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Najam Sethi on PNS Mehran

We have freedom of press and that is a good thing, I abhor Mr Sethi and his "analysis" which is total BS in my opinion, but I will defend his right to speak with the last breath in my body, it is what makes Pakistan what it is, free your mind and the rest will follow.
I have never seen such a joker on the media, who says the forces came to know about OBL operation by watching "GEO NEWS" :rofl:
I have never seen such a joker on the media, who says the forces came to know about OBL operation by watching "GEO NEWS" :rofl:

Thts coz the guy works for GEO........lol........ Hes also a chamcha of the ganja party..........
someone should show najam sethi this video that if aghan freedom fighters can shoot down there most sophesticated choppers and inflict heavy casulties then pakistan army is much more powerful then aghan freedom fighters but najam sethi is dancing to the tune of US to provoke own people against the army and try to create a civil war.but GOD willing we will live united and die united.
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May be he did not received his share of loot this time from the chore ganja brothers & gang. This is really sad, these guys can go to any extent without even thinking about the nation/ country where they live and earn their bread & butter + which they call as a 'motherland'. SHAME ON THEM
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