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I dont know about your situation so I cant tell about your relations. How much of the relation was real and how much virtual. Secondly If the relation was real, then he/she should check with you before believing others, so primary fault lies there.

And I am more egoist than you, I explain myself only once if I sense misunderstanding, but never force myself on others.
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@Alpha1, how is this for your avatar

free desktop strippers?
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@hinduguy I will just say 1 thing!
funny things happens when egos invade relations!
don't worry I will make sure concerned people get a piece of my mind!! :cheers:
i would leave this topic for now!
do you have muslim friend around you, that celebrated Eid?
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@hinduguy I will just say 1 thing!
funny things happens when egos invade relations!

do you have muslim friend around you, that celebrated Eid?

I will still suggest you dont do it.. mods have been incredibly generous to you... dont disappoint them at least.

Yeah, I got some muslim friends... they invited me to their dinner party... my job was only to eat.. lolz.
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@hinduguy It is waayyy beyond internet rules now! :rofl: but it's ok I am still hoping for a peaceful resolution! :cheers:
So what did you eat?
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@hinduguy It is waayyy beyond internet rules now! :rofl: but it's ok I am still hoping for a peaceful resolution! :cheers:
So what did you eat?
learn to let go of things mate... the more you try to explain yourself, the more messy it will become.
I ate biryani.. mostly...

did you watch any movie recently?
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: شہباز شریف میرے پسندیدہ ایکٹر ہیں: اداکارہ ریشم"


this is the worst pickup line, lakin it will still work :rolleyes:
@Secur How goes life?

This is turning out to be a major month in every way- from ceasefire violations to the Arihant's reactor going critical (last night) to the Vikrant's launch (coming Monday) to the GSLV launch- hopefully the last one (with the most risk associated to it and still pending as such) will be a success. Now don't be naughty and cross your fingers for our success. :)
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