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NATO like organisation of Muslim world

many problems..

tribal thing is the biggest problem
then the kings and presidents wont fit in.. because they only think of themselfes
then the most states are not in control of themselfes they are puppet systems

what do you thing is the way to change all of this? best excample is eqypt the puppet system was crushed down another system was installed but they did not have any power and they lacked on voilence they were to soft.. kinddoms like SA Kuwait and UAE are big players in this region.. and they only think of themselfes so there is nothing you can do..
sissi for example killed thousands of ppl he burned them and let them rot on streat he refused a traditional islamic funenary to the murdered ones he did not lack on being a brutal monster he cleaned up what mursi did not do..

but the only thing wich could be done is a pact of some nations if they would have the will to do it..

example Turkey Azerbaycan Pakistan Indonesia Kazakhistan they could do such a thing if they want to but for this they have to be stable and in control of their own seperatists- so we have a long long way for such a thing

i totally agree., sir
I don't know what is with us Pakistanis about our obsession with this utopian idea of a singular Muslim force??
Knowing what happened in 71 with East Pakistan !
Knowing some of the most hostile people to the Pakistani state are Afghans our Muslim neighbors !
All the wars in the Middle East are between Muslim groups..
fueled by proxy wars btw Muslim states !
If we really want to benefit the Muslim world start with focusing on the 180 million Muslims in Pakistan...
Do what Indonesia is doing !
I don't know what is with us Pakistanis about our obsession with this utopian idea of a singular Muslim force??
Knowing what happened in 71 with East Pakistan !
Knowing some of the most hostile people to the Pakistani state are Afghans our Muslim neighbors !
All the wars in the Middle East are between Muslim groups..
fueled by proxy wars btw Muslim states !
If we really want to benefit the Muslim world start with focusing on the 180 million Muslims in Pakistan...
Do what Indonesia is doing !

I agree sir....um what is Indonesia doing?? kindly inform me..
. .
are u islamic republic??:o:



Article 1: Form of the State

c1. The Turkish state is a Republic.


Article 2: Characteristics of the Republic

c1. The Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state governed by the rule of law; bearing in mind the concepts of public peace, national solidarity and justice; respecting human rights; loyal to the nationalism of Atatürk, and based on the fundamental tenets set forth in the Preamble.
Mid East would have been a much blissful place had Ottomans not sided with Germans and continued to rule the desert savages.

Islam isn't enough to unite the Muslim world, this would never work, not for a second.

sunni and shia are muslims.... deobandi and wahabis are muslims........ i am talking muslims not the sects of muslims...and they will unite when the God wants them to unite...:-)
Until now he has wanted them divided? :o:

Please don't bring God into our failings as human beings. We are petty and tribalistic and this is why your "Islamic NATO" will never come to be. NATO existed to face a common threat (USSR), as thus there were convergent interests, the interests of the Islamic world are so different.
Islam isn't enough to unite the Muslim world, this would never work, not for a second.

Until now he has wanted them divided? :o:

Please don't bring God into our failings as human beings. We are petty and tribalistic and this is why your "Islamic NATO" will never come to be. NATO existed to face a common threat (USSR), as thus there were convergent interests, the interests of the Islamic world are so different.

Simple answer. We cannot understand God..... and sorry i brought that up...
malezia,pakistan,turkey,indonesia presents more realist organization why because
1- these countries are democratic
2-these countries have already close military cooperation
3-these countries have almost same ideology
why the others cant ,you knows it
iran obsessed shias and GCC fallows a kind of pan arabist policy by choosing al sisi
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