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Narendra Modi: the divisive manipulator who charmed the world

In terms of divisiveness no body can beat Jinnah for eternity ,no competition here keep moving. Of course who else but a pakistani can only identify another one of his own ilk :enjoy:.

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Oh great to know that you love your indian fellows that much ! Wish your leaders would show the same compassion for your minorities, instead of turning a blind eye.

Ignoring your disability for comprehension ,

The murder of Sikhs was congress pogrom.
“It was the Congress(I) leaders who instigated mobs in 1984 and got more than 3000 people killed. I must give due credit to RSS and the BJP for showing courage and protecting helpless Sikhs during those difficult days” – Khushwant Singh. (K. Singh: Publik Asia, 16-11-1989)

The Khalistani extremists are a strange folk. On one hand , they demand that Hindus consider them a different religion and not as part of Hinduism. On the other hand , they protest against RSS and Hindutvavadis saying it was their anti-minority riot. They never protest against Congress party or the Gandhi Parivar. They are lying sellouts who bring dishonor to the religion of the great gurus.
The murder of Sikhs was congress pogrom.
My source is not really good (Quora). Still, Quoting it:
What role did RSS and BJP play during 1984 anti Sikh riots? - Quora
1. It was BJP's L.K. Advani who prompted the congress to launch an offensive assault on Amritsar.
2. Later on, he and other BJP members openly praised Indira's actions even though hundreds of thousands of Sikhs were killed in cold blood, dissapeared and torchered in operation bluestar and operation woodrose.
3. even though thousands of Sikhs were killed in the genocide of Nov' 84 by Congress, the BJP openly supported congress. Atal Bihari Vajpayee openly asked in his campaigns to vote for congress.
4. The then RSS chief said that the Sikhs themselves are responsible for whatever has happened to them in this country
5. The RSS chief openly supported indira's action and wrote somewhere that Sikhs should give up there Khalsa identity and expressed full sympathy with indira
6. The RSS and BJP supported or never spoke against the state terrorism in Punjab.
7. Jai Hindu Sangh had burnt a Gurudwara and threatened all Sikhs to leave Rajasthan by Dec 5th 1983.

Some RSS and BJP members saved a few Sikhs from congressites in 84. The BJP gave full suport to congress initially but later on they again started showing signs of rivalry on Ayodhya issue.

Corrupt congress or RSS terror rule, it's the same for the sufferers, common people.
Thank you Bihar to give a Full-stop to Beef and Communal Politics..................If you Play Politics of Cow the result was to be dung (cow)
Modi's magic does not work anymore. 30 plus Bihar rallies have proven. Period.

I have rarely read an article that is more one sided and venomous than this one.

Pankaj Misra mentions the award wapsi by 40 intellectuals but does not mention the protest against these same intellectuals by not only artistes and writers but also by 1000s of ordinary people in 9 cities around the country in protest of award wapsi.

He does not mention that the murders of rationalist took place in congress ruled states and was spread over a period of 4 years, long before BJP came to power.

He does not mention the killings of Hindus including the amputation of a professors hand by Muslim radicals. The elements who did this dastardly act only recently surrendered, there was no political will to punish him by law before that.

He mentions the Gujurat riots but not the 1000s of riots that took place under congress rule including the recent riots in Muzzafarnagar and he mentions 1984 which was master minded directly by Congress goons only in passing.

I could go on.

The author professes to be a communist but earns his living selling poverty p0rn to the west while married into one of the most elite families of the UK. He sells photographs of India's sores and then goes home to his white British wife and warm slippers waiting for him in his very opulent residence in London. That is a pretty easy way to make a living and any appreciable improvement in standard of life in India will make him redundant.

He was born into the class of networked elite in India that cannot digest that a non English speaking low caste chai walla has become PM. I have never seen such naked class hatred towards those he thinks are beneath him.

The Guardian editorial follows a pro Pakistan anti India line, even to the extent of deleting readers comments but this is a new low even for them.
Seriously, it took three opposing parties coming together to defeat the storm that is Modi. Still, secular brigade be graceful in your victories, otherwise public sympathy will again shift to Modi.
Now what will Modi todies be asking?
Why they did not return their medals during 84?


What say Anuper kher?

Modi in Bihar: Kitna chaiye?

Main tumko ek lakh dunga.

For OROP he got no money, but to win Bihar election he does.
Dishonest PM of India.
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My source is not really good (Quora). Still, Quoting it:
What role did RSS and BJP play during 1984 anti Sikh riots? - Quora
1. It was BJP's L.K. Advani who prompted the congress to launch an offensive assault on Amritsar.
2. Later on, he and other BJP members openly praised Indira's actions even though hundreds of thousands of Sikhs were killed in cold blood, dissapeared and torchered in operation bluestar and operation woodrose.
3. even though thousands of Sikhs were killed in the genocide of Nov' 84 by Congress, the BJP openly supported congress. Atal Bihari Vajpayee openly asked in his campaigns to vote for congress.
4. The then RSS chief said that the Sikhs themselves are responsible for whatever has happened to them in this country
5. The RSS chief openly supported indira's action and wrote somewhere that Sikhs should give up there Khalsa identity and expressed full sympathy with indira
6. The RSS and BJP supported or never spoke against the state terrorism in Punjab.
7. Jai Hindu Sangh had burnt a Gurudwara and threatened all Sikhs to leave Rajasthan by Dec 5th 1983.

Some RSS and BJP members saved a few Sikhs from congressites in 84. The BJP gave full suport to congress initially but later on they again started showing signs of rivalry on Ayodhya issue.

Corrupt congress or RSS terror rule, it's the same for the sufferers, common people.
RSS supported Congress actions , so RSS is 'terror' and congress which actually did it is just 'corrupt' ? congress is not 'terror' ?

RSS supported Indira to act against the militancy overtaking Punjab . It was not done by New Delhi unilaterally . It was with complete agreement of Punjab state government elected by the people of Punjab, who are overwhelmingly Sikh. Most actions taken were by Punjab police , who are again overwhelmingly Sikh. The entire movement was being fanned by external powers using money and weapons. Why wouldn't any nationalist organization support action against such armed militancy .

The real crimes were the riots that ensued after the assassination of Indira. These were Congress crimes , not RSS or Hindu crimes.

In my state , tens of thousands were tortured /killed/ false encountered to control the spread of Naxal movement . And as in any place where armed militancy is being fought , people whose only mistake was that. they happened to be the family/friends or close to the wrong people got killed. It is not something which only happened in Punjab nor is it something which only happens in India. This is the nature of fighting violent militancies.

Far from being gleeful about those events ,,we see the militancy and the lives lost while handling it with a sad and heavy heart. But given what was happening , there was no other path of action. The real crimes were the anti-Sikh riots post Indira's assassination and that was a Congress party pogrom.
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