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National security: Military leadership rejects US allegations


Aug 15, 2009
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I was watching news on GEO and PM also FM had a warning to USA dont cross limits and dont test us!!!

Now even ppl like PM stands up and tells american to go and f*** ur self.
lets see i think kiyani told them daat jao lolz

Lmao I remember when Karzai during elections told the Americans that he would join the taliban if the voting process wasn't going to be fair. They immediately started to re-think their strategy.
ARY has been running news and special programs all day. I really liked one program where retired general Aslam Baig was invited and a very interesting discussion ensued. Briefly stating what he said, he mentioned this as close to war as you'll get. Limited scale opp in NWA could spread into a full fledged war. America scapegoating Pak for its failures in Afgh. Disappointed in Kiyani's reaction. Asked for mobilization of the armed forces. Angry at treatment of gen. Pasha in USA where he was told to go back the same day he arrived, without any rest, to deliver American message. And a lot more. He appeared on swaal Yeh hai.
I dont want my nation to support any kind of terror groups i dont care who and what etc. But they way Americans are acting to blame us for there failurs get me angry. I hope my goverment stand up against these criminals. I realy realy hope no war with any country and killing of ppl by any nation in any nation when every one can live in peace and just live on what we have not steal like Americans doing !!!

Now back to Pakistan vs America. Pakistan isnt some one America can push arroud every thing has there limits. If America is silly and try some thing which a afraid they will it will drag in hole region. Iranies and Chinees will help Pakistan and America will die like lonley dog. India will be stupid if they join America. This american step can start world war 3 since so many countries will be hurt !!!!
dont you guys think the murder of Rabani, didnt get the importance it deserved in this all of a sudden hype?
Another new paper has posted a news today that senior chines official came to Pakistan today and will give some important message to top military and political personalities regarding the latest US threats to Pakistan..........
National security: Military leadership rejects US allegations
By AFP / Express
Published: September 25, 2011
RAWALPINDI: Pakistan’s military leadership on Sunday unanimously rejected the allegations leveled against Pakistani security institutions by the United States.
The six hour long emergency Corps Commanders meeting chaired by Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani concluded in Rawalpindi on Sunday. Sources said no formal declaration of the meeting will be issued.
Chairman joint chiefs of staff committee (CJCSC) General Khalid Shamim Wynne expressed concern over the recent statements made by the US, and said that Pak-US relations need to be improved.
Sources said the military top brass decided that every decision is to be taken in Pakistan’s interest and that attacks from Afghanistan on the Pak-Afghan border will not be tolerated in the future.
An emergency meeting of Corps Commanders was called by General Kayani in the wake of the prevailing security situation and tension in relations with the United States.
An Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement said the meeting was being chaired by Kayani. Issues regarding national security are on top of the agenda.
All corps commanders and principle staff officers attended the meeting.
According to sources, recent allegations leveled by US military chief Mike Mullen that Pakistan has links with the Haqqani network will also be discussed.
The Pakistan Army has denied accusations by senior US officials that Pakistan’s intelligence service supports the Haqqani network, saying it is based in Afghanistan.
However, spokesman for the ISPR Major General Athar Abbas did acknowledge that the ISI had contacts with the Haqqanis.
He told CNN that any intelligence agency prefers keeping contacts with opposition groups and terrorist organizations for some sort of positive outcome.
He stressed that this does not mean the ISI supports or endorses the organization.
Abbas also added that Pakistan is not the only country which maintains contacts with the Haqqanis.
He also expressed his shock at Mullen’s assertion that Pakistan was complicit in recent attacks against the US Embassy in Kabul.
In an earlier statement, Kayani termed the comments by Mullen as ‘unfortunate’, and ‘not based on facts’.
(Read: Volley heats up: ISI targeted in bitter Mullen tirade)
In the first official reaction to the slew of public statements made by various levels of the US administration against the ISI and suspected links between the Haqqani network and the Pakistan establishment, Kayani said that he had held a constructive meeting with Admiral Mullen in Spain last week.
He termed the statements following that meeting as very disturbing.
On the question of contacts with Haqqani network, Kayani said that Admiral Mullen knows well which countries are in contact with the Haqqanis. Singling out Pakistan as the chief protagonist is neither fair nor productive, he said.
‘Self-defeating blame game’
Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday rejected US allegations linking Islamabad with the Haqqani terror network, saying the “blame game is self-defeating”.
Gilani said such accusations would only benefit the militants, and added that they showed US policy in Afghanistan was in “disarray”.
“We strongly reject assertions of complicity with the Haqqanis or of proxy war,” he said in a policy statement issued by his office amid a growing rift with the United States.
“Blame game is self-defeating… It will only benefit the enemies of peace. Only terrorists and militants will gain from any fissures and divisions.”
The White House demanded Friday that Pakistan “break any link they have” with the Haqqanis, the al Qaeda-linked Taliban faction blamed for the recent attack on the US embassy in Kabul.
A day earlier top US military officer Admiral Mike Mullen directly accused Pakistan’s intelligence service of supporting the network’s attack on the embassy and a truck bombing on a NATO outpost.
“The allegations betray a confusion and policy disarray within the US establishment on the way forward in Afghanistan,” Gilani said.
National security: Military leadership rejects US allegations – The Express Tribune
Haqqanis are inside Afghanistan, 90% of Afghanistan is in the hands of ANR - Afghan National Resistance. Why is Pakistan responsible for the failures of US military inside Afghanistan. Either Afghanistan is under ISAF control or it is as I said in the hands of The Afghan National Resistance. The Haqqanis are just ine faction, there are many others all against American Occupation. Sure Haqqanis and ISI have a close relationship but the CIA created Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son who were welcomed as heroes by Ronald Reagan after the Soviet War. The Only people then who called the Haqqanis terrorists are the same people blurring the Afghanistan End Game - those supporting the division of Afghanistan on ethnic lines by this I mean The Indians with their agent Mr Blackwill.

There is no proof the Haqqanis bombed the embassy this is America thrusting its failures onto Pakistan. Pakistan can easily accuse America for harbouring terrorists who launch attacks inside Pakistan on mosques, schools, police stations, shopping bazaars - anywhere. Pakistani Army have chased the Tereek-e-Taliban out of Pakistan funded by India and USA the 3000 strong Afghan death squad as mentioned by Bob Woodward in his book on Obama. The TTP coined by Indians as Pakistani Taliban to make an association with Afghan Taliban are neither Taliban no Pakistani and regularly launch attacks from within Afghanistan supported via Indian consulates under an American Umbrella.

Why does ISAF not stop these terrorists entering into Pakistan? why!!!

If America alienates Pakistan a powerful country in the region with many friendly neighbours hostile to America in their back yard including Russia ironically a key ally but also China, Iran and Turkiye amongst others. Remember 20 years ago The Soviets were economically, politically and strategically in the same boat as America and it was Pakistani professional soldiers fighting amongst their cousins inside Afghanistan that brought down The Soviets. The first piece of rock that came down in the Berlin Wall was given to Pakistan ISI Chief with a placard reading "To the one who made the first blow" in bringing down the Berlin wall. America held the Soviets back for many decades thanks to Pakistan but this does not mean Pakistan today can allow its sovereignty trampelled on, become the typical US sanctioned whipping boy for its failures. More importantly the very nation supporting the Soviets against USA i.e. India is today a strategic ally for America to fight China - Pakistans most loyal friend. Pakistan and neither will Pakthuns allow India any foothold inside Afghanistan. Peace in Afghanistan has to come through Pakistan and not through unsubstantiated verbal veiled threats.

Losing Pakistan means a horirble end to America inside Afghanistan as all NATO routes will be closed BUT extending the war into Pakistan will mean further repercussions for US strategic interest and economic interest across the region, Middle East and N and East Africa as well as Asia Pacific. Pakistanis as did Afghans loved America, no place was so pro America and welcoming as Pakistan to America. Thanks to Bush and Cheney and their mess they have lost all that strategic influence and risk economic meltdown by extending their war into an innocent Pakistan. 33,000 Pakistanis have lost their lives to terror emanating from within Afghanistan unchecked as terrorists enter into Pakistan. How much more can Pakistanis take or for how long do you expect them to stay quiet, instead of recognising thier sacrifice and courage you humiliate them. Let us hope that these two desperate failed American Military commanders Panetta and Mullen are not supported by those in Washington and that the White House may offer some rationality. If not, a war extended into Pakistan will have greater consequences and such a conflict is not in the interest of America or American soldiers but only serve the interests of India. India is hostile to all it's neighbours each and every one because it (India) occupies land belonging to them and sent terror into its neighbours to maintain her occupation and since the American occupation in Afghanistan through American assistance India and INdian RAW has become very assertive. This is the wrong course for America and the wrong policy to divide Afghanistan along ethnic lands (The Indian Plan) maintain a prolonged presence inside Afghanistan and attack Pakistan the strongest ally of China. Those pushing for this are pursuing an Indian agenda that will not bring closure to Afghanistan but escalation which will lead to the inevitable "quick" demise of America similarly as we saw with the Soviets. Just as in that era the first blow came from Pakistani retaliation.

I hope sanity prevails and the doves in Washington prevail and those signed up to an Indian agenda and hawkish (Israeli Neocon) mantra are silenced.
well, our media is really get this into mass hysteria. The media is saying as if the US is now coming , and it is not a matter of when, but a matter of when. But i think this is wrong. Diplomatic pressure, Embargoes, sanctions might come, but US boots in the ground is a no no. A little incursions for about a 5 mile area might come, on the border zonez, but definitely not a invasion, not until the pullout from Afghanistan.
We have legitimate national security interests in Afghan - these will not be sacrificed for a superpower on the decline, who needs to blame someone for the loss of the war. 2014 as the date for US withdrawal was acknowledgement of defeat.
Well,one could have hardly expected them to admit it.

After Abbotabad it is hard to accept any denials from the ISI/ PA.

The point about 'others' also being in contact is a schoolboyish response.

Exactly the same happens when India accuses Pakistan for militancy in its backyard. For your very kind information US knows very well who else is in contact with Haqqanis, even Indians know it. When something is not rocket science at this level then certainly it becomes so called "school-boyish" response.

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