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Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

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A glance at refugee camps at China-Myanmar border


On March 13, four Chinese people were killed and nine wounded by a bomb dropped by a Myanmar warplane in southwestern China's Yunnan Province. The bomb hit a sugarcane field in the border city of Lincang. In addition, on March 8, stay bullets from Myanmar damaged a house in China, but caused no causalities. In the spirit of humanitarianism, China has provided the Myanmar refugees with some relief, including water and medical services, and put up tents for them in Lincang. (Photo/Youth.cn)






A glance at refugee camps at China-Myanmar border


On March 13, four Chinese people were killed and nine wounded by a bomb dropped by a Myanmar warplane in southwestern China's Yunnan Province. The bomb hit a sugarcane field in the border city of Lincang. In addition, on March 8, stay bullets from Myanmar damaged a house in China, but caused no causalities. In the spirit of humanitarianism, China has provided the Myanmar refugees with some relief, including water and medical services, and put up tents for them in Lincang. (Photo/Youth.cn)







These cute little kids are so naive they even don't understand what happened. I wishes this event won't impact their future and grow up healthily, happily.
Why China can’t get too angry at Burma for dropping bombs

BEIJING -- For days, the anger has grown online.

After a bomb from a Burmese aircraft killed four Chinese near the China-Burma border, many Chinese have been expressing their outrage on the Internet -- not only against the Burmese government but against their own for not taking a harder stance.

So far, Chinese leaders have complained to Burma, also known as Myanmar, about the bombing, which occurred on Chinese soil, and sent a few jets on a symbolic patrol of the border, but they haven't gone much further. And while Chinese leaders have often eagerly fanned the flames of nationalistic anger in the past, they have tried hard to tamp down such sentiments in this case -- going as far as censoring online posts about the incident and paying off the victims' families.

The surprising restraint highlights the delicate nature of China's relationship these days with Burma. China has been trying to preserve and rebuild its ties with Burma in recent years amid that country's transition from an authoritarian, military-run government and its surprising overtures to the West.

[Here’s why students in Burma are taking to the streets]

Burma remains a large importer of Chinese weapons. Many of its biggest projects are Chinese-backed or owned -- an arrangement that allows China to secure energy and raw materials that are crucial to sustaining its ever-expanding economy.

But those diplomatic and strategic niceties have not blunted popular opinion in China as news of Friday's bombing has spread.

The bomb fell in a border village of China's Yunnan province, near where the Burmese government has been fighting rebels in its Kokang region. Burma has blamed the bombing on rebel forces. But China says the bomb was clearly dropped by a Burmese air force plane.

Comments in Chinese social media have ranged from sarcastic to mocking to outright demanding.

"Is this because the Chinese people are so cheap and can only die for nothing?" "All Chinese military is good for is drinking Maotai [a kind of luxury wine used to bribe corrupt officials]?" “Imagine how this would have played out if the bombing happened to the U.S.?”

As of Tuesday, many online comments had already been censored. China's local government has also paid each victim's family $3,200 as compensation.

Even China's most nationalistic paper, the Global Times -- which is published by China's official People's Daily -- has tried to ease public anger. On Monday, an opinion piece argued, "Your brain must be injected with water if you think Myanmar's military is dropping bombs on purpose."

China, it argued, is not like the United States and will not go around killing people for little reason.

Why China can’t get too angry at Burma for dropping bombs - The Washington Post
Thats what I am trying to say.Dont go about changing the course of history as per whims and fancy. Nations have evolved over time and a lot of things happen in that evolution. But there is a difference between Ladakh and Goa. Goa was under colonial occupation while Ladakh was a part of fluid neighbourhood boundaries that kept changing with every local ruler worldwide.

You could make the latter argument for any piece of land, for Goa as well, ma'am. Ladakh was independent or a vassal to Tibet for centuries, but finally conquered by Zorowar Singh. I think what you're saying justifies the partition of Poland, as an example.
There are some big demonstration in Myanmar right now? What next? Color Revolution?

Why China can’t get too angry at Burma for dropping bombs

BEIJING -- For days, the anger has grown online.

After a bomb from a Burmese aircraft killed four Chinese near the China-Burma border, many Chinese have been expressing their outrage on the Internet -- not only against the Burmese government but against their own for not taking a harder stance.

So far, Chinese leaders have complained to Burma, also known as Myanmar, about the bombing, which occurred on Chinese soil, and sent a few jets on a symbolic patrol of the border, but they haven't gone much further. And while Chinese leaders have often eagerly fanned the flames of nationalistic anger in the past, they have tried hard to tamp down such sentiments in this case -- going as far as censoring online posts about the incident and paying off the victims' families.

The surprising restraint highlights the delicate nature of China's relationship these days with Burma. China has been trying to preserve and rebuild its ties with Burma in recent years amid that country's transition from an authoritarian, military-run government and its surprising overtures to the West.

[Here’s why students in Burma are taking to the streets]

Burma remains a large importer of Chinese weapons. Many of its biggest projects are Chinese-backed or owned -- an arrangement that allows China to secure energy and raw materials that are crucial to sustaining its ever-expanding economy.

But those diplomatic and strategic niceties have not blunted popular opinion in China as news of Friday's bombing has spread.

The bomb fell in a border village of China's Yunnan province, near where the Burmese government has been fighting rebels in its Kokang region. Burma has blamed the bombing on rebel forces. But China says the bomb was clearly dropped by a Burmese air force plane.

Comments in Chinese social media have ranged from sarcastic to mocking to outright demanding.

"Is this because the Chinese people are so cheap and can only die for nothing?" "All Chinese military is good for is drinking Maotai [a kind of luxury wine used to bribe corrupt officials]?" “Imagine how this would have played out if the bombing happened to the U.S.?”

As of Tuesday, many online comments had already been censored. China's local government has also paid each victim's family $3,200 as compensation.

Even China's most nationalistic paper, the Global Times -- which is published by China's official People's Daily -- has tried to ease public anger. On Monday, an opinion piece argued, "Your brain must be injected with water if you think Myanmar's military is dropping bombs on purpose."

China, it argued, is not like the United States and will not go around killing people for little reason.

Why China can’t get too angry at Burma for dropping bombs - The Washington Post

The red bold one : So what should PRC do? Attack, Annex and massacre Myanmar People, just like what Washington did to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya? Or like what happen in Donbas Ukraine?
Why China can’t get too angry at Burma for dropping bombs

Comments in Chinese social media have ranged from sarcastic to mocking to outright demanding.

"Is this because the Chinese people are so cheap and can only die for nothing?" "All Chinese military is good for is drinking Maotai [a kind of luxury wine used to bribe corrupt officials]?" “Imagine how this would have played out if the bombing happened to the U.S.?”
This is what I always say on PDF and Chinese here always use Ah Q'spiritual victory' to make themselves happy.

Chinese people are so cheap and PLA is so corrupted, even China medial have to admit it :pop:

The red bold one : So what should PRC do? Attack, Annex and massacre Myanmar People, just like what Washington did to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya? Or like what happen in Donbas Ukraine?
Thats what they must do to save their faces. Even VN also attacked Pol Pot , massacre Khmer Rouge when they killed our people :)
It was clearly an accident.

Burma is a state where China has a significant sphere of influence. I don't think China will want to stir up any anti Chinese sentiment there.
British Mc Mahon line expanded into Chinese territory. You can't draw a line casually and unilaterally claiming Chinese territory and occupied by forces. That's called illegal. We don't claim an inch of Indian territory didn't belong to China, and we won't give up an inch Chinese territory occupied by India. Come to China with your cameras, interview any of one ethnic Tibetan Chinese, they will demand Indian withdraw from their land.

You don't need to pretend you know nothing. When China was fighting against America in Korea war, India started to invade and occupy South Tibet in 1951. During the Cuba missile crisis in 1962, China had the chance to strike back Indians' invasion.
Indians outsmarted China. South Tibet rich in agricultural land. China occupy AK, barren but militarily strategic. But not use much strategically .

There are some big demonstration in Myanmar right now? What next? Color Revolution?

The red bold one : So what should PRC do? Attack, Annex and massacre Myanmar People, just like what Washington did to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya? Or like what happen in Donbas Ukraine?
Annex Myanmar.
Indians outsmarted China. South Tibet rich in agricultural land. China occupy AK, barren but militarily strategic. But not use much strategically .

Annex Myanmar.

I disagree. China would have occupied both South Tibet and Aksai Chin.
I disagree. China would have occupied both South Tibet and Aksai Chin.
Disagree with me on what? India is currently occupying south Tibet and CPC have no intention and no will to take it back.
Indians outsmarted China. South Tibet rich in agricultural land. China occupy AK, barren but militarily strategic. But not use much strategically .

Annex Myanmar.

@Aung Zaya , @alaungphaya : how you feel when someone call for annexing Myanmar ?
As an ASEAN citizen, I'm feel anger on how easy they couls say about an invasion to an independent country, one of ASEAN members

Is this guy @Jlaw a Chinese non-resident ?
I am not advocating pushing Myanmar. We need to show dignity. We need to show sympathy. This WAS our land and UK took it by gangsterism. Chinese was there long before Barmese. Barmese is invaders not Chinese

I am sick when some folks here say there Kokangi deserve shit because they migrate with eyes open. These are shameless race traitors. They engage in heartless victim blaming.

And many of these folks stay in places where Chinese got shit, like Malaysia.

Lux is Singaporean Chinese. Singapore is good because we have people like Lux, who are for humanity, and not for traitoring.

So what do you propose? Doing Crimea to the Kokang Area? To betray a loyal friend like Myanmar?
I'm also a Chinese Descendant. But I don't think that the best course for PRC now is to blindly revenge to the Myanmar Government and support the Kokang (Han Ethic) Rebel. That's absurd. What China do know is already right. They don't intervene to the Myanmar Civil War, but also doing humanitarian to the Kokang Civilians.

Doing Crimea to the Myanmar will not only bad to the PRC government, but also to all Chinese and Chinese descendants in this world. Because people will think that our where about in this world will be considered as threat to everybody. They will think that the Oversea Chinese can be used as justification of war by the PRC Government to annex another countries. Thus, more countries will join the Chinese Enemy Faction, and all Chinese Oversea Life will be endangered. Including you. So think about it through fully. Plus, what is the benefit for the PRC government to get a very small Kokang land? Nothing. That foolish action will make even PRC best friends like Pakistan think that PRC is not trustworthy.
So what do you propose? Doing Crimea to the Kokang Area? To betray a loyal friend like Myanmar?
I'm also a Chinese Descendant. But I don't think that the best course for PRC now is to blindly revenge to the Myanmar Government and support the Kokang (Han Ethic) Rebel. That's absurd. What China do know is already right. They don't intervene to the Myanmar Civil War, but also doing humanitarian to the Kokang Civilians.

Doing Crimea to the Myanmar will not only bad to the PRC government, but also to all Chinese and Chinese descendants in this world. Because people will think that our where about in this world will be considered as threat to everybody. They will think that the Oversea Chinese can be used as justification of war by the PRC Government to annex another countries. Thus, more countries will join the Chinese Enemy Faction, and all Chinese Oversea Life will be endangered. Including you. So think about it through fully. Plus, what is the benefit for the PRC government to get a very small Kokang land? Nothing.

No I am not proposing this. I am proposing Chinese members in PDF show some sympathy and read more history.

I am teaching them good because I see so many people saying Kokangi migrate there with eyes wide open and hence they deserve shit. Besides, Kokang land was China land. The Barmese migrate there, not the Chinese. It was taken away by British gangster.

Indon Chinese did migrate to Indon. If you Indonesian Chinese got rape and killed, I will speak align with sympathy and truth and dignity.

If jokers say Indon Chinese deserve your genocide because you are shit people and because you guys migrate there, Lux being a good man will advise these mofos to be good.
@Aung Zaya , @alaungphaya : how you feel when someone call for annexing Myanmar ?
As an ASEAN citizen, I'm feel anger on how easy they couls say about an invasion to an independent country, one of ASEAN members

Is this guy @Jlaw a Chinese non-resident ?

I think it's quite funny. It's usually guys who aren't 'proper' Chinese anyway. So I don't really mind.
You could make the latter argument for any piece of land, for Goa as well, ma'am. Ladakh was independent or a vassal to Tibet for centuries, but finally conquered by Zorowar Singh. I think what you're saying justifies the partition of Poland, as an example.
I would disagree. Ladakh was never ruled as a colony but as an addition in the kingdom. Moghuls too ruled India but they ruled it not as a colony but made India their home. Australia, the US, New Zealand are all occupied territories not ruled by natives but occupiers. The difference is that the occupiers never treated these territories as a colony but their own country. Thats the difference between Ladakh and Goa. If portuguese had decided to settle in Goa and rule as citizens of Goa, my argument then would be different perhaps.

British Mc Mahon line expanded into Chinese territory. You can't draw a line casually and unilaterally claiming Chinese territory and occupied by forces. That's called illegal. We don't claim an inch of Indian territory didn't belong to China, and we won't give up an inch Chinese territory occupied by India. Come to China with your cameras, interview any of one ethnic Tibetan Chinese, they will demand Indian withdraw from their land.

You don't need to pretend you know nothing. When China was fighting against America in Korea war, India started to invade and occupy South Tibet in 1951. During the Cuba missile crisis in 1962, China had the chance to strike back Indians' invasion.
What defined a chinese territory before the McMahon Line? Not long ago, just about less than a hundred year ago, the boundaries of a kingdom kept changing. People were unconcerned about it and the rulers too did not take it to their heart too much about losing a territory. It was more of a military triumph or loss and not a matter of ego. Geographycal surveys too are not a very old thing.
Nepal is a sovereign independent country. The people on southern border with India are almost the same people on the indian side in terms of race, language, culture, religion, caste etc. they are referred as Madhesis in Nepal. Similarly on Nepal's eastern border with India, there are Gorkhas on Indian side who speak Nepali and have more mongoloid features. All this happenned over a long period of history. Now it would be wrong for India to stake claim on madhesi people and land of Nepal and it would be wrong for Nepal to claim the Gorkhas of India.
If the nations decide to draw a boundary based on some long gone historical fact then there will be no end to that. One of the most sacred place for hindus is Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar where they believe their Lord Shiva to be residing. This place falls in Tibet, China and has no religious significance for chinese. Should India stake claim on Mount Kailash and Mansarovar Lake based on the mythology???
Sometimes, you say that MacMahon Line was drawn by the British and India inherited that in 1947 and at the same time you say that India invaded and occupied Arunachal Pradesh in 1951. And you replied to that invasion after 11 years.
We dont know what ethnic chinese in Tibet are made to believe by the authoritarian chinese govt. but we have about 100,000 refugees from Tibet who accuse China of occupying their territory and they demand chinese to withdraw from their land.
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