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@Hyperion and dillenger cuddling up together in Istanbul!



Hyperion wants to give you his doner Kebab.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ONLY if he's carrying a waddle of Kleenex with him. But it needs to be a Ménage à trois. I am sure @Hyperion wouldn't mind, he can give you a gentle ride too.:lol:
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Pen****, 50% warhead to inn goron kee tarraf lob karnay chahyen....... at least they won't be abusing curry after that :angry:

That is NOT curry.. first... The true curry consists of badas(vadas) in gravy. However, the Brits decided to call anything with gravy and turmeric powder in it curry. Our BBCDs let them have this trend by feeding them with tasteless/bland yellowish brown liquid that just smells and called it curry.
That is NOT curry.. first... The true curry consists of badas(vadas) in gravy. However, the Brits decided to call anything with gravy and turmeric powder in it curry. Our BBCDs let them have this trend by feeding them with tasteless/bland yellowish brown liquid that just smells and called it curry.

I had asked Hype a question, was wondering on your take on it. What do you think caused the read-outs to show a yield of 30-35 kt in the Shakti-1 test during Pokhran-2 rather than the 40-45kt expected yield?
@Armstrong..... details please.

Apparently he left due to people calling him or painting an image of him as an anti-establishment pukhtoon & that he feared for his safety - Could be true....could be hogwash - I dunno ! :coffee:
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Nahin nahin..... the sort "I went to better school than you"...... moron....... :D

Harvardian toh nahi, saare ke saare nak chade hotein hain. Mom had this dream of me studying in Harvard, so every time she would lecture there she'd buy me one of their tees. Day before I was coming back from my panwadi and this middle aged lady accosts me- pretentious, accent and branded- starts fawning about us fellow Harvardians, her inference regarding me being part of that "us" was made on the basis of the tee I was wearing. Coz no one can buy a tee with their crest and name on it, rght? :laughcry:
Yara, all of their food are so damn bland...... though I enjoy all the pastries, they've got them nailed........... :D

That is NOT curry.. first... The true curry consists of badas(vadas) in gravy. However, the Brits decided to call anything with gravy and turmeric powder in it curry. Our BBCDs let them have this trend by feeding them with tasteless/bland yellowish brown liquid that just smells and called it curry.

I hate wearing anything with a logo on it. I wear plain T's. Stay away from brands as well.

Harvardian toh nahi, saare ke saare nak chade hotein hain. Mom had this dream of me studying in Harvard, so every time she would lecture there she'd buy me one of their tees. Day before I was coming back from my panwadi and this middle aged lady accosts me- pretentious, accent and branded- starts fawning about us fellow Harvardians, her inference regarding me being part of that "us" was made on the basis of the tee I was wearing. Coz no one can buy a tee with their crest and name on it, rght? :laughcry:
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