fielded... When is good too, since if they drag it to the winter, the northern route won't look so pretty again.

Asim, where do our brother ally, China, stand on the issue of opening the routes for NATO? I think we should be mindful of the bigger picture.
BTW, Who allowed each container for 250 bucks !! This is a disgrace to a sovereign country, if Pak considers itself one. Stand up now or what ?
Asim, where do our brother ally, China, stand on the issue of opening the routes for NATO? I think we should be mindful of the bigger picture.

It has to be assumed they are against lending any help to Nato cement its hold on bases in Afghanistan - in the long run.

But they don't like to see Terrorism get stronger, so in the short run they may be okay with Nato doing the mopping up job and then leaving. As I said our role comes in when Nato plans to leave.
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