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Narasimha Rao performed puja during demolition of Babri Masjid: Book


Mar 30, 2010
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NEW DELHI: Yet another book has levelled an allegation that P V Narasimha Rao had connived at the demolition of Babri Masjid, claiming that the late Prime Minister had sat in a puja when the kar sevaks began pulling it down and rose only when it was over.

The charge relating to the demolition on Dec 6, 1992 has been made by eminent journalist Kuldip Nayar in his soon-to-be released autobiography "Beyond the Lines" being brought out by Roli Books.

"My information was that Rao had connived at the demolition. He sat at puja when the kar sevaks began pulling down the mosque and rose only when the last stone had been removed"

"Madhu Limaye (late socialist leader) later told me that during the puja, Rao's aide whispered in his ears that the masjid had been demolished. Within seconds, the puja was over", he said in a chapter on "Narasimha Rao's Government" in the book.

P V Ranga Rao, son of the late Prime Minister, however strongly dismissed the claim as "unbelievable and untenable".

"It is unbelievable and untenable...There is no way father would have done so. He was in anguish when the Babri structure was demolished, for he loved Muslims for years and was their ardent supporter. He told us many times that it should not have happened", Rao said reacting to the reported claim of the late socialist leader Madhu Limaye.

Regretting that an eminent journalist like Nayar could write such things, Ranga Rao said "vested interests" were trying to spew venom at his father, who is no more to defend himself.

Nayar said that when there were riots in the wake of the demolition, Rao invited some senior journalists to his house.

"He was at pains to explain to us how his government had made every arrangement to stop the demolition. Rao said he was betrayed by the UP chief minister Kalyan Singh".

When asked how a small temple could have been erected overnight at the site when the Centre was at the helm of affairs having dismissed the Kalyan Singh government, Rao said he had attempted to send a contingent of CRPF by plane to Lucknow but they were unable to land because of bad weather.

Besides, Nayar said Rao did not explain the "inaction" of Central forces in Ayodhya, but assured him that the temple would not be there "for long".

"Rao's government will always be held responsible for the demolition of the Babri Masjid. The curious thing was that he was conscious of such an eventuality but did virtually nothing to avert it", Nayar said.

Once earlier Rao invited senior journalists to acquaint them with the efforts his government was making to reach a settlement. When Nayar asked him which stage they had reached, Rao replied "somewhere," but "there was no serious edge to his voice".

Nayar recalled that soon after, he witnessed the gathering of the storm with thousands of kar sevaks descending upon Ayodhya and the RSS and the BJP leaders converging on the city.

Kalyan Singh, who was heading the BJP government in U P, made statements which indicated that he had no intention of protecting the Masjid, although the Supreme Court had ordered maintenance of status quo and his government had given an undertaking that it would do so.

The climax came when the Masjid was demolished to the last stone on that fateful day by thousands of kar sevaks egged on by the BJP and RSS leadership. "It was daylight murder of secularism," Nayar writes.

He also says that the Congress cauldron was boiling not because of the Masjid demolition, but because of internal conflicts. Sonia Gandhi never liked Narasimha Rao, particularly when he assumed leadership of both the Congress party and its government, Nayar says.

She did not want to join issue with him, preferring to remain aloof from party matters. Even so, the infighting with the Congress and its shrinking space in the country bothered her.

Many Congress leaders from the Centre and the states met her individually to appeal to her to lead the party. To them, she seemed the only person who represented the consensus in the party.

Her gravest concern was that communal forces representing the BJP were claiming the political space. "The only occasion I spoke to her, she came across as a committed secularist, who firmly believed that pluralism was the bedrock of Indian society".

Nayar says he could gauge that she was coming around to the view that she would have to join politics if she wanted to fight against communalism and that the only instrument she had for this was the Congress.

Narasimha Rao performed puja during demolition of Babri Masjid: Book - Times Of India

What a shame if true. :rolleyes:
A;ready posted and rebutted multiple times.

Narasimha Rao's aides dismiss criticism on Ayodhya demolition | Deccan Chronicle
AP: 2 ex-IAS officers refute charges against PV - The New Indian Express
Rao was not at puja during Babri demolition: ex-OSD - Indian Express

The article is a shameless attempt by a senile closet Pakistani [Kuldip Nayar] to throw dirt on one of the best PM post independence. Hope the Gandhi clan throws some biscuits to this man for his licking up to them.

Oh. An ISI agent.

And then it is Pakistanis who believe in conspiracy theories.
Oh. An ISI agent.

And then it is Pakistanis who believe in conspiracy theories.

No need to get hyper...he is from the undivided Punjab generation whose hometown is in today's Pakistan and hence the affection.

No one takes him seriously here and I suggest you do the same -- lest you have much time to waste.
No surprise there. India is a hindutva country filled with extremist like Shiv Shena and modi like criminals. They are inherently islamophobic like this Narasimha Rao. Amazingly you won't find so
called indian muslims in this kind of thread. :rolleyes:
Why the sudden urge to spill the beans Mr. Nayyar?..If you had any journalistic integrity you would have said this earlier and not now now when peddling your book.
No need to get hyper...he is from the undivided Punjab generation whose hometown is in today's Pakistan and hence the affection.

No one takes him seriously here and I suggest you do the same -- lest you have much time to waste.

Wonder what would be the behavior of Indian members if same would have about some Pakistani who migrated from India. Anyways this "best post independence" PM is cursed by Indians since he supposedly stopped activities of RAW inside Pakistan. :)
PVN is the favorite whipping boy of congress. Afterall it's him who blocked Sonia's entry into the hierarchy since Rajiv Gandhi's death & they do have an axe to grind with him. PVN is a brahmin, if I'm not mistaken.. & they perform pooja everyday. What if it's just the coincidence?
PVN is the favorite whipping boy of congress. Afterall it's him who blocked Sonia's entry into the hierarchy since Rajiv Gandhi's death & they do have an axe to grind with him. PVN is a brahmin, if I'm not mistaken.. & they perform pooja everyday. What if it's just the coincidence?

Whenever I see any Congress functions, there is no photograph of PVN..May be thats why
Whenever I see any Congress functions, there is no photograph of PVN..May be thats why

absolutely.. PVN's is the only time congis did something worthwhile by liberalizing the economy.. & that din't go down well with the hardcore kangroos. Afterall they would like to be known as poor man's party & their slogan of roti kapda makan will not be justified if people start living better. Now you know... why they are undoing all that good work done under PVN.
Wonder what would be the behavior of Indian members if same would have about some Pakistani who migrated from India.

Keep wondering :)

Anyways this "best post independence" PM is cursed by Indians since he supposedly stopped activities of RAW inside Pakistan.

Better not talk than expose ignorance. That's IK Gujral you are speaking about, not PVNR. PVNR was the one who crushed the JKLF and assorted terrorist organizations in Kashmir. :)
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