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@ZYXW Goodnight. Best of luck with your work. Btw how's NY at this time of the year- my mom will be there next week. And remember what I said about keeping your head off the chopping block in a previous post of mine. Tc and ttyl.
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@Talon i know its never about me! It never was and never ever will be! People in my life have been telling me that for 18 y of a fucked up life. i dont mean anything to anyone.. Never been!
I always craved for someone for whom i mean something i.e. Big Sister! Someone with whom i can share problems! A person for whom im something more than a robot! :cray:
But i now have you! Right?
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@Talon lol last political post promise haha :P

@Dillinger....this was a lot of reading LOL......i agree with both of you, but honestly i feel like there is a simpler solution to all of this. we just need more educated people in the country and politics. Indian and pakistani kids get along fine over here, so it can't be some inherent hatred. Change the environment and change will come itself. education is the key i feel like for anything to change and by education i mean a liberal one. but it's just silly now seeing indians and pakistanis fight. we honesly have bigger problems to worry about than this silly fight. @Armstrong, yeah it is important to tell your kids about the past, but that's ALL ANYONE IN PAKISTAN EVER DOES. we sit there and tlak about independence and how courageous it was fighting for it, but honestly what did we do with our independence. pakistan is a failed state, as sad as that is, it is true and it's going to take a while for that to change IF good leadership comes. we all need to just move on from the past and look at the present and future.
like this is all bs. nothing in either country will change until good leadership comes about. everyone is very brainwashed, as its quite sad. but yeah that's just my take on it:) i honestly did't even know that indians and pakistani's disagreed THIS MUCH until i came on this forum. but thanks for sharing this post with me guys!

Pakistan is anything but a failed state we were doing mighty fine in the early '00s & we'd be doing fine once this Government is booted out ! Do not mistake the corruption, nepotism, abysmal governance & outright stupidity of the present executive as being an extrapolation of some structural or at the ideological malaise of the Pakistani State or the Society ! And I say that not out of some misplaced sense of patriotism but as someone who has tried to understand where we went wrong so that my generation & the generations to come can rectify that !

You are right that Pakistan & Pakistanis, like a myriad other Nations & Nationalities out there, have this habit of living in the past at the expense of the present but thats where the similarity ends for those Nations, despite their delusions, still have a seemingly functional State apparatus & don't find themselves in the security paradigm that we do.

Our failure lies in not appraising the situation fully, not being able to sell our narrative both at home & abroad & not developing our Institutions so that they can function properly even if the Government changes hands. The last one is present in almost every 3rd world country including our neighbors but in our case their dysfunctionality has been exponentially perpetuated by the mess we find ourselves in; some of which is our own creation whereas the rest is due to how events unfolded in the neighborhood as a normal course of history !

No matter we're going to bounce back as soon as the current government is shown the door in the coming few months ! And just to grasp the gravity of their presence - We've managed to rake up more debt in the past 5 years than our past 60 combined & yet without a mega project of note to show for it ! We've got militant wings of Political Parties including that of this party & those who are in alliance with it operating with near impunity in Pakistan's Financial Hub ! We've got more development projects by the Army going on in places like the Tribal Areas, Baluchistan & up North in Swat than probably all Government Projects throughout the country combined ! The Government has colluded with & defaulted on payments to dozens of Rental Power Plants in the country, haven't developed Samar Mubarkmands $100m coal gasification project in Thar & haven't event payed what they, as Institutions, owed to WAPDA & PEPCO amongst others for the electricity they used.

So cut us some slack for such extenuating circumstances shouldn't be taken as indicative of the inherent failure of everything from Pakistan's raison detre of existence to potential viability of continued existence !

P.S I was referring to narratives & that involves walking the walk not just embellished romanticism of the past ! :tup:

P.P.S I get along fine with Indians as well its the arrogance & passionate stupidity by anyone (Indian, Pakistani...anyone) that sometimes unhinges me ! On my part I consider many Indians on PDF my friends ! :)
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I just had chinese noodles with a very hot chilli and garlic sauce.... and it burns like hell!!
@Talon i know its never about me! It never was and never ever will be! People in my life have been telling me that for 18 y of a fucked up life. i dont mean anything to anyone.. Never been!
I always craved for someone for whom i mean something i.e. Big Sister! Someone with whom i can share problems! A person for whom im something more than a robot! :cray:
But i now have you! Right?
@Alpha1 sharing problems is fine...But trying to take control of someone's life and making them a robot is DEFINITELY not fine!

Pakistan is anything but a failed state we were doing mighty fine in the early '00s & we'd be doing fine once this Government is booted out ! Do not mistake the corruption, nepotism, abysmal governance & outright stupidity of the present executive as being an extrapolation of some structural or at the ideological malaise of the Pakistani State or the Society ! And I say that not out of some misplaced sense of patriotism but as someone who has tried to understand where we went wrong so that my generation & the generations to come can rectify that !

You are right that Pakistan & Pakistanis, like a myriad other Nations & Nationalities out there, have this habit of living in the past at the expense of the present but thats where the similarity ends for those Nations, despite their delusions, still have a seemingly functional State apparatus & don't find themselves in the security paradigm that we do.

Our failure lies in not appraising the situation fully, not being able to sell our narrative both at home & abroad & not developing our Institutions so that they can function properly even if the Government changes hands. The last one is present in almost every 3rd world country including our neighbors but in our case their dysfunctionality has been exponentially perpetuated by the mess we find ourselves in; some of which is our own creation whereas the rest is due to how events unfolded in the neighborhood as a normal course of history !

No matter we're going to bounce back as soon as the current government is shown the door in the coming few months ! And just to grasp the gravity of their presence - We've managed to rake up more debt in the past 5 years than our past 60 combined & yet without a mega project of note to show for it ! We've got militant wings of Political Parties including that of this party & those who are in alliance with it operating with near impunity in Pakistan's Financial Hub ! We've got more development projects by the Army going on in places like the Tribal Areas, Baluchistan & up North in Swat than probably all Government Projects throughout the country combined ! The Government has colluded with & defaulted on payments to dozens of Rental Power Plants in the country, haven't developed Samar Mubarkmands $100m coal gasification project in Thar & haven't event payed what they, as Institutions, owed to WAPDA & PEPCO amongst others for the electricity they used.

So cut us some slack for such extenuating circumstances shouldn't be taken as indicative of the inherent failure of everything from Pakistan's raison detre of existence to potential viability of continued existence !

P.S I was referring to narratives & that involves walking the walk not just embellished romanticism of the past ! :tup:

P.P.S I get along fine with Indians as well its the arrogance & passionate stupidity by anyone (Indian, Pakistani...anyone) that sometimes unhinges me ! On my part I consider many Indians on PDF my friends ! :)
@Armstrong no idea what you just wrote...par thanks for the long speech! :D
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@Armstrong Yaara I mentioned your aversion towards Indians and Pakistanis marrying each other once and then used it to tease ZYXW and from there it snowballed into one big mess with other members. Serves me right for being an idiot. :fie:

Acha, I had quoted you on a post- mentioned a Fijian woman- did you read it yet- go read it. :)

I did read that !

But I didn't know that @ZYXW is a fat Fijian woman who sits on people ! :fie:
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I did read that !

But I didn't know that @ZYXW is a fat Fijian woman who sits on people ! :fie:

NO NO NO- she's not the Fijian in question. The Fijian is a feisty one though and strong as an ox- her tender care will do you much good.:rofl:
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@Alpha1 sharing problems is fine...But trying to take control of someone's life and making them a robot is DEFINITELY not fine!
i think thats what happened to me!
And one more thing, last thing i want is to be useless to a person who i craved for my entire life! :suicide:
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@Alpha1 sharing problems is fine...But trying to take control of someone's life and making them a robot is DEFINITELY not fine!

no idea what you just wrote...par thanks for the long speech! :D

@Talon @Alpha1 kiya baat hai?? koi baat hai kiya? @Talon tum bhi aur @Alpha1 tum bhi mail check kero fauran......mujhay tension horahi hai ab!!!
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