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So followers of different faiths pray to their religion's concept of God and feel blessed by whoever they pray to. Its just a state of mind - scientifically speaking. FYI, people who experience intense religious experiences usually have something wrong with their neurochemistry - like for example epilepsy. Check it out.

That is my another question, some spiritual people say that they feel shake /convulsion / epilepsy when they do Dhikr / Zikr. Also people may shake in excitement or fear. I want to know whether the convulsion or peace felt by spiritual people is due to some neuro-chemical effects or due to some effect sent by Khuda spiritually and directly? Or both due to neurochemical effect and some effect sent by Khuda?

Also Allah said that he gives us anything via something, like gives us energy via foods, pains by injury, or oxygen by trees, so who knows that he gives us some spiritual feelings like peace via neuro-chemical effects. God said he does not give us anything directly, but indirectly, via some process or by some effects. And he gives indications indirectly and only wise people can understand those.

No. as you said only Muslims feel peace after their prayers. How can Hindus or other non-believers can feel peace when there are no peace other than Islam. Islam means 'peace'.

That is my question. How non Muslims feel peace in their prayer if they do not pray to Allah or any one power? Is their feeling of peace in their mind due to neuro-chemical effects for praying, thinking, practicing something? If both Muslim and Hindus also feel peace in their prayer then what is the difference in praying to a God and to a doll, since feeling peace is just a matter of neuro-chemical effects, but it is not that Allah is sending peace to us for praying to him only.
What would be the point of God creating a universe that is 14 billion light-years across, containing uncountable stars, if we are the only life He made? If just planet Earth was the goal, the focus, we'd be fine with a much smaller universe and only a few thousand stars to illuminate the night and allow us to navigate. :)

Since it is said that his power is endless and he can do anything he wants, so creating few thousand stars or billions stars is just a matter of second and his willingness and irrespective of whether we need those or not. He generously and scientifically decorated this universe for us.
Yes I am Protestant Christian. I don't know what the Qur'an teaches about this, all I can relate is our Bible which (as I said) is silent. They don't discuss alien (material) life. Of course they discuss the spiritual. They don't go into what they are made of, because being spirits, they have no substance. So they can't be "made" of anything.

My observations on the possibility of infinite life in the universe is just my opinion, through logical thought. What would be the point of God creating a universe that is 14 billion light-years across, containing uncountable stars, if we are the only life He made? If just planet Earth was the goal, the focus, we'd be fine with a much smaller universe and only a few thousand stars to illuminate the night and allow us to navigate. :)

Chogy, I kinda wanted to have this discussion, and I hope it will be along and fruitful one.

Islam: has no explicit mention of lives other than humans. All tangents made in Quran and Hadith are like God of eastS and westS.
Plurals are explicitly used, instead of singular. Thus giving reason that there might be others like or unlike us.

There is explicit mention of several kind of beings:
Earthly beings ( humans, reptiles, etc etc etc)
Beings made of fire ; particular the non luminous part of the flame ( referred to as Jinn, Satan is one of them).
Beings made of light ; Angels.

I know that Bible talks of these three groups, or at least refers to these three groups in one way or another.

The description of creation of humans is a very peculiar one; and very logical too.

Guys; do respond if you want to take this further ...
That is my question. How non Muslims feel peace in their prayer if they do not pray to Allah or any one power? Is their feeling of peace in their mind due to neuro-chemical effects for praying, thinking, practicing something? If both Muslim and Hindus also feel peace in their prayer then what is the difference in praying to a God and to a doll, since feeling peace is just a matter of neuro-chemical effects, but it is not that Allah is sending peace to us for praying to him only.

You question is right. only Muslims like you and me has the right for peace and those non-believers like Hindus , Christians, Buddhists and all other religion do not have access as they do not pray to Allah or any one power. There is no neo-chemical effect but blessing of almighty God Allah.

Your question signifies you know the answer.

2. Whom do the non-believers pray when they are sick or before die, as the Muslims seek for God's help or bless when they are sick or before die? Or the non-believers never ask for any help or bless to any super power or God in any trouble even in their subconscious mind?
Non-believers cannot pray like Muslims, so they go to Jahannam and Dozakh.
No. as you said only Muslims feel peace after their prayers. How can Hindus or other non-believers can feel peace when there are no peace other than Islam. Islam means 'peace'

Ignorance is bliss ! Or may be in your case it is orgasm !

Let me introduce you to the term, we Hindus, Budhists pray with . This word is preceded by silence and followed by even more silence !
And the word is "OM"

Om or Aum: Hindu Symbol of the Absolute
That is my another question, some spiritual people say that they feel shake /convulsion / epilepsy when they do Dhikr / Zikr. Also people may shake in excitement or fear. I want to know whether the convulsion or peace felt by spiritual people is due to some neuro-chemical effects or due to some effect sent by Khuda spiritually and directly? Or both due to neurochemical effect and some effect sent by Khuda?

This part is incorrect at present day time and situation.

Also Allah said that he gives us anything via something, like gives us energy via foods, pains by injury, or oxygen by trees, so who knows that he gives us some spiritual feelings like peace via neuro-chemical effects. God said he does not give us anything directly, but indirectly, via some process or by some effects. And he gives indications indirectly and only wise people can understand those.

In continuation to above, this part is now correct.
God is very logical, and logic is the science of God.
Keep applying simple if then else constructs and you will be amazed where you get.
. .
Very interesting discovery. This might lend some credence to the extraterrestrial hypothesis for terrestrial life.
That is my another question, some spiritual people say that they feel shake /convulsion / epilepsy when they do Dhikr / Zikr. Also people may shake in excitement or fear. I want to know whether the convulsion or peace felt by spiritual people is due to some neuro-chemical effects or due to some effect sent by Khuda spiritually and directly? Or both due to neurochemical effect and some effect sent by Khuda?
Yes. The extreme religious feeling one experiences can be attributed to something wrong with normal neuronal/brain physiology. It has got nothing to do with God. Sad but true. There are numerous articles which have shown that epileptic people experience these extreme religious experiences. Also people who undergo lobotomy are known to experience such feelings. You might have heard of Near Death Experiences or NDE - people seeing a dark tunnel and light at the end? Apparently, a general anesthetic - Ketamine - can elicit very similar experiences in patients administered the drug. So its basically a chemical reaction in the brain gone awry that leads to such "non-normal" experiences - which some people believe to be religious experiences.

Brain is a very complex organ. We have only just begun to scratch the surface in understanding how and why it works.

That is my question. How non Muslims feel peace in their prayer if they do not pray to Allah or any one power? Is their feeling of peace in their mind due to neuro-chemical effects for praying, thinking, practicing something? If both Muslim and Hindus also feel peace in their prayer then what is the difference in praying to a God and to a doll, since feeling peace is just a matter of neuro-chemical effects, but it is not that Allah is sending peace to us for praying to him only.
Its called conditioning. You have been taught and brought up to believe in one thing. You have been conditioned to believe in a particular faith. Similarly other people have been brought up to believe in another faith. So your brains are conditioned to believe in a religion and reward itself in prayers and belief in God by releasing "peace of mind" chemicals in the brain. Conditioning is a very interesting phenomena. You can condition an animal to believe in anything to get pleasure or reward in the form of food or other experimental stimulation.
That is my question. How non Muslims feel peace in their prayer if they do not pray to Allah or any one power? Is their feeling of peace in their mind due to neuro-chemical effects for praying, thinking, practicing something? If both Muslim and Hindus also feel peace in their prayer then what is the difference in praying to a God and to a doll, since feeling peace is just a matter of neuro-chemical effects, but it is not that Allah is sending peace to us for praying to him only.

Pls note that Non-muslims(following other religions) are also humans; they also believe in God as much a muslim does. However only difference is the interpretation of the god, whose presence cannot be proved through our 5 senses to fellow human being.

Regarding Hinduism Please note that hinduism believes in
"Truth is one, God is one, sages call it by various names."

Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti”
“Sages (learned Priests) call one God by many names”.
(Rigveda 1:164:46)

Hence it is upto people to interpret that supreme being in whatever
name/s form/s.

I can see so called superiority of islam over other religions is oozing from your post. How can you imagine that "other?" God/s (Supreme Being/s) depicted in other faiths/Religions are different from Allah, and people following such religions cannot feel peace through prayer
Yes. The extreme religious feeling one experiences can be attributed to something wrong with normal neuronal/brain physiology. It has got nothing to do with God. Sad but true.

Usually people high on drugs make statements like these

How do you explain dreams coming true? Having visions of the future ? Precognition ? Remote Viewing ? Did you know how much the American defense department spent on Remote Viewing ?

or even Physic detectives ?
Psychic detective - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because many people are too indifferent towards spiritual experiences does not mean they don't exist
Chogy, I kinda wanted to have this discussion, and I hope it will be along and fruitful one.

Islam: has no explicit mention of lives other than humans. All tangents made in Quran and Hadith are like God of eastS and westS.
Plurals are explicitly used, instead of singular. Thus giving reason that there might be others like or unlike us.

There is explicit mention of several kind of beings:
Earthly beings ( humans, reptiles, etc etc etc)
Beings made of fire ; particular the non luminous part of the flame ( referred to as Jinn, Satan is one of them).
Beings made of light ; Angels.

I know that Bible talks of these three groups, or at least refers to these three groups in one way or another.

The Christian Bible discusses creatures of the Earth, like man, and spiritual beings, like angels. It doesn't discuss what they are made of. Our thought is that being spiritual, they are not "made" of anything, and are not subject to natural laws. The Bible is silent on the makeup of spiritual beings. Satan is a fallen angel. We don't have beings of fire. That's OK, in the end, it's not important, we have beings of earthly origin, and beings of spiritual origin. And in each human is a spiritual, a soul.

The description of creation of humans is a very peculiar one; and very logical too.

It makes sense to me. It shows that we have earthly bodies made of earth materials. AFAIK the Genesis story is consistent among Abrahamic religions. I view it as an allegory of man's creation and fall. I'm not a young earth person.[/QUOTE]

Back OT - Panspermia is insulting in a way. The early earth had all of the raw materials needed. The interaction of chemicals, volcanic vents, oceans, lightning, heat and cold, can create these building blocks. We don't need rocks from space. And anyhow, it leaves the question open - if they came from space, they'd have to start somewhere else, and you have the same problem... where and how were they formed?
. .
The near-death experience (NDE) is a phenomenon of considerable importance to medicine, neuroscience, neurology, psychiatry, philosophy and religon. Unfortunately, some scientists have been deterred from conducting research upon the NDE by claims that NDE's are evidence for life after death, and sensationalist media reports which impart the air of a pseudoscience to NDE studies. Irrespective of religous beliefs, NDE's are not evidence for life after death on simple logical grounds: death is defined as the final, irreversible end. Anyone who 'returned' did not, by definition, die - although their mind, brain and body may have been in a very unusual state.

There is overwhelming evidence that 'mind' results from neuronal activity. The dramatic effects on the mind of adding hallucinogenic drugs to the brain, and the religous experiences which sometimes result, provide further evidence for this. One of the many contradictions which 'after-lifers' can not resolve is that "the spirit rises out of the body leaving the brain behind, but somehow still incorporating neuronal functions such as sight, hearing, and proprioception" (Morse, 1989, original italics).

Dr. Karl Jansen

I think there is no sin in searching and asking. I can agree with the scientists if they can convince me. But the problem is science is changing everyday and sill there are lots of things beyond our knowledge and we know our limitations. Also another problem is, I may agree with non-believer scientists today, also I may disagree with them after 5 or 15 years. Then who will give me the compensation of my wasted time??

Anyway, there are many drugs that may cause The near-death experience if those are administrated in excess amount such as excess dose of potassium salt. If its concentration in blood exceeds a certain threshold point then we die, otherwise, we may experience near-death. Now the question is why death point is irreversible. As far I know, in any case if our brain cells do not get blood supply or the get toxic blood supply then the brain cells die in few moments. And if some how the major brain cell die, then, no matter, how much we try to activate those cell they never reverse back. And ultimately we fail to activate our body system. That is why death is irreversible.

We know prayer alter our mood and we also know that the pharmacological effects of some drugs can alter our mood as like:

-Amphetamines can make people feel alert, energetic and confident, and less bored or tired.

-Anabolic steroids may cause aggression, called 'roid rage', in the most extreme cases. Men may lose their sex drive and become depressed, until they stop taking them.

-Regular Cocaine users are often nervous, excitable and paranoid, and can be confused because of lack of sleep.

-Ecstasy, or MDMA, was first used in the USA to help improve empathy between couples in marital therapy. Most users report good experiences. The unpleasant ones appear to be connected with taking repeated, high doses, over a period of time, which provokes anxiety, panic, confusion, insomnia and psychosis.

-Caffeine and nicotine are both stimulants,also 'Poppers' (alkyl nitrites) are mainly used by gay men to enhance sexual activity.

-Tranquillisers can relieve tension and anxiety, making users feel calm and relaxed, without affecting alertness and clarity of thought.

-Alcohol is the most widely used depressant. Also it lowers people's inhibitions and encourages them to express their inner feelings, which may be aggression and frustration that emerge in violence.

-Solvents like glues, gases and aerosols cause effects like getting drunk, and include feeling dizzy, unreal, euphorically happy, and less inhibited.

-The effects can also include 'pseudo-hallucinations', which the user knows are not real.

-Analgesics like Heroin can makes people drowsy and contented.

-Cannabis effects are like a pleasurable state of relaxation, talkativeness, bouts of hilarity and a greater appreciation of sensory experience.

-LSD users report of seeing colours as more intense, things around them looking distorted in shape and size, and stationary objects appearing to move. They may hear distorted sounds and experience changes of time and place, although they usually know that these aren t real. Emotionally, they may have a heightened sense of self-awareness, go through mystical or ecstatic experiences, or feel disconnected from their body.

-Temporary elevation of dopamine levels often leads to an improvement in mood, alertness, libido, and perhaps even an enhancement in verbal fluency and creativity.

-Laughing gas causes us to laugh

So like those drugs, as an anesthesia Ketamine may causes hallucinations or the near-death experience. And these all are pharmacological effects on brain, specifically on our mind.

But I do not know how Ketamine gives religious experiences as scientists claim. If any drug creates convulsion or epilepsy in us that does not mean those are as like religious/prayer/Zikr effects.
Pharmacological effects (like calmness or convulsion) of drugs and the religious effects ( like calmness/peace due to prayer or convulsion due to zikr) still can be different. Both types of effects may not be happened following the same pathway.

*Upsss I made a big post, but don't know I whether I made people understood or not what I understand.
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