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@Anubis Believe it or not, i understand where they are coming from.

South India was wrapped in Anti Brahmanist, Atheistic politics for a long time

An example is this guy Periyar E. V. Ramasamy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@Anubis, how do you know I get those comments. Experience?
Hehe....I come to PDF a lot...but I don't post much...I've seen posters commenting on you being a Nair..
As for Atheism....most atheist governments/regimes were communist and repressive ones....so whenever atheism and politics comes to discussion people always point towards communist...as for this guy he was ultra-nationalist and I understand why Brahmins won't like him!
Hehe....I come to PDF a lot...but I don't post much...I've seen posters commenting on you being a Nair..
As for Atheism....most atheist governments/regimes were communist and repressive ones....so whenever atheism and politics comes to discussion people always point towards communist...as for this guy he was ultra-nationalist and I understand why Brahmins won't like him!

Don't get me wrong, I am proud of my community. It is after all one of the few matriarchal systems that existed. But this straitjacketing of views is what I don't appreciate.

@Anubis. Just because I belong to this community, People think that I hold this view, or I suck upto westerners /rant.
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