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Myanmar Defence Forum

A IL-62M landed in yangon yesterday carrying large creates. It came from Egypt and the planes is either North Korean or Russian.
We are not living in the 13th century bro. IRBM requires technical skills and money which the Burmese army lacks in.

The only option is to purchase it from China/Russia.

Medium ranged ballistic missiles are enough. Iran has hundreds of them and Iran's neighbours fears them for their missiles.

You are way off bro.

Even Turkey has just announced its plan to launch a lunar impactor on the occasion of its 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey, as a replacement of its goal to join the European Union (E.U.).

Then a lander would follow by 2028 with an indigenous launcher.

And it hasn't even placed any satellite indigenously nor tested a single space launcher as of 2021.

Turkey's Lunar Exploration Program (TLEP)

"The only way to ensure justice in the world
is to exist in the space in a powerful manner"

- Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey

Well, Turkey has now entered the global lunar space race today, with the announcement of a lunar impactor for 2023 and a lunar lander by 2028!

End of 2023 first moon mission: A falcon9 SpaceX rocket brings the first Turkish moon Orbiter into low earth orbit.

After separating the moon orbiter ignite its hybrid rocket engine and shots the moon orbiter to the moon for a hard landing!

The second part of the Turkish moon mission: 2028 turkey plans to launch a moon landing module with its own launcher. This is very ambitious

Look to the sky and see the moon
The original : istikbal göklerdedir-> future is in the skies


https://archive.is/SwfYf/56600b03591d19b0d87252f72b0b6a774d4e5272.jpg ; https://archive.is/SwfYf/75297c79b93cef2a06317854ec8aa69c91219e51/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210210133544/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtzW5zVXAAMirWr?format=jpg&name=large
1. Roadmap for the Turkish Lunar Exploration Program (TLEP). 2021.


Turkey's Manned Space Program

This is only the beginning, as the Moon is no limit, coming next: the manned space race between Turkey and Iran for the global leadership in the Islamic world!


https://archive.vn/ayeeo/ad3a47f2fb6e55564ee4c3c14efa0b9a0299a2b2.jpg ; https://archive.vn/ayeeo/e0c7963831bbcef88de3759e89d492f568ce9354/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210210133655/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtzUavrXIAQd-xS?format=jpg&name=large
2. Inter-Islamic Space Race.


https://archive.vn/StlX8/7241ad86646a71a6e735ac89b8f3a5bbb75e2b46.png ; https://archive.vn/StlX8/c00fbf41f98d467776cf6c0fd1eeab7b8fc30d61/scr.png ;
https://web.archive.org/web/20210212163753/https://i.imgur.com/D2wpfts.png ;
https://twitter.com/miguyan2000/status/1359475283703783426 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210209183526/https://cdn.tua.gov.tr/60229ce82baee.pdf

3. Official announcement of the Turkish manned space program. February 2021.

From the official statements, we see that Turkey will follow India in sending first an astronaut aboard the ISS with the help of Russia.

An indigenous flight will then follow when the future domestically developed launcher able to place 2 tons into LEO is available.


https://archive.vn/7YNkU/19fb56a78aaa579ee7cde8eb2b783716d3424db5.png ; https://archive.vn/7YNkU/1930219c06dce08f747f30cd862d5910b3816787/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210212163533/https://i.imgur.com/Mh8BtRU.png ; https://twitter.com/miguyan2000/status/1359475283703783426 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210209183526/https://cdn.tua.gov.tr/60229ce82baee.pdf
4. Artistic rendering of the future Turkish orbital manned launcher. February 2021.


https://archive.vn/MdnTY/f04ea980ecefd454ab8f5a534bd536ece68c40b5.png ; https://archive.vn/MdnTY/4a0902e85f323b7cd19c5f4fde8fe6aa4fd4aa20/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210212163729/https://i.imgur.com/nFo0EqX.png ; https://twitter.com/miguyan2000/status/1359475283703783426 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210209183526/https://cdn.tua.gov.tr/60229ce82baee.pdf
5. Artistic rendering of the future Turkish orbital manned launcher. February 2021.


https://archive.vn/URo3S/5db21ba262afb2dbb9c745ee13dca47336a8b730.png ; https://archive.vn/URo3S/96aa40063bc133f619ddd7b846f36d6f6820ad56/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210212163635/https://i.imgur.com/XYgKJxD.png ; https://twitter.com/miguyan2000/status/1359475283703783426 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210209183526/https://cdn.tua.gov.tr/60229ce82baee.pdf
6. Artistic rendering of the future Turkish orbital manned launcher. Notice the second stage powered by a single high altitude engine, and the 3rd powered by 4 engines carrying the manned spacecraft. February 2021.


https://archive.is/DCqu8/537693e0c0d1771b2ac386f2010aff9a52cfe673.jpg ; https://archive.is/DCqu8/dd5c49cd685e0b741bef7d0ce1239c439892b549/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210214161310/https://i.imgur.com/XiwJIQi.jpg
7. Some of the Turkish space launchers in development.

Conclusion, it is correct to assume that the Tatmadaw would like to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the independence of the Union of Burma with an exceptional event: the first space launch of an indigenous rocket by 2023.

Here another good clue.

Space Sci-fi movie development as rule of thumb

Space sci-fi movie is a good indicator for any nation, especially when concerning one's future space achievements.

Space Sci-fi movie development in South Korea

The first Korean sci-fi blockbuster set in space, “Space Sweepers (2021)” reached the top of the Netflix movie chart on Saturday after its worldwide release Friday, showing the potential of Korean-made sci-fi flicks despite some shortcomings.

Set in 2092, “Space Sweepers[2]” by director Jo Sung-hee is about a space cleanup crew trying to sell a weapon of mass destruction: humanoid Dorothy.


https://archive.vn/BaJvU/9398b678e45b24bc1800d67f07757547be711955.jpg ; https://archive.vn/BaJvU/6377631a381d53aa0ad12c381af7a66a2c10132f/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210213175312/http://img.hani.co.kr/imgdb/china/news/resize/2021/0209/161283299568_20210209.JPG
8. The first Korean sci-fi blockbuster set in space, “Space Sweepers (2021)” reached the top of the Netflix movie chart on Saturday after its worldwide release Friday, showing the potential of Korean-made sci-fi flicks despite some shortcomings.


https://archive.vn/0N3Vg/6b8cd99144163d9122a8a0dca0c6d3d18826d30a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/0N3Vg/e9464afbb3e1c06eebd549d65e321d7b95eac07e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210213175354/https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZTUxN2M3ZWYtMzc1MC00NTc4LWFhZDItMzViZDg2NmFjMzBhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTMxODk2OTU@._V1_.jpg
9. The first Korean sci-fi blockbuster set in space, “Space Sweepers (2021)” reached the top of the Netflix movie chart on Saturday after its worldwide release Friday, showing the potential of Korean-made sci-fi flicks despite some shortcomings.

Released on 5th February 2021 (USA), only months before the maiden flight of the KSLV-II space launcher. The first launch of the KSLV-II initially set for February 2021 has been postponed to November 2021.


https://archive.is/omjt3/8d2b79cdd0fb90bc91af9ec69f27761e48837a6a.jpg ; https://archive.is/omjt3/a1f399328ad6d95c98ad3a7a1b3dd5f505cf70a5/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210127230821/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EqZLa-XUcAIL5wk?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
10. The first launch of the KSLV-II has been postponed to November 2021. The reason is: modification of the assembly procedure, delay in parts delivery, need for more time in stage assembly, and the need for Wet Dress Rehearsal. Second launch is May 2022.

Space Sci-fi movie development in Myanmar

Presented as the first space adventure in Myanmar film history, Ananda : Rise of Notra was released on 4th July 2019 (Myanmar).

This is a good indication that space launches are under preparation. Not an astronaut in the immediate future of course, but a space launcher, with a satellite launch. Manned spaceflight should be expected thereafter.

Trailer Video


https://archive.is/hryzx/442bc6d6190a0b122317aedee5aed99ca9c62f5c.jpg ; https://archive.is/hryzx/6f73aaf7bcb9ece823c8cc9da0462e45f5da2d00/scr.png ; https://i.imgur.com/j5F5ycd.jpg ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt172ACDaGo ; http://archive.ph/xXTtU
11. Ananda : Rise of Notra was released on 4th July 2019


https://archive.ph/D5nKr/67faf2ac3d66d62eb9f0b5cfcb33aa3605603827.jpg ; https://archive.ph/D5nKr/1194fa5ad194e12bcfa93be7d53deb667d9a3b2f/scr.png ; https://i.imgur.com/iIhxc7l.jpg ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt172ACDaGo ; http://archive.ph/xXTtU
12. Ananda : Rise of Notra was released on 4th July 2019


https://archive.ph/GUDIa/68697a5d736e676494eb50fd06caa3d461c4b561.jpg ; https://archive.ph/GUDIa/e9150baa03f51a47e24999f2d3ac162930a54d54/scr.png ; https://i.imgur.com/QfedMiF.jpg ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt172ACDaGo ; http://archive.ph/xXTtU
13. Ananda : Rise of Notra was released on 4th July 2019


https://archive.ph/CrgA2/9a2465b1734b16a2d3ee124b0f0da0893449b023.jpg ; https://archive.ph/CrgA2/156629c79376d2c6e5392c74e59cdfd979dc9ea0/scr.png ; https://i.imgur.com/BuZ80tP.jpg ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt172ACDaGo ; http://archive.ph/xXTtU
14. Ananda : Rise of Notra was released on 4th July 2019

The Moon as Test Ground for Dual Use Civilian-Military Technologies

There is no secret, to perfect one's ballistic technologies, the outer space is the best place.

This trend follows team Israel-India with the 2019 Chandrayaan-2/Beresheet-1 lunar landers, the initiators.

• South Korea's first lunar mission, with Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) that is scheduled to be launched by a SpaceX Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket in July 2022 to orbit the Moon for 1 year

Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO)

The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) is South Korea's first lunar mission. It is developed and managed by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and is scheduled to launch in July 2022 to orbit the Moon for 1 year carrying an array of South Korean experiments and one U.S. built instrument. The objectives are to develop indigenous lunar exploration technologies, demonstrate a "space internet", and conduct scientific investigations of the lunar environment, topography, and resources, as well as identify potential landing sites for future missions.
Spacecraft and Subsystems

The spacecraft has a cubic shape with two solar panel wings and a parabolic antenna mounted on a boom. The total mass is 550 kg. Communications are via S-band (telemetry and command) and X-band (payload data downlink). Power (760 W at 28 V) is provided through the solar panel arrays and rechargeable batteries. A monopropulsion system is used, with four 30N orbital maneuver thrusters and four 5N attitude control thrusters. KPLO is equipped with five science instruments and a Disruption Tolerant Network experiment. The five experiments are a Lunar Terrain Imager (LUTI), a Wide-Angle Polarimetric Camera (PolCam), a Magnetometer (KMAG), a Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (KGRS), and a high-sensitivity camera developed by NASA (ShadowCam). Total scientific payload mass is about 40 kg.
Mission Profile

KPLO is scheduled to launch in July 2022 from Cape Canaveral on a SpaceX Falcon 9 Block 5 into a 300 km Earth orbit, followed by a translunar injection burn and a one month lunar transfer phase. After capture into an elliptical lunar orbit, it will circularize to a 100 km nominal polar orbit (+-30 km), from which it will conduct science operations for approximately one year. If the mission has an extended phase, it will descend to a 70 km orbit or lower.


South Korea would then launch its own 830 kg lander by 2030 with its own KSLV-II rocket.

• Turkey will launch its own lunar lander by 2028 with its own rocket.

• Iran will launch a lunar orbiter in 2 years (by 2023) with its own rocket.

• North Korea will launch a lunar orbiter by 2022 and a lunar lander by 2026 with its own rockets.

Conclusion, the Tatmadaw is aiming at nothing less!


https://archive.vn/4Zkz4/a2cc5ecdbc08e959075c3e8aa26a2794a7759852.jpg ; https://archive.vn/4Zkz4/ba9646456e65df03853e0fa04cbfb6d5cd5b7ae0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200827233521/https://i.imgur.com/KAYt5Bl.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200821235952/https://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3299040 ; https://archive.vn/dkCFC
15. And the larger picture, showing both a manned spacecraft (simply a scale model of the Chinese Shenzhou) and a manned space launcher (the Chinese CZ-2F).

Meanwhile, 2 centuries of foreign European occupation is enough!


https://archive.vn/wjGsZ/e8f6dcb6075a43cdebfd91ce3158118960bf805e.png ; https://archive.vn/wjGsZ/841dbd68d7478709360cf5f623dcf33d938445b2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210213172508/https://i.imgur.com/GLxHMQt.png
16. Myanmar Social Media Users Slam Russia. February 2021.

Only a regional union can make the East Asian region independent again!🇲🇲🇹🇭🇱🇦🇰🇭


https://archive.vn/dYY8u/9298aa05da6e06e95ae895db2ec89abcbdf75adc.jpg ; https://archive.vn/dYY8u/7a30a256352aeea8506fdc2ed8cf95f325579fe4/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210213172613/https://i.imgur.com/QZOGeUh.jpg
17. Three generals, one East Asian Union.



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Any news photos of the JF-17 Thunder aircrafts with the MAF?

So far only five serial numbers have been photographed:
17-01, 17-02, 17-03, 17-04
17-07 Bravo
Finally some action with imported Germs weapon !


https://archive.vn/LPMvF/40f9e80eed4a930520a72490e8d80b58dcf1afc3.jpg ; https://archive.vn/LPMvF/243cb087357a22cbfc865eb991a7d79003bb3518/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210216024902/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Et0klZHWgAAqW0r?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210210012948/https://www.myanmar-now.org/en/news/pro-military-groups-tried-to-disrupt-anti-coup-protests ; https://archive.vn/MSrwm
1. Imported Germs weapon in action!

Soldiers raid aerospace university in Meiktila

The likely target of the raid was the rector of the university, which has shown strong support for the growing civil disobedience movement

Published on Feb 15, 2021

At least 20 soldiers carried out a raid on the Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University in Meiktila early Sunday morning, according to students at the university.

The raid took place at around 2:30am, when the soldiers arrived in three military vehicles and smashed open a lock on the gate at the entrance to the university campus.

They were immediately confronted by teachers and other university staff and left after about half an hour, a student who witnessed the incident told Myanmar Now.

“We think they came to arrest the rector. But before they could reach the staff housing area, they ran into the teachers and staff of the university,” he said.

He added that the teachers were told to “behave intelligently” and were warned not to share CCTV footage of the raid or anything else that could “damage the reputation of the Tatmadaw.”

Video of the raid captured by security cameras was reportedly deleted.

Almost all of the university’s instructors and other staff are said to have joined the nationwide civil disobedience movement against military rule.

A military spokesman could not be reached for comment on the raid, which came days after a similar attempt to arrest the rector of Mandalay Medical University last Thursday.






The anti-drone gun used by the Myanmar police was manufactured by Singapore-based TRD.


https://archive.is/THSJp/a4f9f7cdce9b8c7ef8b72e2b2b7a138a2f2aed9d.jpg ; https://archive.is/THSJp/59b79e4a52868409883d9d464031c7d4468a281c/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210219231753/https://twitter.com/kyaw_aung1/status/1362236277056294913 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210219231731/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EueirEwWgAMzWx_?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; https://archive.vn/YVbMS
1. The anti-drone gun used by the Myanmar police was manufactured by Singapore-based TRD. 17 Feb 2021.




Demining operations underway in Rakhine.

Since the end of the October 2020, there are no fightings in the entire Rakhine staete due to the informal ceased fire agreement between AA and Myanmar Armed Forces.
Demining operations are being carried out jointly between AA and Myanmar military forces.
Most of the IDPs are returning home.

Myanmar Naval task force consisting of frigate, LPD and hospital ship bring back Myanmar citizens stranded in Malaysia.
It is the first HADR mission for the LPD and first foreign mission for the hospital ship.

I saw posts about AA guns being spotted in Kyaikkasan stadium.
Not sure whether the pics are recycled but the background looks similar to Yangon judging from one of the building that looks like the central bank.
Man it is really devastating to see their family members all fled to Naypyitaw and Yangon is now treated like war zone.
I know the chances of foreign intervention is quite slim but if the pics are really from the Kyaikkasan stadium they must be preparing for something big.
Man this is sad.


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The anti-drone gun used by the Myanmar police was manufactured by Singapore-based TRD.


https://archive.is/THSJp/a4f9f7cdce9b8c7ef8b72e2b2b7a138a2f2aed9d.jpg ; https://archive.is/THSJp/59b79e4a52868409883d9d464031c7d4468a281c/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210219231753/https://twitter.com/kyaw_aung1/status/1362236277056294913 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210219231731/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EueirEwWgAMzWx_?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; https://archive.vn/YVbMS
1. The anti-drone gun used by the Myanmar police was manufactured by Singapore-based TRD. 17 Feb 2021.




Why need anti drone electronic gun. Just use a 0.5mm gun and bring it down. :enjoy:
I saw posts about AA guns being spotted in Kyaikkasan stadium.
Not sure whether the pics are recycled but the background looks similar to Yangon judging from one of the building that looks like the central bank.
Man it is really devastating to see their family members all fled to Naypyitaw and Yangon is now treated like war zone.
I know the chances of foreign intervention is quite slim but if the pics are really from the Kyaikkasan stadium they must be preparing for something big.
Man this is sad.

Anti aircraft guns were deployed in Kyaikkasan since 1990s and nothing new.
As far as I am aware there are about 4/5 anti aircraft batteries deployed throughout Yangon including Kyaikkasan.
I also heard that there is a AA gun station between the Yangon Zoo and the nearby cemetery.
Oh yes. Just did some research on google earth and the Kyaikkasan ones were there as early as 2017.
Anti aircraft guns were deployed in Kyaikkasan since 1990s and nothing new.
As far as I am aware there are about 4/5 anti aircraft batteries deployed throughout Yangon including Kyaikkasan.
I also heard that there is a AA gun station between the Yangon Zoo and the nearby cemetery.
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