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Georgia right? I was about to say here in NYC Pakistani community is pretty tight so there is enough culture to go around, perhaps too much imo.

Yeah it sucks here...only Desis are Nepali refugees....very few of them own businesses let alone Pizza stores.....Pakistanis and Bangladeshis mostly live in the suburbs and are scattered....Only thing they make are mosques and almost half of them own Subways....no restaurants!
Yeah it sucks here...only Desis are Nepali refugees....very few of them own businesses let alone Pizza stores.....Pakistanis and Bangladeshis mostly live in the suburbs and are scattered....Only thing they make are mosques and almost half of them own Subways....no restaurants!

You got halal subways over there? :woot: I wish there were some halal subways round here.

Please let me have some different flags for a while. Everyone knows me already, so it won't make any difference, I believe. Flags give constraints in neutral and free posting. Many times, it compromises honesty while posting. While exchanging views with others, one has to pretend what he is not. It is as if one's own self loses the sense of individualism.

Hope you understand my point.

However, if you think I am wrong, let me know, I will abide by your decision.

They never understood me, I wanted to bash India, Pakistan and Bangladesh being a Island dweller with the flag of Norfolk Island.
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They never understood me, I wanted to bash India, Pakistan and Bangladesh being a Island dweller with the flag of Norfolk Island.

he he.. you are the one who resisted till the end.. and I forced you... :lol:
@Hyperion welcome back someone was missing you more than your empress :)
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