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''NASR'' Missiles Score Bullseye

Why? There are plenty of existing conventional A2G munitions that can be used in that role.

It is indigenous, highly precise, and can easily approach hypersonic speeds. A Pakistani CM-400 AKG. @Bilal Khan (Quwa)

Interestingly, someone on the forum said AKG 400 is integrated on JF-17, but PAF does not plan to use it...
an absurd idea, can a single nasar be carried by mirage or JFT. i believe a single Nasr does not weigh more than 1100KG. and could be launched Mirage 3/5 or JFT from center line or wing pylon.
Not so absurd. The real challenge would be the stresses and recoil on the aircraft. Probably, it would have to be dropped and then programmed to start thrust a few seconds after release. It should achieve amazing speeds when launched from an aircraft flying above Mach 1.

@The Deterrent
Rrampage missile Israel

Against Static Target, yes but I believe that the purpose of NASR is to thwart an advancing force and hence what is its accuracy against a moving army unit? Mainly loaded with a small nuke and air burst would make it a proximity weapon.
Against Static Target, yes but I believe that the purpose of NASR is to thwart an advancing force and hence what is its accuracy against a moving army unit? Mainly loaded with a small nuke and air burst would make it a proximity weapon.

Your inability to think deep is apparent. So what is the speed of advance of an advancing force? Max around 5 to 10 km an hour in a desert environment and it’s is not around the clock. What is the speed of NASR? At least 4 to 5 Mach. So it has a flight time of max a few seconds and during that time the mechanized column would have moved a few meters. With a Nuclear warhead it is irrelevant.
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Your inability to think deep is apparent. So what is the speed of advance of an advancing force? Max around 5 to 10 km an hour in a desert environment and it’s is not around the clock. What is the speed of NASR? At least 4 to 5 Mach. So it has a flight time of max a few seconds and during that time the mechanized column would have moved a few meters. With a Nuclear warhead it is irrelevant.

Your ability to BS is as well apparent. Can you corroborate by linking any credible link of your claim of the movement of a RRF from Indian side at the speeds you have mentioned above? Or provide the CEP of the missile against fast moving columns? And read my post again, it already says its a proximity weapon based on GPS coordinates strike and incapable of in-flight maneuverability.
Your ability to BS is as well apparent. Can you corroborate by linking any credible link of your claim of the movement of a RRF from Indian side at the speeds you have mentioned above? Or provide the CEP of the missile against fast moving columns? And read my post again, it already says its a proximity weapon based on GPS coordinates strike and incapable of in-flight maneuverability.
the point is that that a vehicle's speed would be according to vehicle and not NASR which is moving 4-5 times the speed of sound with a nuclear warhead and we know that when a nuclear weapon blasts the area near it is completely wiped out and rest is destroyed by its shockwave.
the point is that that a vehicle's speed would be according to vehicle and not NASR which is moving 4-5 times the speed of sound with a nuclear warhead and we know that when a nuclear weapon blasts the are near it is completely wiped out and rest is destroyed by its shockwave.
Except we're also talking about a miniature nuclear warhead, the proximity isn't necessarily going to cover area part of the the enemy's integrated formation. For that, you'd need multiple strikes, and even that is contingent on Nasr launch sites not getting exposed and taken out too early (they are short-range missiles, after all).
Against Static Target, yes but I believe that the purpose of NASR is to thwart an advancing force and hence what is its accuracy against a moving army unit? Mainly loaded with a small nuke and air burst would make it a proximity weapon.
I think we'd agree that the real solution to a Cold Start-like doctrine rests in a strong conventional force comprising of quick reaction armour, artillery, aviation and short-range, mobile AAW. Unfortunately, the money for that, at least in the quantity necessary to cover all points. They might be able to set-up a few integrated counter-groups (ideally with support from the PAF using nearby JF-17s, but who knows...) and double-down on intelligence to determine which areas India is likeliest to hit (and where it can do the most damage).
The S-400 killer.

Indians very worried at the moment, no matter what they aquire and spend billions on pakistan missile programe has an answer.
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