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fyi i was a communist when i was in 6th grade

@Alpha1 honestly speaking I do not really know what these words mean....they dont seem to portray what they stand for...

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This Naswar s*** here is strong guys.. it was around 290 pages I last visited a day or two back.. :drag:
No off topic posts from my side now.
There have been lots of complains so, here's my on topic now.

About Naswar, @Hyperion Hazrat Moulana....:D How does that mixture taste?

(i know it's a lame question) Who better than you can tell about it.I know you are a pathan and their is no surprise in the waiting for us.:)

An elaborative response will show appreciation from the emperor to the department of health and biological warfare.:)
@Secur, you too dear.Please share what do you know about this Medicine called Naswar.:partay: Thanks!
No wiki,All life experiences and stuff.....

To keep it a bit interesting let me share ,one of my seniors once mentioned that he had seen a pathan patient who had taken Naswar from the wrong end.(if you know what i mean)....
The patient told that on day-1 ,it caused a lot of irritation.But he kind of kept quite to not show any sign of misery.
The second day he did that again (according to some schedule he had made for himself).....It started burning like hell after sometime.....
He quickly discarded any future plans and went to a local Hakeem ....but this thing soon started bleeding.The poop used to bring along Blood,pain etc.So, he decided to get some professional help.He came to an ER with the above mentioned complaint.He was managed well and survived.End.
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Me thinks too- :azn:-
Look at the sun shine, it is coming from left side and time is around asar i guess, so if one is closer than we would have seen some light on 2nd, but there is no light but shadow only. If you look through windows on 2nd building, you can see sun light on he other side.......:Dt
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