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Nationalists and Populists Poised to Dominate European Balloting

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Feb 25, 2014
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The region is entering an election supercycle in which anti-immigrant parties are likely to score substantial gains.

As Europeans assess the fallout from the U.K.’s Brexit referendum, they face a series of elections that could equally shake the political establishment. In the coming 12 months, four of Europe’s five largest economies have votes that will almost certainly mean serious gains for right-wing populists and nationalists. Once seen as fringe groups, France’s National Front, Italy’s Five Star Movement, and the Freedom Party in the Netherlands have attracted legions of followers by tapping discontent over immigration, terrorism, and feeble economic performance. “The Netherlands should again become a country of and for the Dutch people,” says Evert Davelaar, a Freedom Party backer who says immigrants don’t share “Western and Christian values.”

Even Europe’s most powerful politician, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, is under assault. The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has drained support from Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democrats in recent state and local elections, capitalizing on discontent over Germany’s refugee crisis. In Austria the far-right Freedom Party has a shot at winning the presidency in balloting set for Dec. 4, after an election in May that the Freedom Party narrowly lost was annulled because of irregularities in vote counting. The populists are deeply skeptical of European integration, and those in France and the Netherlands want to follow Britain’s lead and quit the European Union. “Political risk in Europe is now far more significant than in the United States,” says Ajay Rajadhyaksha, head of macro research at Barclays.

There’s a second test of populist muscle on Dec. 4, when Italy holds a referendum on constitutional changes proposed by the government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Five Star is the leading opposition to the government’s plan to cut the number of seats in Parliament’s upper chamber and limit its powers, a move Mr Renzi is seeking to speed action on economic reforms. With the prime minister threatening to resign in the event of a “no” vote, growth-enhancing measures such as a corporate tax cut and help for Italy’s fragile banking system could be off the table. “You might end up having a political crisis on top of an economic slowdown and a banking mess,” says Bloomberg Intelligence economist Maxime Sbaihi. “Suddenly, stars could align for the worst.”

Recent polls show the “no” forces narrowly ahead. If they prevail, an interim government would take over until elections could be held, probably in 2017, says Wolfango Piccoli, co-president of Teneo Intelligence, a political advisory firm in London. “The big winner would be the Five Star Movement,” which could increase its 14 percent share of parliamentary seats, he says. Five Star probably wouldn’t gain sufficient backing to form a government but would have enough seats to deny any other party a solid majority.

That scenario underscores what may be the biggest risk of the nationalist groundswell: increasingly fragmented parliaments that will be unable or unwilling to tackle the problems hobbling their economies. True, populist leaders might not have enough clout to enact controversial measures such as the Dutch Freedom Party’s call to close mosques and deport Muslims. And while the Brexit vote in June helped energize Eurosceptics, it’s unlikely that any major European country will soon quit the EU, Morgan Stanley economists wrote in a recent report. But they added that “the protest parties promise to turn back the clock” on free-market reforms while leaving “sclerotic” labour and market regulations in place. France’s National Front, for example, wants to temporarily renationalise banks and increase tariffs while embracing cumbersome labour rules widely blamed for chronic double-digit unemployment. Such policies could damp already weak euro zone growth, forecast by the International Monetary Fund to drop from 2 percent in 2015 to 1.5 percent in 2017. “Politics introduces a downside skew to growth,” the economists said.

Here’s a Rundown on the Upcoming Elections:


Dec. 4 referendum

Prime Minister Renzi wants to curb the power of Parliament’s upper house and has said he’ll resign if there’s a “no” vote. That could plunge the country into crisis, likely leading to an interim government followed by national elections in 2017.

The “no” side is slightly ahead, but at least a quarter of voters remain undecided. Mr Renzi’s base is divided on the referendum, prompting him to offer concessions to appease party members who’ve opposed his plan.


March 2017 general elections

Voters will choose members of the national Parliament, where the Liberal Party holds the most seats and heads a coalition with the Labour Party.

Recent polls show Geert Wilders’s anti-immigrant, Eurosceptic Freedom Party running neck and neck with the Liberals. But even if the Freedom Party gets the most seats, it’s unlikely to find a coalition partner. Improving economic numbers could benefit mainstream parties, and Liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte may shore up his support by boosting spending on health care and security.


April-May presidential elections

Voters will choose a president through a pair of primaries, followed by a first round of voting in April and a runoff in May. Bordeaux Mayor Alain Juppé, a pro-European, business-friendly former prime minister, is the front-runner in a November primary of center-right candidates. The Left has its own primary in January; François Hollande, the deeply unpopular Socialist president, hasn’t said whether he’ll seek reelection. A wild card is Emmanuel Macron, a former economy minister under Mr Hollande who’s created his own political movement but hasn’t said whether he’ll run.

The first round of presidential voting will pit the primary winners against Marine Le Pen, head of the far-right National Front, and candidates from smaller parties. Polls show Ms Le Pen would win as much as 30 percent of the vote in April, enough to advance to a second round. But surveys show she’d lose a runoff to any mainstream candidate. In parliamentary elections in June, the party that wins the presidency is likely to gain enough seats to form a government. Despite Ms Le Pen’s popularity, the National Front holds no seats in the 577-member National Assembly and failed to gain control of any regional governments in elections last year.


September parliamentary elections

Chancellor Merkel faces stiff criticism within her coalition over her handling of the refugee crisis and hasn’t said whether she’ll seek reelection after 11 years in office. With her party convention set for December, she’s expected to signal her intentions soon. Low unemployment, rising wages, and slow-but-steady growth, along with broad support from the business community, would favor a fourth-term bid. Mrs Merkel’s government plans a €6.3 billion ($6.9 billion) income tax cut starting next year.Following its recent state and local successes, the populist AfD could win seats in Parliament for the first time. But other parties would likely band together to deny AfD any power in government. And Mrs Merkel has a 54 percent approval rating—more than most of her European peers—while her CDU-CSU bloc still leads comfortably in opinion polls.

Don't worry, just the the US, Europe will survive the rise of ultra right wing lunatic politics as well. And things will continue the same way. Left has already completely won in Europe. It can not be reversed now. ALL the positions that left had in 1980's already became policies a long time ago.

Bigoted, hate-mongering idiots can achieve some gains...but the long-term outlook of Europe will continue to be a multicultural, diverse, and increasingly immigrant continent with its own native populations aging. Turkeys average age would be in 2100 what French average age is TODAY. Let that sink in...

Arab World might have more people than Europe by the end of this century.
The region is entering an election supercycle in which anti-immigrant parties are likely to score substantial gains.

As Europeans assess the fallout from the U.K.’s Brexit referendum, they face a series of elections that could equally shake the political establishment. In the coming 12 months, four of Europe’s five largest economies have votes that will almost certainly mean serious gains for right-wing populists and nationalists. Once seen as fringe groups, France’s National Front, Italy’s Five Star Movement, and the Freedom Party in the Netherlands have attracted legions of followers by tapping discontent over immigration, terrorism, and feeble economic performance. “The Netherlands should again become a country of and for the Dutch people,” says Evert Davelaar, a Freedom Party backer who says immigrants don’t share “Western and Christian values.”

Even Europe’s most powerful politician, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, is under assault. The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has drained support from Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democrats in recent state and local elections, capitalizing on discontent over Germany’s refugee crisis. In Austria the far-right Freedom Party has a shot at winning the presidency in balloting set for Dec. 4, after an election in May that the Freedom Party narrowly lost was annulled because of irregularities in vote counting. The populists are deeply skeptical of European integration, and those in France and the Netherlands want to follow Britain’s lead and quit the European Union. “Political risk in Europe is now far more significant than in the United States,” says Ajay Rajadhyaksha, head of macro research at Barclays.

There’s a second test of populist muscle on Dec. 4, when Italy holds a referendum on constitutional changes proposed by the government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Five Star is the leading opposition to the government’s plan to cut the number of seats in Parliament’s upper chamber and limit its powers, a move Mr Renzi is seeking to speed action on economic reforms. With the prime minister threatening to resign in the event of a “no” vote, growth-enhancing measures such as a corporate tax cut and help for Italy’s fragile banking system could be off the table. “You might end up having a political crisis on top of an economic slowdown and a banking mess,” says Bloomberg Intelligence economist Maxime Sbaihi. “Suddenly, stars could align for the worst.”

Recent polls show the “no” forces narrowly ahead. If they prevail, an interim government would take over until elections could be held, probably in 2017, says Wolfango Piccoli, co-president of Teneo Intelligence, a political advisory firm in London. “The big winner would be the Five Star Movement,” which could increase its 14 percent share of parliamentary seats, he says. Five Star probably wouldn’t gain sufficient backing to form a government but would have enough seats to deny any other party a solid majority.

That scenario underscores what may be the biggest risk of the nationalist groundswell: increasingly fragmented parliaments that will be unable or unwilling to tackle the problems hobbling their economies. True, populist leaders might not have enough clout to enact controversial measures such as the Dutch Freedom Party’s call to close mosques and deport Muslims. And while the Brexit vote in June helped energize Eurosceptics, it’s unlikely that any major European country will soon quit the EU, Morgan Stanley economists wrote in a recent report. But they added that “the protest parties promise to turn back the clock” on free-market reforms while leaving “sclerotic” labour and market regulations in place. France’s National Front, for example, wants to temporarily renationalise banks and increase tariffs while embracing cumbersome labour rules widely blamed for chronic double-digit unemployment. Such policies could damp already weak euro zone growth, forecast by the International Monetary Fund to drop from 2 percent in 2015 to 1.5 percent in 2017. “Politics introduces a downside skew to growth,” the economists said.

Here’s a Rundown on the Upcoming Elections:


Dec. 4 referendum

Prime Minister Renzi wants to curb the power of Parliament’s upper house and has said he’ll resign if there’s a “no” vote. That could plunge the country into crisis, likely leading to an interim government followed by national elections in 2017.

The “no” side is slightly ahead, but at least a quarter of voters remain undecided. Mr Renzi’s base is divided on the referendum, prompting him to offer concessions to appease party members who’ve opposed his plan.


March 2017 general elections

Voters will choose members of the national Parliament, where the Liberal Party holds the most seats and heads a coalition with the Labour Party.

Recent polls show Geert Wilders’s anti-immigrant, Eurosceptic Freedom Party running neck and neck with the Liberals. But even if the Freedom Party gets the most seats, it’s unlikely to find a coalition partner. Improving economic numbers could benefit mainstream parties, and Liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte may shore up his support by boosting spending on health care and security.


April-May presidential elections

Voters will choose a president through a pair of primaries, followed by a first round of voting in April and a runoff in May. Bordeaux Mayor Alain Juppé, a pro-European, business-friendly former prime minister, is the front-runner in a November primary of center-right candidates. The Left has its own primary in January; François Hollande, the deeply unpopular Socialist president, hasn’t said whether he’ll seek reelection. A wild card is Emmanuel Macron, a former economy minister under Mr Hollande who’s created his own political movement but hasn’t said whether he’ll run.

The first round of presidential voting will pit the primary winners against Marine Le Pen, head of the far-right National Front, and candidates from smaller parties. Polls show Ms Le Pen would win as much as 30 percent of the vote in April, enough to advance to a second round. But surveys show she’d lose a runoff to any mainstream candidate. In parliamentary elections in June, the party that wins the presidency is likely to gain enough seats to form a government. Despite Ms Le Pen’s popularity, the National Front holds no seats in the 577-member National Assembly and failed to gain control of any regional governments in elections last year.


September parliamentary elections

Chancellor Merkel faces stiff criticism within her coalition over her handling of the refugee crisis and hasn’t said whether she’ll seek reelection after 11 years in office. With her party convention set for December, she’s expected to signal her intentions soon. Low unemployment, rising wages, and slow-but-steady growth, along with broad support from the business community, would favor a fourth-term bid. Mrs Merkel’s government plans a €6.3 billion ($6.9 billion) income tax cut starting next year.Following its recent state and local successes, the populist AfD could win seats in Parliament for the first time. But other parties would likely band together to deny AfD any power in government. And Mrs Merkel has a 54 percent approval rating—more than most of her European peers—while her CDU-CSU bloc still leads comfortably in opinion polls.


very good development. In italy FI gains more and more seats and so does in evry other european country. Its time to crush leftist scum. And i´m happy to see them how shocked they are to see all their little goals crushed one by one.
very good development. In italy FI gains more and more seats and so does in evry other european country. Its time to crush leftist scum. And i´m happy to see them how shocked they are to see all their little goals crushed one by one.

I wish you all the best brother. Both India & Italy need to crush the Marxist scum :enjoy:

Don't worry, just the the US, Europe will survive the rise of ultra right wing lunatic politics as well. And things will continue the same way. Left has already completely won in Europe. It can not be reversed now. ALL the positions that left had in 1980's already became policies a long time ago.

Bigoted, hate-mongering idiots can achieve some gains...but the long-term outlook of Europe will continue to be a multicultural, diverse, and increasingly immigrant continent with its own native populations aging. Turkeys average age would be in 2100 what French average age is TODAY. Let that sink in...

Arab World might have more people than Europe by the end of this century.

The Soviets thought the same before they collapsed
I wish you all the best brother. Both India & Italy need to crush the Marxist scum :enjoy:

The Soviets thought the same before they collapsed

In the end goals become irrelevant when they fear for their influence.

Imagine in italy our left are so scared about us rights that they do right wing politics now to get voters back :D

But people say why vote a cheap copy when you can vote Forza Italia
I wish you all the best brother. Both India & Italy need to crush the Marxist scum :enjoy:

The Soviets thought the same before they collapsed


Left/Liberalism are European ideologies and not communism.

Secondly, left has literally won on all fronts...wether it's abortion, women rights, gay rights, workers pay, immigration, globalization, minority rights, media, sex, religion and so on. EVERYTHING in Europe has been won over by the left permanently. Do you seriously believe that Europe will ever go back to its traditional ways and lifestyle with Christianity having major role in the society, gay rights being marginalized, workers being exploited, and women having lesser freedoms? You think is it even possible when ENTIRE electorate has adopted liberal lifestyle as a whole?

Good luck with that. Haha

Left/Liberalism are European ideologies and not communism.

Secondly, left has literally won on all fronts...wether it's abortion, women rights, gay rights, workers pay, immigration, globalization, minority rights, media, sex, religion and so on. EVERYTHING in Europe has been won over by the left permanently. Do you seriously believe that Europe will ever go back to its traditional ways and lifestyle with Christianity having major role in the society, gay rights being marginalized, workers being exploited, and women having lesser freedoms? You think is it even possible when ENTIRE electorate has adopted liberal lifestyle as a whole?

Good luck with that. Haha

yes, since its already happening on all fronts. Numbers of foreigners are shrinking in italy and spain. in eastern europe harsh anti gay and abortion rules reinstalled. the ban of bullfights in katalania rebuffed this week.

globalisation is also finished in europe. CETA failed today. TTIP is failing as well.

Im a young men. I want a good future and i support politics that i believe are right. I trust my future into the hands of the far right
yes, since its already happening on all fronts. Numbers of foreigners are shrinking in italy and spain. in eastern europe harsh anti gay and abortion rules reinstalled. the ban of bullfights in katalania rebuffed this week.

globalisation is also finished in europe. CETA failed today. TTIP is failing as well.

Im a young men. I want a good future and i support politics that i believe are right. I trust my future into the hands of the far right

The Rise of Far-right Europe appears, Can't wait till World War 3 and the Fourth Reich.
yes, since its already happening on all fronts. Numbers of foreigners are shrinking in italy and spain. in eastern europe harsh anti gay and abortion rules reinstalled. the ban of bullfights in katalania rebuffed this week.

globalisation is also finished in europe. CETA failed today. TTIP is failing as well.

Im a young men. I want a good future and i support politics that i believe are right. I trust my future into the hands of the far right

LOL number of immigrants in Italy and Spain would always be lesser than Western Europe because Italy and Spain have shitty economies while U.K., Germany etc provide more opportunity. Anti gay laws? What EU country has introduced strict anti-LGBT laws? Please do tell! Globalization is finished? LOL. Globalization is finished as in it has already conquered Europe and now it's "finished" as in you "finish" a boxing match after knowing out your opponent. Tens of millions of immigrants becoming European citizens, massive manufacturing shift outside Europe by European companies, flood of foreign capital and integrated trade in Europe. What else is there that's left?

You can live in your fantasy world, the ground realities have been changed forever in Europe. Europe has truly become a multicultural, multi religious, and liberal continent with traditional life values and religion completely annihilated across Europe to the point of no return. And younger generation is MORE liberal/irreligious than the older generations. Which means, your vision of bigoted existence has no place in Europes future.

Political pendulum keeps on swinging..from right to left, left to right...but massive cultural shifts happen over centuries! And current culture of Europe can't be changed overnight.
LOL number of immigrants in Italy and Spain would always be lesser than Western Europe because Italy and Spain have shitty economies while U.K., Germany etc provide more opportunity. Anti gay laws? What EU country has introduced strict anti-LGBT laws? Please do tell! Globalization is finished? LOL. Globalization is finished as in it has already conquered Europe and now it's "finished" as in you "finish" a boxing match after knowing out your opponent. Tens of millions of immigrants becoming European citizens, massive manufacturing shift outside Europe by European companies, flood of foreign capital and integrated trade in Europe. What else is there that's left?

You can live in your fantasy world, the ground realities have been changed forever in Europe. Europe has truly become a multicultural, multi religious, and liberal continent with traditional life values and religion completely annihilated across Europe to the point of no return. And younger generation is MORE liberal/irreligious than the older generations. Which means, your vision of bigoted existence has no place in Europes future.

Political pendulum keeps on swinging..from right to left, left to right...but massive cultural shifts happen over centuries! And current culture of Europe can't be changed overnight.

We once had more foreigners in europe. Isabella reduced them to zero in a 5 year time span.

Usually political changes in europe happen over night. Spain shifted from communist to facism in one week. Same happened in italy. Our far left five star movement is anti migrant and rampant racist.
I´m pretty irreligious as most of my age. I dont believe in christian values like mercy and compassion or bullshit like this.

We talked this often enough. You know nothing about Europe nor about history or life values. This is about power. Nobody wants to move back. A new facist system isnt based on religion. Its based on power. Similar to Rome. And minorities are important for that. You need a scapegoat that you slaughter infront the masses.

Rome was very liberal in many ways.

You dont know what my "vision" looks like and you lack the education to grasp it. Read Machiavelli.

In italian cities we banned foreign restaurants because the smell is unitalian. Italy moves more and more into the direction i want it. We have extreme deportation laws that removes entire families. Gypsie camps are crashed down with bulldozers while their inhabitats are pushed into busses and driven in foreign nations they never saw before.

We see eritrean youths gagged and beaten in parking lots and judged in speed trials, send to sudan.

I´m happy about the developments. I told you i´m in youth group of Forza Italia. I can have a good carrier for my life and serve my nation. We went from 5% to 32% in last two years. We call this era "post factism".

Facts dont matter anymore. Numbers of imigrants and muslims in italy are actually shrinking. We never had a terrorist attack. Our economy rebounded and the situation gets better. But it doesnt matter, because facts dont matter. We just shout enough and mobilize the masses and gain power.

You never were in italy, dont understand our concepts and politics at all so its sensless anyways.
Nobody takes your rants and self masturbation seriously! And nobody gives a shit about Italy because its powerless, irrelevant, and small. France, UK, and Germany is what matters in Europe. Not debt ridden, small Italy or almost bankrupt Spain.

And LOL @ you for even trying to compare your pathetic self to me when it comes to education. Machiavelli's The Prince was a side reading for many of my classes during my studies in International Relations. However, that's the difference between me and you. You probably read one booklet and feel that you know what you are talking about :lol: You have no grasp on the current, extremely complex International system with interwoven economics and military interests of various world powers. If Italy does indeed becomes fascist for power and tries to do something stupid, we will rape you via our military the same way we did back in 1945. You can live in your dreams, nobody cares.

Come back to me when status quo in Europe changes and ultra right wing parties take over major countries. Till then, your rants are just that...hallow rants of a loner who lacks the social skills to have any meaningful friends and relationships in his life--and lashes out on the internet instead.

Truth be told,you're the irational in here.First of all,Italy matters more than everything that has an islamic stamp on this planet,besides Saudi Arabia who has a special place not because of the supposed holy places but its oil.You have the fancy dream that numbers matter but in a world destined for mechanization they don't.Countries like Pakistan are just breeding illiterates which can't be sustained economically,a horde of loosers who are more of a burden on this planet than a gain,and like Pakistan,the so called islamic world follows suit.This creates an illusion of power in your mind but,as I've said before,al this is allowed ONLY to create such an image of fear in the mind of the average European so that he will surrender his ideea of a democratic state to all a powerful leader .And,when that will happen,you will regret the day you allowed yourself and your illiterate brethren to play the role of the pawn.And,no,the US won't save you.
Truth be told,you're the irational in here.First of all,Italy matters more than everything that has an islamic stamp on this planet,besides Saudi Arabia who has a special place not because of the supposed holy places but its oil.You have the fancy dream that numbers matter but in a world destined for mechanization they don't.Countries like Pakistan are just breeding illiterates which can't be sustained economically,a horde of loosers who are more of a burden on this planet than a gain,and like Pakistan,the so called islamic world follows suit.This creates an illusion of power in your mind but,as I've said before,al this is allowed ONLY to create such an image of fear in the mind of the average European so that he will surrender his ideea of a democratic state to all a powerful leader .And,when that will happen,you will regret the day you allowed yourself and your illiterate brethren to play the role of the pawn.And,no,the US won't save you.


Sure punny, irrelevant, debt ridden Italy with tiny boy military is more powerful than Turkey or nuclear-ballistic missile power Pakistan.

You are a Romanian and your reason of popularity in the world is cheap but beautiful whores that your country provides the rest of the world with. And I'm glad for that.

But your guys dream are just dreams. You can't do shit in your own continent, let alone outside it. Europe will be increasingly diverse, and increasingly liberal/irreligious in terms of culture. You can bitch about little twats online, but that wouldn't matter. Would it?

It's funny to see your desperation when you know you can't stop the inevitable.

Numbers don't matter if we are talking about explosive growth due to poverty and complete backwardness such as numbers growth in sub Saharan Africa. However, Muslim World is no sub Saharan Africa. Islamic World is a global civilization spread across continents and holds tremendous cultural, political, military, and economic power. Sure, not the most powerful civilization as it remained before for almost a thousand years but still, extremely powerful.

And what was it again? Illiterates? :lol:

A small country from Muslim world..Malaysia's high tech exports are TWICE the size of your Italy's...and GCC alone holds more in "foreign assets" alone than ENTIRE GDP of Italy...so what was it again about irrelevant Italy mattering more or something? :rofl::rofl:

Indonesia's economy is projected to be world's fourth largest in terms of purchasing power by 2050. To put it in perspective, by 2050-60, Indonesian economy would be larger than U.K.-France-Spain COMBINED just in 30 years or so :azn:

But yeah, for a Romanian who's country is the whore house of the world, and who's continent is dying with depopulation and old age...numbers surely don't matter :)
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Sure punny, irrelevant, debt ridden Italy with tiny boy military is more powerful than Turkey or nuclear-ballistic missile power Pakistan.

You are a Romanian and your reason of popularity in the world is cheap but beautiful whores that your country provides the rest of the world with. And I'm glad for that.

But your guys dream are just dreams. You can't do shit in your own continent, let alone outside it. Europe will be increasingly diverse, and increasingly liberal/irreligious in terms of culture. You can bitch about little twats online, but that wouldn't matter. Would it?

It's funny to see your desperation when you know you can't stop the inevitable.

Numbers don't matter if we are talking about explosive growth due to poverty and complete backwardness such as numbers growth in sub Saharan Africa. However, Muslim World is no sub Saharan Africa. Islamic World is a global civilization spread across continents and holds tremendous cultural, political, military, and economic power. Sure, not the most powerful civilization as it remained before for almost a thousand years but still, extremely powerful.

And what was it again? Illiterates? :lol:

A small country from Muslim world..Malaysia's high tech exports are TWICE the size of your Italy's...and GCC alone holds more in "foreign assets" alone than ENTIRE GDP of Italy...so what was it again about irrelevant Italy mattering more or something? :rofl::rofl:

Indonesia's economy is projected to be world's fourth largest in terms of purchasing power by 2050. To put it in perspective, by 2050-60, Indonesian economy would be larger than U.K.-France-Spain COMBINED just in 30 years or so :azn:

But yeah, for a Romanian who's country is the whore house of the world, and who's continent is dying with depopulation and old age...numbers surely don't matter :)

Rich coming from a guy whose country is known only for producing terrorism and child rape .:lol:

Despite your rants,you don't matter,nobody sits with you at any table,you're isolated and considered a 3rd world black hole and to make up for you inferiority complex you find comfort in these rants.It's no use educating you like I did many times so I'll leave you believe that a nation of illiterates,who,btw,has a budget (aka money in the country's pockets) 40% SMALLER than tiny Romania but has to feed 9x times the people, is considered of any value on the world stage.

Sure punny, irrelevant, debt ridden Italy with tiny boy military is more powerful than Turkey or nuclear-ballistic missile power Pakistan.

You are a Romanian and your reason of popularity in the world is cheap but beautiful whores that your country provides the rest of the world with. And I'm glad for that.

But your guys dream are just dreams. You can't do shit in your own continent, let alone outside it. Europe will be increasingly diverse, and increasingly liberal/irreligious in terms of culture. You can bitch about little twats online, but that wouldn't matter. Would it?

It's funny to see your desperation when you know you can't stop the inevitable.

Numbers don't matter if we are talking about explosive growth due to poverty and complete backwardness such as numbers growth in sub Saharan Africa. However, Muslim World is no sub Saharan Africa. Islamic World is a global civilization spread across continents and holds tremendous cultural, political, military, and economic power. Sure, not the most powerful civilization as it remained before for almost a thousand years but still, extremely powerful.

And what was it again? Illiterates? :lol:

A small country from Muslim world..Malaysia's high tech exports are TWICE the size of your Italy's...and GCC alone holds more in "foreign assets" alone than ENTIRE GDP of Italy...so what was it again about irrelevant Italy mattering more or something? :rofl::rofl:

Indonesia's economy is projected to be world's fourth largest in terms of purchasing power by 2050. To put it in perspective, by 2050-60, Indonesian economy would be larger than U.K.-France-Spain COMBINED just in 30 years or so :azn:

But yeah, for a Romanian who's country is the whore house of the world, and who's continent is dying with depopulation and old age...numbers surely don't matter :)

You do know that Italy is a technological powerhouse
Why are all the European far rights so pro-Russian?
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