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You called me indecent & not nice - Because of that hurtful comment & I cried myself to sleep yesterday night while hugging my teddy bear & sucking my thumb as tears poured down my cheeks ! :cray:

haha i dint call u dat! liar liar pants on fire!:sick:

Armstrong u shud hav gone in da field of actin,theatre...u r u damn gud in it! :P

mamba he is lyin,i dint say anythin to him lol
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haha i dint call u dat! liar liar pants on fire!:sick:

Armstrong u shud hav gone in da field of actin,theatre...u r u damn gud in it! :P

mamba he is lyin,i dint say anythin to him lol

You said too ! :angry:

When I asked why you'd call the other two as your brothers & not me - You said that they were decent & nice ! And then I said I was decent & nice & you replied that I wasn't always ! That hurt me....! :cray:
@Armstrong chill!


im sure ur juz jokin n not really angry wid me!:girl_wacko:
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