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Naswar Corner

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Pinky, rest of us can add 1+1. I know from day one that you are Aero's friend, and he is the one who invited you to this forum. He has not been to England recently, therefore, you're the one in aussie land! :azn:

I knew you were always the genius one...But Oz isn't in Europe :P
I stopped reading after that. Let me get it right... You love women from D I S T A N C E...

Dude, you need to clear that vague statement, else, uncle Hyperion will have a heart attack! :hitwall:

Meaning they're 'lovely' creatures perhaps God's finest handiwork but thats just about it I've got a subconscious characterization of what a perfect woman would be & no one that I've ever met in real life ever comes close to it ! And no for me beauty of the face, intellect of the mind or confidence in the work-place aren't worth a wooden nickle when compared with that inexplicable feeling deep down inside of her that reaches out to me ! I think she is best summed up in the words of Khalil Gibran himself : But Selma's face ! No words can describe its expression, reflecting first great internal suffering, then heavenly exaltation.

The beauty of Selma's face was not classic; it was like a dream of revelation which cannot be measured or bound or coped by the brush of a painter, or the chisel of a sculptor. Selma's beauty was not in her golden hair, but in the virtue & purity which surrounded it; not in her large eyes, but in the light which emanated from them; not in her red lips, but the sweetness of her words; not in her ivory neck, but in its slight bow to the front. Nor was it in her perfect figure, but in the nobility of her spirit, burning like a white torch between earth & sky.

Selma was deeply thoughtful rather than talkative & her silence was a kind of music that carried one to a world of dreams & made him listen to the throbbings og his heart, & see the ghosts of his thoughts & feelings standing before him in the eyes.

She wore a cloak of deep sorrow through her life, which increased her strange beauty & dignity, as a tree in blossom is more lovely when seen through the mist of dawn.

I think Khalil was right when he said that 'Hearts that are united through the medium of sorrow will not be separated by the glory of happiness. Love that is cleansed by tears will remain eternally pure & beautiful ! And so my perfect woman is her who has tasted 'deep melancholy' & yet is a dreamer, like I !
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