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BD mat leyana , Thats my country :angry:
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@Hyperion The one thing I took to heart from my classes was that for the love of all that's holy, do not kick above the waist level- even the best of em' get their center of gravity destabilized- if your opponent is skilled- and one should always assume that he is- he will parry, close the distance and break your damn true ribs with a sweet hook or uppercut.

Never take the fight to the ground- learn ground work but only so that if you're forced off your feet you can still control the situation and get back to vertical. Don't voluntarily get off your feet- if there are other combatants they'll just stomp your face in as your busy trying to apply your fancy kimura lock. Keep it simple, effective, dictate momentum- keep it short, such encounters should not be drawn out- every one more second you fight is another second you can take injury in. Cause structural damage don't aim for compliance through pain. :enjoy:

Holds good every time. EVERY TIME!
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Yara, I am for optimization in everything.... to the point..... short..... and unforgiving.... From my experience, I've come to realize that people don't change..they simply can't... so I look at everything with just two possibilities.... a) Can he / she / they be managed? b) How to get rid of them?.... there is no third option, in business or life.... never enter into a protracted conversation/argument/contract with any individual or company. There is absolutely no need of it.

@Hyperion The one thing I took to heart from my classes was that for the love of all that's holy, do not kick above the waist level- even the best of em' get their center of gravity destabilized- if your opponent is skilled- and one should always assume that he is- he will parry, close the distance and break your damn short ribs with a sweet hook or uppercut.

Never take the fight to the ground- learn ground work bur only so that if you're forced off your feet you can still control the situation and get back to vertical. Don't voluntarily get off your feet- if there are other combatants they'll just stomp your face in as your busy trying to apply your fancy kimura lock. Keep it simple, effective, dictate momentum- keep it short, such encounters should not be drawn out- every one more second you fight is another second you can take injury in. Cause structural damage don't aim for compliance through pain. :enjoy:

Holds good every time. EVERY TIME!
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Yara, I am for optimization in everything.... to the point..... short..... and unforgiving.... From my experience, I've come to realize that people don't change..they simply can't... so I look at everything with just two possibilities.... a) Can he / she / they be managed? b) How to get rid of them?.... there is no third option, in business or life.... never enter into a protracted conversation/argument/contract with any individual or company. There is absolutely no need of it.

Obviously people don't change..they can pretend to change if they see any profit accruing from such a pretension- but that too only if they are moderately intelligent and the operative word here is "pretend".

Don't believe that people change, never seen it happen.
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