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Nato massacres dozens of Pakistani soldiers in an unprovoked attack

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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

May Allah grant all Shaheeds Paradise. Ameen.
Raymond Davis killed innocent Pakistanis and got away with it. These NATO bastards killed innocent soldiers who were defending Pakistan and will get away it.
Does this namard hijra government have any balls?

In the future these kuthey kaminey har*mis will keep killing innocent Pakistanis and we will get used to it.
I dont expect PPP ruling government and the Army to do anything about this.

The military said they would take the drones out only if the government's orders them to do it and we know the government is amreeka's slaves.

Imagine if NATO did anything like this in Iran. Iran would strike back but Pakistan rulers are slaves of amreeka.

In today's world, Pakistan needs a lion like Ahmadenijad.
"Innalillahi wa inna illaihi rajioon"

and still u r the lapdog of uncle sam.....
I feel pity on you paks .
If i am not wrong this second or third time NATO done it to Pakistan now Pakistan need to do some thong courageous to revive the moral of its people . Pakistan now should try to ''accidentally'' shoot some NATO helicopter to give them a clear massage that Pakistan cannot tolerate this kind incident any more . if not this kind of killing will continue .
PDF Mods and fellow Pakistani members. Hopefully now you have seen the attitude of the bharti members and how they are taking cheap shots at Pakistan and Pakistanis.
They wont even let this opportunity go to waste. Their true colours came out before on the OBL Raid Thread and once again they have shown their true colours.
pak army should be make mistake of friendly fire and learn them who to make mistake but problem is someone need balls and sorry we don't have .just think what if USA kill 8 irani - turkey - even hizbullah guys ?

now admit it we are bana republic and our whole gov army isi is puppet :tup:

Yes, we are a banana public, let's give up our nukes, disband our Army, our government, & the whole country. I'm glad people like you aren't in charge of Pakistan. Yes, this is a huge setback. Just like the OBL raid was a huge setback. But we need to make sure that the perpetrators of this incident are punished, & we can use this incident to try to gain some leverage.
then go at pak afghan border dont shout here :) RIP TO THE SOLDIERS ..

Enjoying ehh...

Your lecture is not needed, PA knows what to do where. Let me remind you that inside our house(Pakistan) we can criticize any one, Army, ISI etc but this won't be tolerated by outsider.

---------- Post added at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ----------


I dont expect PPP ruling government and the Army to do anything about this.

The military said they would take the drones out only if the government's orders them to do it and we know the government is amreeka's slaves.

Imagine if NATO killed Iran's soldiers. Iran would strike back but Pakistan rulers are slaves of amreeka.

In today's world, Pakistan needs a lion like Ahmadenijad.

Sound impressive Ahmadenijad.

Brother, honestly I tell you. Though I support Imran Khan, it is not going to make differences if Imran Khan elect. The difference is Ahmadenijad lived simple in Iran never goes to UK/US that make him strong guts while Imran Khan enjoyed some of old live in UK luxury.

I fear Imran Khan might be fallen same line.

PDF Mods and fellow Pakistani members. Hopefully now you have seen the attitude of the bharti members and how they are taking cheap shots at Pakistan and Pakistanis.
They wont even let this opportunity go to waste. Their true colours came out during the thread on OBL Raid and they are repeating it again.

Well said. I asked them to dance now. They must dance. They tell us real enemy, however, the real enemy is India' best friend US/NATO.

Yes, we are a banana public, let's give up our nukes, disband our Army, our government, & the whole country. I'm glad people like you aren't in charge of Pakistan. Yes, this is a huge setback. Just like the OBL raid was a huge setback. But we need to make sure that the perpetrators of this incident can be punished, & we can use this incident to try to gain some leverage.

Bilal, you are continuing to defend Pakistan in fake styles. Stop BS claims.

How many times this happened? How many times Pakistan soldiers and innocent people died?

You are soooo Pakistani Hardcore who speak false instead truth because you didn't wish to criticize Pakistan or change it. What can Pakistan do to save soldiers??

Please learn to criticize Pakistan positions, bro.
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