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NAB unearths Khursheed Shah’s assets of worth Rs500bn

Let's hope for the best, and see how the situation is dealt with.

Laws are made in good faith, we need to up hold them.
Lolzz these laws are in total disobedience of Allah Almighty's clear instructions over which there's no disagreement. And that's why we are in the mess. Islamic republic of Pakistan is not following the law of the holy Quran and that is why we are facing the wrath of Allah Almighty.
When will there be recovery ? These are just allegations
maslihat keh 250 aur kaam poora
Lolzz these laws are in total disobedience of Allah Almighty's clear instructions over which there's no disagreement. And that's why we are in the mess. Islamic republic of Pakistan is not following the law of the holy Quran and that is why we are facing the wrath of Allah Almighty.

That would depend on interpretation and context.

We are still expected to use our intelligence.

It is no different to the concept of the letter of the law and the spirit of the law, where the letter is kept safe to ensure the spirit remains intact.
Then I think you don't know about the plea bargain....Of these Rs 500 billion, he will give only a fraction and keep rest of it and it would become legal and halal for him. While Islam says cut the hands of the thief for each theft and if that is implemented, we will not only get Rs 500 billion or more back rather his body will be dismembered into the countless pieces.

You are suggesting wrong punishment, Corruption is clearly differentiated from theft in Quran.

Punishment for corruption:
5:33 Indeed the requital of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle, and try to cause corruption on the earth, is that they shall be slain or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off from opposite sides or be banished from the land. That is a disgrace for them in this world, and in the Hereafter there is a great punishment for them

Punishment for theft:
5:38 As for the thief, man or woman, cut off their hands as a requital for what they have earned. [That is] an exemplary punishment from Allah, and Allah is all-mighty, all-wise.
Lol NAB must be watching lot of Indian drama ,what happened to Punjab corruption wait how much was against SS 5000 Billion Rs. but why NAB our PM uses 20 Billion corruption per day figure .It has become a joke now .
And they made a big news recently on recovering only 2 billions Rs from a Zardari front man.

I am astonished at the lack of speed at which our state institutions are working to recover all looted wealth, specially at a time when our state need it most, when it is getting blackmailed by west and America in general to compromise on our national and security interests.
From WAPDA's line man to Rs 500 billion
he is bill gates competition.Proud of such pakistanis
Pakistan is such a wonderful country.... you can rise from being a meter reader to having a networth of greater than $3 billion. Mashallah.
If this accountability is actually carried out across the board and with sincerity, you'll find that the number of billionaires in our country is probably in the triple digits. and by billions i mean in dollars.
Also almost 95 Percent of them have acquired that money illegally through direct corruption one way or the other. Including this Meter reader.

On a lighter note, what a success story of a self made man. I wonder what kind of meters this guy had been reading.
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Jamhoriyat khappa
Who says we dont have any talent in Pakistan? Agar yeh apna yeh he dimagh mulk ki behtri pay lagatay, toh aaj hum top 10 economy hotay :hitwall:
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Galti ho gaii Chacha G hum ny zindagi kitabin parhny main zaye kar di kash meter hi parh laity :( Sir that was never an secret they never tried to hide it knows all these for many years ask any one in SUkkur he will show u so many of his plots,houses.Question is they were sleeping before or more imp this time they going to do something or again #BhuttoZindaHai
He was fukin meter reader …….Belongs to Poor family …… No wealth from any resource But Only Politics and Corruption ….. This is fukin de-mo-creazy ……. From elite to slave mentality holder Awam..
@Mangus Ortus Novem , @zulu , @war&peace
Get the money off him and buy HQ9 batteries from China.
Democracy in danger
Dear Rs 500 bn is not money,its value of his allegedly own properties,and still NAB has to go long way to confesticate these proppertes and then liquidating them,So no chance of buying weapons
It's on benami two to three Months FBR can liquidate them after notice served
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