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Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (Kokang rebel forces)

What is the difference b/w kochan and kachin rebels?
What is the difference b/w kochan and kachin rebels?
In comparison, Kachin (Kachin Independence Army)was closely relationship with USA,Now, do not know, USA choice Kachin rebels, or the government of Burma.
Perhaps the USA and the Kachin are betting on both sides,Burma/kachin, USA/China.
The Kokang (Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army)relatively independent
Burma has a lot of rebels, at present, there are relatively large
1, Shan
Shan armed most time had only 100 small armed forces, of which the most famous are 3,the first is the Shan State Army (SSA), second for the Shan United Revolutionary Army(SURA), the third is the Shan Coalition (SUA).
2 wa
The United Wa State Army (United Wa State Army
3 kokang
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance ArmyIn fact, strength is relatively small
4 Kachin
Kachin Independence Army
5 Karen
The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)
6 Kayan
The Kayan peoples liberation army
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In comparison, Kachin (Kachin Independence Army)was closely relationship with USA,Now, do not know, USA choice Kachin rebels, or the government of Burma.
Perhaps the USA and the Kachin are betting on both sides,Burma/kachin, USA/China.
The Kokang (Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army)relatively independent
Burma has a lot of rebels, at present, there are relatively large
1, Shan
Shan armed most time had only 100 small armed forces, of which the most famous are 3,the first is the Shan State Army (SSA), second for the Shan United Revolutionary Army(SURA), the third is the Shan Coalition (SUA).
2 wa
The United Wa State Army (United Wa State Army
3 kokang
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance ArmyIn fact, strength is relatively small
4 Kachin
Kachin Independence Army
5 Karen
The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)
6 Kayan
The Kayan peoples liberation army
What are the objectives of these groups?
What are the objectives of these groups?
These States, some once independent, some areas have belong to the jurisdiction of China, some minority region is similar to Thailand, later annexed by the British, incorporated into British Burma,(East McMahon Line) , After the British exit, some states require independent, some states and the central government of Myanmar formed the federal government. Burma the main ethnic Burmese, accounting for 68%, Some ethnic groups believe the government of Burma exist "big Burmese nationalism", on minority injustice, some seek independence, some want more autonomy rights
These States, some have to be independent, some areas have belong to the jurisdiction of China, some minority region is similar to Thailand, later annexed by the British, incorporated into British Burma,The British withdrawal,some once independent,, some areas that once belonged to the jurisdiction of China,some minority region is similar to Thailand. later annexed by the British, incorporated into British Burma(East McMahon Line) , After the British exit, some states require independent, some states and the central government of Myanmar formed the federal government. Burma the main ethnic Burmese, accounting for 68%, Some ethnic groups believe the government of Burma exist "big Burmese nationalism", on minority injustice, some seek independence, some want more autonomy rights
So burma has 8 seperatist movements?
Kokang people really don't look like Burmese at all, their facial features are strongly resemblant of Han Chinese...
Kokang people really don't look like Burmese at all, their facial features are strongly resemblant of Han Chinese...

The Chinese have a lot of race traitors and there is good and bad in this. Chinese race traitorism has enable us to assimilate well in all countries, other than the too barbaric Islamo one like Malaysia.

The worst persecutor of Chinese in Myanmar against Chinese is a Chinese.

Ne Win - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Despite his Chinese ancestry, Ne Win persecuted ethnic Chinese in Burma. In February 1963, the Enterprise Nationalization Law was passed, effectively nationalizing all major industries and prohibiting the formation of new factories. This law adversely affected many industrialists and entrepreneurs, especially those without the full citizenship. The government's economic nationalization program further prohibited foreigners, including the non-citizen Chinese, from owning land, sending remittances, getting business licenses and practicing medicine. Such policies led to the beginnings of a major exodus of Burmese Chinese to other countries—some 100,000 Chinese left Burma.
So burma has 8 seperatist movements?
how many, I cann‘t tell u,Until the end of the last century, a total of 17 armed with the military government signed apeace agreement, the control area has become a "Special Administrative Region",

In 2014 February the second Burma ethnic armed organization Summit
, has had a total of 17 ethnic armed groups and a student armed organizations to send delegates.
The United Wa State Army (UWSA) and the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) did not attend the meeting.
The Chinese have a lot of race traitors and there is good and bad in this. Chinese race traitorism has enable us to assimilate well in all countries, other than the too barbaric Islamo one like Malaysia.

The worst persecutor of Chinese in Myanmar against Chinese is a Chinese.

Ne Win - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Despite his Chinese ancestry, Ne Win persecuted ethnic Chinese in Burma. In February 1963, the Enterprise Nationalization Law was passed, effectively nationalizing all major industries and prohibiting the formation of new factories. This law adversely affected many industrialists and entrepreneurs, especially those without the full citizenship. The government's economic nationalization program further prohibited foreigners, including the non-citizen Chinese, from owning land, sending remittances, getting business licenses and practicing medicine. Such policies led to the beginnings of a major exodus of Burmese Chinese to other countries—some 100,000 Chinese left Burma.

Thanks. I never knew about this.
Thanks. I never knew about this.

There are much more Myanmese elites who are fake Chinese. Many times, it was Chinese attacking Chinese and not Barmese attacking Chinese.

Chinese Nisei assimilate well because our culture have some traits of race traitorism. There are good and bad. Host definitely prefer Chinese aliens over Islamo.

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