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N. Korea: South’s reaction to Kim death intolerable

if S.Koreans bark against us,we dont need to beat it.we can unleash N.Korea to finish them for us.

I was going to say "unbelievable" about your arrogance toward South Koreans. But, when I think about it more I realize that such an attitude is part and parcel of the typical PRC internet warrior's personality. Pride and arrogance goeth before the fall. Someday, the Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, Koreans (both North and South), Burmese, Nepalese, Bhutanese, Philippinos, Japanese, Mongolians and, even the Indians, will arise as one, and put you in your place. Inshallah.
I was going to say "unbelievable" about your arrogance toward South Koreans. But, when I think about it more I realize that such an attitude is part and parcel of the typical PRC internet warrior's personality. Pride and arrogance goeth before the fall. Someday, the Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, Koreans (both North and South), Burmese, Nepalese, Bhutanese, Philippinos, Japanese, Mongolians and, even the Indians, will arise as one, and put you in your place. Inshallah.

Half of the ones that you mentioned are with us. And all of them have China as their largest trading partner. :lol:

First they have to get over their differences with each other. Vietnam tried to get ASEAN on their side, but were rebuffed by all the other ASEAN members. :P

I would be supremely surprised (and even a little impressed) if they could set aside all their disputes with each other to form one grand alliance. But I'm not holding my breath.
NKorea boosts heir as head of powerful committee

(AP) – 5 minutes ago

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — North Korea's state media on Monday called Kim Jong Il's heir the head of the ruling Workers' Party Central Committee, a job that gives Kim Jong Un power over one of the country's highest decision-making bodies more than a week after his father's death.

The reference in a commentary by the North's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper came as a former South Korean first lady and a prominent business leader traveled with two private delegations to North Korea to pay respects to Kim Jong Il, who is being mourned by millions as the North prepares for his funeral Wednesday.

North Korean soldiers, Rodong Sinmun said, are upholding a slogan urging them to dedicate their lives "to protect the party's Central Committee headed by respected comrade Kim Jong Un." Kim Jong Il's youngest son is in his late 20s and was unveiled in September 2010 as his father's choice as successor.

The slogan, which state media had frequently used when rallying support for Kim Jong Il, suggests the heir will likely be appointed as Workers' Party general secretary, the ruling party's top job and one of the country's highest positions.

North Korea is in official mourning for Kim until after a memorial Thursday. But the country is also offering hints about Kim Jong Un's rise as ruler. North Korea began hailing him as "supreme leader" of the 1.2-million strong military over the weekend.

The Associated Press: NKorea boosts heir as head of powerful committee
I was going to say "unbelievable" about your arrogance toward South Koreans. But, when I think about it more I realize that such an attitude is part and parcel of the typical PRC internet warrior's personality. Pride and arrogance goeth before the fall. Someday, the Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, Koreans (both North and South), Burmese, Nepalese, Bhutanese, Philippinos, Japanese, Mongolians and, even the Indians, will arise as one, and put you in your place. Inshallah.

Laotians, Burmese, Nepalese, Nhutanese and Cambodians are with us. The resident Cambodian here is even more pro China than some Chinese.

China has one of the highest approval rates in the Philippines next to USA.

We also enjoy support in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

China also has one of the highest approval rates in Russia and France.

He stated a fact. If South Koreans want to attack China, they have to get through North Korea first, and there is no guarantee that they can beat North Korea.
I would be supremely surprised (and even a little impressed) if they could set aside all their disputes with each other to form one grand alliance. But I'm not holding my breath.

Just keep up your arrogant treatment of them and you may provoke that "surprise". They may trade with you because they have no other real choices. But, remember "pride goeth before the fall". I think this observation of the human condition is Shakespeare's, not Confucious', but it still applies. You'll see how well Chinese imperialism goes down with the neighbors.
Taiwanese are Chinese
Ma leads Tsai by 8% in latest opinion poll
Central News Agency
2011-12-02 03:28 PM

Taipei, Dec. 2 (CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang (KMT) has an 8 percent lead over his main competitor Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, an academic survey showed Friday, 44 days before the presidential election.

The results suggest that Ma would garner 34 percent of the vote, Tsai 26 percent and People First Party (PFP) Chair James Soong 10 percent, said Peter Gries, director of University of Oklahoma's Institute for US-China Issues that conducted the survey. Meanwhile, 30 percent of the respondents said they have not yet decided who to vote for in the Jan. 14. election, said Gries, a visiting scholar at National Taiwan University.

If Soong drops out of the race, leaving the KMT and DPP battling for the presidency, Ma's support will rise to 45 percent and Tsai's to 30 percent, he said. The percentage of undecided voters would then decline to 25 percent, he added.

The undecided group is mainly composed of individuals who are female, younger, less wealthy, but slightly more educated, Gries said. Although the support rates differ little from polls commissioned by the local media and think tanks in recent months, Gries' study tapped into voter's gender, ethnic backgrounds, and identity profiles.

He found it interestingly that more female than male voters favored Ma, while Soong had more support among males. However, gender was not a significant factor among Tsai's supporters, he noted. In terms of ethnicity, the Hakka group was warmer toward Ma, he said, noting that people of mainland China origin tend to vote for pan-blue candidates.

Those of Hoklo origin are more ambivalent about their ideal president, he added. Gries noted that the partisanship is driven by many issues, some of which are identity and cross-strait relations. Ma supporters, for example, identify themselves more as "Chinese" than "Taiwanese." Tsai's supporters, on the other hand, think of themselves more as Taiwanese, and Soong's supporters identify least as Taiwanese. On cross-strait issues, Ma's supporters identify more closely with his stance and see Tsai as taking an extremist independence stance. Meanwhile, Tsai's supporters see Ma as being on an extremist path toward unification. The online survey was conducted among 500 adults nationwide from Nov. 17 to 28. It was one of the larger Internet polls on political trends in Taiwan. (By Nancy Liu)
That's right, they also sunk a South Korean warship, the Cheonan.

And North Korea also developed nuclear weapons too.

So they sunk their warship (act of war) and shelled their island (act of war) and still South Korea didn't do anything? I guess the US has a very sturdy leash over the mighty South Koreans.
Just keep up your arrogant treatment of them and you may provoke that "surprise". They may trade with you because they have no other real choices. But, remember "pride goeth before the fall". I think this observation of the human condition is Shakespeare's, not Confucious', but it still applies. You'll see how well Chinese imperialism goes down with the neighbors.

If we have any pride then it has been quite recent. How long has your pride lasted, and how long is it until the fall? :azn:

Here, a quote from Mao Zedong: "虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后"。

Which has essentially the same meaning as your Shakespeare quote. Modesty leads to progress, and pride makes you fall behind.
Just keep up your arrogant treatment of them and you may provoke that "surprise". They may trade with you because they have no other real choices. But, remember "pride goeth before the fall". I think this observation of the human condition is Shakespeare's, not Confucious', but it still applies. You'll see how well Chinese imperialism goes down with the neighbors.

We don't look down on anyone that doesn't have behavior to justify it.

African countries are poor, we don't look down on them. Cambodia is poor, we don't look down on them. We even got along well with Vietnamese until they started insulting us.
ahah you saw that?

apparently the Korean guy was saying something like "nuga" which means "here" or something
and the black guy thought he was calling him a "nigger"

good times :)

South Korea enriched by Multiculturalism - YouTube

wow. none of the south korean men did anything . that black guy was probably with the US marines or army. incidents like this happen too often in south korea, but they are powerless to stop them because the US has them on a tight leash. how miserable.
So they sunk their warship (act of war) and shelled their island (act of war) and still South Korea didn't do anything? I guess the leash the US has a very sturdy leash over the mighty South Koreans.

The South Koreans have a love of life. The North Koreans have a love of death. Yes, a civilized person (SK) is sometimes at the disadvantage when faced with an irrational suicidal attacker (NK). It is not cowardice that South Koreans are showing. It is maturity.
As someone living in South Korea, I think the South Koreans needs top being such wimps, they need to launch a missile or two in the direction of North Korea in response for the shelling and the sinking.

NK can destroy Seoul within few hours, so it is better for SK not to piss them off.

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