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N-deal with Pak could hit ties, India cautions China


Nov 5, 2009
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New Delhi
As Pakistan Army chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani steps up pressure on the Chinese leadership to formalise a nuclear deal similar to the Indo-US civil nuclear initiative, the UPA government has cautioned Beijing about the negative fall-out of such a move on Sino-Indian relations.

Such a move, which could be announced this week during Gen Kayani’s visit to China or held back for a later date, is bound to set back the current efforts by Delhi
and Beijing to normalise bilateral relations.

In the last few weeks, there has been a steady stream of reports that China is about to clinch a new deal to sell two nuclear power reactors to Pakistan in violation of the current rules of international nuclear commerce.

While it deliberately chose to avoid a public spat with China on its proposed expansion of nuclear cooperation with Pakistan, Delhi has left Beijing in no doubt about its strong reservations that were conveyed through diplomatic channels in the last few days.

If Beijing goes ahead with the deal, Delhi cannot but conclude that China has acted after carefully calculating the benefits of intensifying its nuclear engagement with Pakistan and the costs of the Indian reaction — both official and public.

After steady deterioration during 2008-09, Sino-Indian relations have begun to improve since the climate change summit at Copenhagen last December, where Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Premier Wen Jiabao surprised the world with their coordination.

President Pratibha Patil has concluded last month a visit to China that Delhi declared “successful” and “forward-looking”.

If China signals its determination to sustain a nuclear parity between the subcontinental rivals, India might be forced to conclude that its outreach to Beijing has no real effect on China’s “all-weather partnership with Pakistan”.

For the moment though it is not entirely clear if China is indeed going ahead with the deal that has already been

negotiated at the commercial level between the China Nuclear Power Corporation and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission.

In a statement on Thursday, a spokesman of the Chinese foreign office stressed that “the civilian nuclear co-operation between China and Pakistan is in line with each side’s international obligations.” “It is for peaceful purposes, and is under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency,” the spokesman told a news briefing in Beijing.

N-deal with Pak could hit ties, India cautions China - Express India
As Pakistan Army chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani steps up pressure on the Chinese leadership to formalise a nuclear deal similar to the Indo-US civil nuclear initiative, the UPA government has cautioned Beijing about the negative fall-out of such a move on Sino-Indian relations.

What does UPA means? and which sino-indian relations they are talking about?
Where were these relations when a month back Chinese companies were not allowed to do business in India..?

"As Pakistan Army chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani steps up pressure on the Chinese leadership to formalise a nuclear deal "


As expected, but what has the Army chief anything to do with the reactors ?? They are being asked for civil purposes, to be under IAEA safeguards and watch, run by PAEC which is not under the Army, then why the hell is the Indian media dragging in the Army chief into this thing, its govt to govt deal, and during the recent visit of Chinese defence minister, the matter would have most probably been sorted out and cleared.

I can't understand the Indian media, it is full of surprises, and BS surprises. :blah::blah::blah:
I must say that Indian Government and Indian people are living in a dream world, which is quite clear from the wordings of this news report 'India cautions China'. I mean this is just hilarious.........

guys! get down of your high horses and face reality.
I must say that Indian Government and Indian people are living in a dream world, which is quite clear from the wordings of this news report 'India cautions China'. I mean this is just hilarious.........

guys! get down of your high horses and face reality.

It is India cautions China, Not threatens China, so why is there need to be a Big fuss About it.... But You people take it in a way as if India has threatened China
Are they trying to give an incentive to China to go ahead sooner with the deal?
Chinese met with indian officials twice, and there go indians, thinking they can influence and pressurize Chinese.. :rofl:
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