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Do you remember the movie 'Cool Runnings' ? I loved this from that :

Sanka Coffie: 'Nuff people say, you know they can't believe, Jamaica, we have a bobsled team. We have the one Derice...
Derice Bannock: And the one Junior...
Junior Bevill: Yu-
[Yul gives him a "don't even think about it" look]
Junior Bevill: ... Sanka!
Derice Bannock: The fastest of the fastest of Jamaican sprinters...
Sanka Coffie, Derice Bannock, Junior Bevill: Go to Olympics, fight for Jamaica!
Do you remember the movie 'Cool Runnings' ? I loved this from that :

Sanka Coffie: 'Nuff people say, you know they can't believe, Jamaica, we have a bobsled team. We have the one Derice...
Derice Bannock: And the one Junior...
Junior Bevill: Yu-
[Yul gives him a "don't even think about it" look]
Junior Bevill: ... Sanka!
Derice Bannock: The fastest of the fastest of Jamaican sprinters...
Sanka Coffie, Derice Bannock, Junior Bevill: Go to Olympics, fight for Jamaica!

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Do you remember the movie 'Cool Runnings' ? I loved this from that :

Sanka Coffie: 'Nuff people say, you know they can't believe, Jamaica, we have a bobsled team. We have the one Derice...
Derice Bannock: And the one Junior...
Junior Bevill: Yu-
[Yul gives him a "don't even think about it" look]
Junior Bevill: ... Sanka!
Derice Bannock: The fastest of the fastest of Jamaican sprinters...
Sanka Coffie, Derice Bannock, Junior Bevill: Go to Olympics, fight for Jamaica!

Ah the memories :D
Bwhaha, Hyperion and Armstrong are jews. :rofl:

Arian ka koi pata nai kidher say aai...there are like more than 1 theories! From Germany, from Iran....

Apparently my peoples came from Jericho in the west bank, but sorry unlike Pathans and the but.ts we don't got the jew noses. :chilli:

There is a Jewish nose?
Alright so I just read some of the last few posts discussing the lost tribes of Israel. Does the name Nebuchadnezzar strike fear in to your hearts? :rofl: Does anyone reading this know why the kingdom of Israel broke up? Do you know why the Northern tribes were exiled? Do you know the names of any tribes among the northern Kingdom besides the House of Joseph? If anyone that reads this is unaware of the answers to these questions, then please do not embarrass yourself by claiming Hebrew heritage. The story behind the kingdom of Israel breaking up is extremely controversial because it involves the allegations that Solomon worshiped idols. That is absolutely false, & the Quran itself rejects all false allegations against Solomon. The less controversial answer would be that Solomon's son Rehoboam was too incompetent to manage his own house, let alone a kingdom. Anyway, so the northern tribes got raped by the Babylonians due to a divine punishment for worshiping false Gods. Nebuchadnezzar probably had multiple orgies with Hebrew women while the men were forced in to slavery, executed, held as captives, or forced to watch. :rofl:

The Persian King Cyrus the Great conquered the Babylonians when God had chilled out & forgiven the Israelites. This conquest saved them, & many including the tribes of Benjamin & Judah managed to return to Jerusalem. Here is where the mystery begins, what happened to the northern tribes of Israel? Those tribes consist of Naphtali, Simeon, Gad, Asher, etc. Some members among the lost tribes were able to return to their home land Israel, whereas others either dispersed or assimilated in to the local populations of Persia, Babylon, & Syria. Legend has it that some Israelites arrived in the region inhabited by Pashtuns & Kashmiris today. However, some of the exiled population may have traveled to other regions as well. The thing is that no genetic evidence has ever been found to establish any link between the Pashtun & Kashmiri people with the Israelites.

Similarities in culture & language do not imply common descent. Almost every language on Earth borrowed words from other languages. Besides that, similarities between words like Koshur or kosher can easily be described as coincidences. Remember that the Kashmiri language belongs to the Indo-European family of languages, whereas; Hebrew belongs to the Semitic family. If not that, the Israelites probably thought it was safe to eat Kashmiris. :lol: As for the kilometer long hooked nose with flaring nostrils that is stereotyped as being Jewish; all I have to say is that it's easily possible for other ethnicities to have similar features. I have seen Greeks & Italians with that nose too, & I am damn sure they aren't Jewish. One of my Palestinian friends once told me that I looked Syrian even though I have no relation to Syria & am Kashmiri by ethnicity. The point is that a person's appearance isn't always enough to determine ancestry or origins.

This lost tribes' legend excited British anthropologists as well. I have read that they described Kashmiri women as having rosy red cheeks with a Jewish & slightly Indian look. However; they never accepted the lost tribes theory as being legit due to a variety of factors; one of them was the prevalence of Indo-European languages descending from Sanskrit & Avestan. Sanskrit is the distant sister language of the mother of Romance languages; namely Latin. Ancient Sanskrit & Avestan speaking Indo-European tribes invaded or settled in the region which today comprises of eastern Afghanistan, northern & western Pakistan, & smaller portions of north India. According to the table of nations, we are the descendants of Madai; the son of Japheth & grandson of Noah. The reason I brought up the table of nations is because the lost tribes of Israel is itself a Jewish legend.

Some Pakistanis even claim Semitic descent to feel closer to Prophet Muhammad & other Israelite Prophets. It is important to note that descent from the Prophet grants no special privilege to anyone. In the eyes of God, all men are equal. You can beat up or humiliate someone who descends from any of the Prophets, & trust me no special wrath of God is going to befall you. Similar acts occurred in north Africa as well when some Berbers used to modify their family trees to include some mythical ancestor from Arabia. Has anyone heard of Qais Abdur Rashid? Apparently, he descends from some mythical descendant of King Saul & traveled to Arabia to convert to Islam & somehow became the father of the entire Pashtun nation. These are exactly the type of myths I am talking about. Some people are under the false impression that conquerors always mix with the conquered; that's not true, & most people naturally prefer to marry among themselves. Anyone heard of Afro-centrists? A small segment of them claims that the Israelites were black. They are another good example of failures & losers who steal someone else's heritage because their own ancestors never accounted for anything more than sh!t. In any case, I think all people should learn to be proud of their heritage. Remember, no one respects a man or a woman who is desperate to belong to another ethnic group. These were my views on this subject.
Alright so I just read some of the last few posts discussing the lost tribes of Israel. Does the name Nebuchadnezzar strike fear in to your hearts? :rofl: Does anyone reading this know why the kingdom of Israel broke up? Do you know why the Northern tribes were exiled? Do you know the names of any tribes among the northern Kingdom besides the House of Joseph? ....................... In any case, I think all people should learn to be proud of their heritage. Remember, no one respects a man or a woman who is desperate to belong to another ethnic group. These were my views on this subject.

Ghussa kar gya hai yaar.

The complexities of ethnic linkages, invasions and migrations, linguistic linkages, linkages propounded through old religious scriptures, genetic linkages, so-called scientific realities linked to religious edicts and pronouncements etc etc are indeed very intriguing and interesting subjects.

Good explanation though.

But out here, in this thread, no one is linked to even understand the difference between their elbows and their posteriors.
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