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NATO says China is a liar

Can ‘brain-dead’ NATO prolong its life by exploiting China?:

Global Times editorial​

By Global TimesPublished: Mar 25, 2022 01:25 AM

NATO held an emergency summit on Thursday to discuss the Ukraine situation and other issues. Just one day earlier, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that Western leaders will "spend a significant amount of time talking about China." He framed China as providing Russia with political support "by spreading blatant lies and disinformation," and "allies are concerned that China could provide material support for the Russian invasion." These announcements are basically consistent with the summit statement on Thursday.

When peddling the lies which have confused black and white, Stoltenberg's face skin might be thicker than the Berlin Wall. Is NATO, the biggest promoter of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in any way qualified to point a finger at China, which has been facilitating dialogue for peace from the very beginning?

China's stance on the Ukraine crisis is very clear - starting from the merits of the matter itself, making independent judgment, upholding international laws and the universally recognized basic norms of international relations, insisting on acting in accordance with the UN Charter, and advocating a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable concept of security. Compared with the US and NATO, which have been constantly handing knives to the conflict zone, China's attitude is truly responsible.

Stoltenberg has kept saying that he hoped to "find a peaceful way to end this war as soon as possible," yet revealed at the same press conference that there would be "major increases to NATO's forces in the eastern part of the Alliance." After the summit, NATO announced that it will provide more military support to Ukraine and that member countries will invest more in defense. Is that NATO's understanding of "a peaceful way?" The fact is that NATO needs the war more than anyone else.

After the Cold War, the dawn of peace that once appeared in Europe turned into an existential crisis for it. NATO, which should have ended long ago, is relying on the fear on the European continent and deliberately creating crises to prolong its life.

In the face of the Ukraine crisis, most major countries, including India, Brazil, as well as most countries in Africa, Southeast Asia and other regions, have taken an objective and fair position. These countries have almost two-thirds of the world's population. Their attitude is the mainstream posture of the international community.

But why did Stoltenberg mention only China? Simple as it is: NATO, which has long been considered "brain dead," needs to find a life-saving ventilator, as relying on the oxygen brought about by creating a "Russophobia" is increasingly insufficient. It fears it will expire at any time without being "intubated."

This is not the first time that NATO intended to exploit China. Stoltenberg declared last year that NATO would expand its focus to counter a rising China. As a product of the Cold War, NATO pursued exclusive collective security, engaged in bloc politics and camp rivalry, and now it even reduced to a tool for the US to maintain hegemony. NATO repeatedly mentioned China recently, proving that it is nothing more than a machine for the implementation of the US' global will, which disparages Europe as a whole and runs counter to its pursuit of independence and autonomy, as well as kidnaps Europe's common security.

Serbian football fans at a recent UEFA Europa League match in Belgrade held up banners listing US/NATO interventions in recent decades to countries including Guatemala, Cuba, Vietnam, Congo, Nicaragua, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. It needs to be emphasized here that the Chinese will never forget May 9, 1999, when the US-led NATO brazenly attacked the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia with missiles, resulting in the death of three Chinese journalists and many injuries. NATO still owes a blood debt to the Chinese people!

As long as NATO exists, there will be no day of peace in Europe and in the world. Former CIA director David Petraeus proudly said that the Russia-Ukraine conflict "is to make NATO great again." However, French President Emmanuel Macron said the conflict gave NATO an electric shock. But he refused to withdraw his "brain dead" comment. Granted, an emergency aid may boost NATO's heartbeat for a while, but it will never cure the bloc's severe illness. It would be only daydreaming to seek an elixir of life by manipulating China-related issues.
China should realise that Russia has caused the world order to change and they will be impacted. Countries will no longer rely on countries that could be potential enemies for food, energy and manufacturing
Russia is the test case for West and the China, whoever prevails will dictate the future. If China openly supports Russia than it risk losing it’s markets and it’s economic power which is funding it’s technology and military. On the other hand if China let Russia fall than China will be all alone and they know they are next on the list.
Leaving aside the merits and demerits of the situation, 2.8 bn. out of 7.9 bn. people alive are NOT sanctioning Russia. That's 35%.

I think it is more like 6.8 bn out of 7.9 bn people are NOT sanctioning Russia. That is 86%. Correct me if I'm wrong here but AFAIK no country in Africa and Latin America imposed sanctions against Russia and in Asia only Japan, South Korea and Singapure imposed sanctions.
China is a sovereign state not an instrument of USA! Which is why west is upset with them

China should realise that Russia has caused the world order to change and they will be impacted. Countries will no longer rely on countries that could be potential enemies for food, energy and manufacturing
Feel free to break off any trade with China completely. I am waiting for the west go do it.

Russia is the test case for West and the China, whoever prevails will dictate the future. If China openly supports Russia than it risk losing it’s markets and it’s economic power which is funding it’s technology and military. On the other hand if China let Russia fall than China will be all alone and they know they are next on the list.
The west needs China more than we need west. China as world factory cannot be replaced anytime. The west or any rest of the world can never replicate the efficient and cost control of China.

See the trade volume and that tells u the answer despite the hostility between China and west.
Norway's Jen Stoltenberg was chosen by the US and UK to replace Rusmussen because of his anti-Russia and anti-China stances.

Imagine the former NATO Secretary General Rusmussen was identified then accused by the Hong Kong SAR Government of forging fake invitation document to Hong Kong legislator Ted Hui in order for him to escape to UK in violation of his bail. The Denmark Government confirmed that they did not issued such invitation.

How dishonourable and shameful can Rusmussen the former NATO Secretary General gets?
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NATO are war criminal and world biggest terror organization. This guy and his country is one of the biggest victim. Muslims elites knows what happen in Serbian and up to today, I do not see any Muslim countries angry with Serbia.

It was the Muslim Bosniak and Kosovan funded by NED and their US instructor started terror on serb population, and the serb react to purge terror.

Many ignorant PDF Muslims only read Jews and white man newspaper and dream Muslims are persecuted by Serb.

After scandalizing Serb, NATO support Muslim terrorist and bomb Serbia to the ground, killing many innocent civilians.

I think it is more like 6.8 bn out of 7.9 bn people are NOT sanctioning Russia. That is 86%. Correct me if I'm wrong here but AFAIK no country in Africa and Latin America imposed sanctions against Russia and in Asia only Japan, South Korea and Singapure imposed sanctions.
True, that. Good point!
Do the current US and EU have any ability to enforce the deal?

So what's the point of making a deal with the West? The west has lost the value of even being deceived. The whole west is now a pile of shit thrown into chaos.
Average Indian only earns $437 a month - $15 a day. It is still a developing country and can't afford to have the high moral values that rich countries can afford.
How is related to income of a person or country?
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Yeah this is exactly what happens when when everyone around you disagrees and you have nothing to say, for NATO falsified rhetoric.

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