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Nation’s defense will ‘buy Turkish,’ top official says


Apr 23, 2009
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United Kingdom
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the big-winner of Sunday’s parliamentary elections, says the country will incerase the share national production in defense industry. ‘Tt is an established policy’ agrees a top defense industry official.

Sunday’s re-election of the incumbent Justice and Development Party, or AKP, effectively means that the country’s procurement requirements will be met by local manufacturers “whenever and wherever possible” for the foreseeable future, according to analysts.

“It is an established policy to go as Turkish as possible,” Murad Bayar, Turkey’s top procurement official and chief of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, or SSM, recently said. “In the years ahead, we will increasingly see locally designed and developed weapons systems which we had traditionally imported in the past.”

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s AKP won just under 50 percent of the vote in the parliamentary elections, garnering 326 deputies in the 550-seat assembly. Its nearest contender, the center-left Republican People’s Party, or CHP, won only 26 percent of the national vote.

In 2002, Turkey was mostly a buyer of defense equipment and systems, but is has transformed under successive AKP administrations into a manufacturer or co-manufacturer of most of its military requirements.

Erdoğan has said the country’s local industry now meets more than half of its procurement needs, and the prime minister has vowed to boost that percentage significantly in the next few years. Analysts say the AKP’s re-election means that the party’s ambitious goals regarding procurement and local content will remain in place in the years ahead. “These policies have been in the making for several years, but the AKP’s overwhelming election victory makes them increasingly relevant,” said one foreign Turkey specialist.

Complex weapon systems

Over the next 15 years, Turkey plans to design, develop and manufacture its own main battle tanks, unmanned aerial vehicles, military satellites, trainer aircraft and helicopters. It also aims to manufacture with foreign partners fighter aircraft and submarines.

Turkey’s procurement policy requires foreign bidders to transfer technology to and share manufacturing work with local companies as much as possible.

“Foreign companies willing to work with us should be prepared to share work and technology with local manufacturers at a maximum level. We have a dynamic, thriving local industry whose capabilities have increased at a great pace in recent years,” said Bayar.

In addition, the Turkish government plans to establish technology and research and development centers in order to bolster the local industry. The first plan involves the Ankara-based powerhouse Turkish Aerospace Industries, or TAI, which has already pushed the button to build a $100 million Satellite Assembly, Integration and Test Center, according to defense industry officials. The second investment plan is for the building of a Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems center in Gölbaşı, near Ankara. The center will be built and operated by Aselsan, Turkey’s biggest defense company and a military electronics specialist.

Nation’s defense will ‘buy Turkish,’ top official says - Hurriyet Daily News
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