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Naipaul’s wife finds Pak ‘horror’ now stalking UK

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Honor killings in India claim over 1000 lives every year, according to an Indian website reporting such statistics. Last year, there were 100 honor killings recorded in the Indian state of Haryana alone, according to Washington Post.

In 2008, a judge in Haryana and Punjab, Kanwaljit Singh Ahluwalia, said the number of "couples hiding themselves in the corridors of court" had risen in recent years. In response, the government set up hotlines and opened shelters for the runaway couples.

Haq's Musings: Honor Killings in India
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its is nothing to do with india pakistan. it is an ancient tribal funda.

At last someone talking some sense, it has happened for centuries and will continue to happen.

WAR is also honour killing, denounce WAR.
I would like to clarify a few things here;

1. Islam gives woman the right to choose her husband. Islam does not supports forced marriage. So those who force women to marry against their will are sinners in absolute sense and will be answerable to Allah Almighty for this, if not in this world.

2. Islam does not supports honour killing. Islam certainly has imposed strict punishments for those who tread beyond the boundaries of morality but only Islamic authorities have the right to carry out these punishments. A common person cannot take law in to his/her own hands and take someone else's life under any circumstance.

3. Those people (believers) who are hypocritical regarding Islamic practices and teachings; are munafiq. In Holy Quran, Allah Almighty have classified people in 3 major categories; believers; munafiq; and non-believers. Among all, munafiq will get exemplary punishments during the day of judgement.

4. Muslim woman cannot marry non-muslim men. If she does so; then she falls under munafiq category and her marriage is not valid but act of zina and children born out of such a wedlock will be illegitimate.

5. Muslim man also cannot marry non-believer woman. The key word non-believer is because he can marry a woman of another Abrahamic faith, if he no muslim woman chooses him. But this is worst case scenario.
I believe she has a point, but talks in a condescending and unhelpful way, sounds like she feels superior to the other backward pakistanis from her point of view.

She is.

We will dictate our own culture and norms. If you don't like it jog the f on.

Thank heavens Europe is awakening from the multiculti fantasy. Thank heavens there are only 5% of you in Europe as is, because we dont need anyone like you or your mentality.
If you cannot conform, you have no place here.
You ask respect, but you give none.
Please jog the f on to that place where your norms are accepted and which will forever be in the middle ages.
Firstly, I accept my mistake regarding they typo of 6 Billion. It was over 1.6 Billion.

The number killed in the Mahabharata War « Anandatirtha Prathishtana

Let me also cite a bit of the details:

The number killed in the Mahabharata War
April 9, 2009 — Hariprasad
My previous article on the Akshouhini gave rise to some interesting discussions in the comments section. Sri Chiraan rightly pointed out that the actual number of people who participated in the war had to be much more. It was, after all, the “Maha”bharata war!
I recalled reading in the Tatparya Nirnaya that the number 18 Akshouhinis was just the core army. The actual army *had* to be much bigger! So I got down to doing some research on this and yes, the Bhaarata has captured this detail as well. We find details of the actual fatalities (and survivors) in the war in the Stri Parva. The Pandavas, along with Krishna, come to meet Dhritharashtra and Gandhari. At one point, Dhritharashtra asks Yudhishthira if he knows the number of people dead and number of survivors. The numbers that Dharma reveals are
• Fatalities : 1 billion, 660 million and 20,000!!!
• Survivors : 240,165
Today’s world population is 6 billion, 700 odd million. Even in today’s terms, about 25% of the population got wiped out in the war!
This piece of information is in the Stri Parva (11th Parva) of the Mahabharata. I reproduce below the original shloka(s) and Ganguly’s translation of the same.
dashayutanam ayutam sahasrani cha vimshatihi |
kotyah shashtishcha shat chaiva ye asmin rajamrudhe hataha ||
alakshyaanam tu veeraanam sahasraani chaturdasha |
dasha chaanyani rajendra shataam shashtis cha pancha cha ||

“One billion 660 million and 20,000 men have fallen in this battle. Of the heroes that have escaped, the number is 240,165″
Truly, the war was a Maha Yuddha!

Secondly, I mentioned the killings that occurred during the so-called peaceful Hindu rule in India. Ashoka in his rampaging invasion of the eastern province of Kalinga, more than 100,000 men were slain by his forces in this battle alone.

I merely talked about the killings, and not only honour killings.

Do you know the date when the world population reached 1 billion? Its just a century back; these old books have lot of exaggerations. Take their words with a pinch of salt
Yes.. because a Muslim can not marry a non muslim

Too bad they are yet to realize that the world accepts only a give and take policy. Not take and only take. :)
Yes.. because a Muslim can not marry a non muslim

Idiot has no brain.
Noor (Pakistani actress) is a ex wife of indian hindu. And she is still alive and living in Pakistan.
Muslim man can marry Jewish or christian woman.
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