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NA passes Counter-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2013


Jul 30, 2007
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United Arab Emirates
ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly has unanimously adopted Counter-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2013 which was tabled by Federal Law Minister Farooq H Naek, Geo News reported Wednesday.

The National Assembly granted a section-wise approval to the Counter-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2013 under which action could now be taken against elements involved in financing the terrorists.

The amendment bill also allows confiscation of property owned by those funding the terrorist elements.
Point scoring in parliament, people are tried of these fake politicians that cant do any thing except pass bills while sitting.
Point scoring in parliament, people are tried of these fake politicians that cant do any thing except pass bills while sitting.

Yeah passing a bill is easy to do...actually implementing it though is what needs to happen (which it probably won't)
Were they sleeping before? or they were not instructed to do so?

Bats they are still sleeping, these are just floop & failed tactics by the politicians to fool the people that they are doing something to protect the people.

Yeah passing a bill is easy to do...actually implementing it though is what needs to happen (which it probably won't)

When it comes to implementation the Govt. has always failed & they will not like the Army to step in for security & operations, these are all fail tactics by the Govt.
well thats good......
I love that.....
somethings good also are being happened here in this Government era...:agree::)
This should have happened ages ago.

An example of how we do not have our interests at heart is the fertilizer ban and when it was launched. Now since 2007 Mullah Fazlullah and Baitullah had been killing local citizens. No fertilizer ban then. No one in the government thought of the use of ammonium nitrate for blasts and never tried to stop it. When US said it was being used for IED blasts they banned it and it is still banned in FATA. Why niot before?
ISLAMABAD: The Senate on Tuesday passed with majority the Anti-Terrorism Amendment Bill 2013 which would enable law enforcement agencies to take effective action against financiers of terrorism in Pakistan.

Law Minister Farooq H Naek presented the bill, which was opposed by Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam – Fazl (JUI-F) leader Senator Abdul Ghafoor Hyderi who sought deferment of the bill so that some necessary amendments could be made for making it more effective.

However, JUI-F leaders staged a walkout when the bill was voted upon and was passed.

The bill amends the Anti-Terrorism Act 1997. It now needs to be signed by President Asif Ali Zardari to become an act.

The bill empowers government authorities to take action against elements involved in financing terrorism in Pakistan. It also allows for confiscation of property owned by financiers of terrorist elements.

Previously, the NA had unanimously passed the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2013 on Feb 20, aiming to remove shortcomings in provisions against terrorism-financing.
Senate passes Anti-Terrorism Amendment bill | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Now that the bill has been passed lets dicuss on the capabilites of this department, will it a completely seperate department like FIA, IB, Para Military forces, and fresh recruitments will be done? or will it have personnel from other LEA.
A bill for establishment of the National Counter-Terrorism Authority (Nacta) 2013 sailed through the National Assembly on Friday with all key amendments incorporated into it.
The authority, to be headed by the prime minister, aims at integrating Pakistan’s anti-terrorism and counter-extremism efforts.
Minister for Law Farooq H Naek moved the bill in the lower house of Parliament, which was approved by members clause by clause after incorporating almost all amendments suggested by Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) member Shireen Arshad and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) member Shabir Tariq.
“Establishing the authority was necessary in view of the nature and magnitude of terrorist threats. It would present strategic policy options to the government to be considered and implemented by stakeholders,” the bill stated. The authority would be responsible to scientifically study the phenomenon of extremism and terrorism in historic and professional perspective, it added.
The authority will play a pivotal role in coordinating with all law enforcement agencies in taking actions against those who carry out acts of terrorism and extremism besides preparing comprehensive national counter terrorism and extremism strategies, the bill read.
An amendment, moved by MNA Shabir Tariq, and later approved by the house, suggested the central control of federal interior ministry be abolished as enshrined in the original draft of standing committee’s report.
Another amendment adopted by the house made Nacta an independent body answerable directly to the prime minister.
“The authority will receive and collate data, information or intelligence and disseminate and coordinate between all relevant stakeholders,” the bill said.
Besides the prime minister, the board will comprise ministers of interior, finance, defence, chief ministers of all provinces and Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) as well as prime minister of Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK), along with directors general of Inter-Services Intelligence, Intelligence Bureau , Military Intelligence and Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).
These corrupt politician will pass thousands of Anti Terrorism bills to fool the people of Pakistan, the only Bill that needs to be passed by the people should be against these corrupt & incompetent politicians & their political terrorist groups who are the true enemy of Pakistan.
Shouldnt the Government, Opposition have passed strict anti terrorism laws when they first got elected for the Gov back in 2008. Now the assemblies are about to be dissolved and they are passing these laws, after 40,000 deaths of innocent Pakistanis, 5,000 deaths of armed forces, 60Billions plus damage to the economy. Other countries pass laws on emergency bases, if even a bird is shot in their country. I believe all political forces have failed to protect Pakistan, and the federal Gov and Provisional Governments should be held responsible for not taking action against extremist elements, they instead holding alliances, seat adjustments, fund them. This is the obvious reason they cant take action against them and release those who are arrested.

I believe Anti Terrorism laws should expose:

1) Where the funding for these groups are coming from ie Lakshar e Taiba, Lakshar e Janghavi, Jaisa e Muhammad, TTP, SSP, and the rest.
2) Which countries, Organisations give funding to these groups -
3) Whose books these groups read, and whos fatwas they follow, we cannot believe they are doing their so called fake Jihad without ACTUALLY believing its Jihad, so this means they follow fatwas, read books, listen to lectures of certain scholars, this is where they are brainwashed
4) Which maddarases they studied in, also in those maddarassas, schools, you will find whos books they have been reading, whos lectures they been listening too.

8) We also need to promote the true Islam in Pakistan which as been here for 1000years. We need to tell the people of Pakistan on the history of Islam in Pakistan, how did people of Indian subcontinent became Muslims, who converted them, preached Islam in here 1000years back.
Is the Islam which is been promoted and funded by foreign countries today the same Islam which has been here for 1000years. The answer is NO. So this means that the todays Islam is not actually the true Islam, its just a cover for terrorism, corruption, power

It is already exposed - the funding and ideological support for the likes of TTP, LeJ, SSP comes from their Salafi benefactors in Saudi who want to set up a Salafi-run emirate in our backyard.
If it is the same bill that lets a security-agency personnel to shoot to kill a civilian for suspicion, then in my book NA just committed an act of treason on Pakistan. Security forces are meant for citizens' security.
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