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Myanmar Defence Forum

Not full itemised bill, but the people who are paying taxes to pay for the budget should at least know where the money is going towards. This isn’t just for the ministry of defence but for the entire government. A basis for a free and democratic country also includes transparency in governmental spending.
Don’t mean we should immediately know purchases, but the tax payers deserve to know
Not full itemised bill, but the people who are paying taxes to pay for the budget should at least know where the money is going towards. This isn’t just for the ministry of defence but for the entire government. A basis for a free and democratic country also includes transparency in governmental spending.
Don’t mean we should immediately know purchases, but the tax payers deserve to know at least

I agree that MoD should explain the purpose of the budget but not the details. But from what I understand from those guys was that they wanted MoD to release details of purchases which I think is unlikely to happen
Not full itemised bill, but the people who are paying taxes to pay for the budget should at least know where the money is going towards. This isn’t just for the ministry of defence but for the entire government. A basis for a free and democratic country also includes transparency in governmental spending.
Don’t mean we should immediately know purchases, but the tax payers deserve to know at least
well. agreed with u on some points like the tax payer deserve to know where the tax money is going toward. but It does not work in our country and not like this way of letting people know. Now it got media attention and the induction of these planes are totally uncertain. People should know where the tax money is going towards, but not in detail.
Can you tell me the reason why the Tatmadaw is showing little to no interest in building or improving ballistic missiles? Aircrafts, tanks, SAMs, warships are gradually improving but the Tatmadaw is not showing any interest in ballistic missiles or do not want to increase the range of current missiles?

@Aung Zaya @tarpitz @Tagaung @MINN
Can you tell me the reason why the Tatmadaw is showing little to no interest in building or improving ballistic missiles? Aircrafts, tanks, SAMs, warships are gradually improving but the Tatmadaw is not showing any interest in ballistic missiles or do not want to increase the range of current missiles?

@Aung Zaya @tarpitz @Tagaung @MINN
To be honest I want them to go the drone rout and maybe also hypersonic cruise missile.
To be honest I want them to go the drone rout and maybe also hypersonic cruise missile.
Ballistic missiles are strategic weapons and a country with ballistic missiles for example Iran can be considered as a military power. Drones are small weapons and not a deterrence. Tatmadaw must have high ambitions and must try to be a regional military power.
well. agreed with u on some points like the tax payer deserve to know where the tax money is going toward. but It does not work in our country and not like this way of letting people know. Now it got media attention and the induction of these planes are totally uncertain. People should know where the tax money is going towards, but not in detail.
Well yes, I think the method of only revealing vague information on where the budget is going on a yearly basis is good while the full details released every ten years is a good alternative
Ballistic missiles are strategic weapons and a country with ballistic missiles for example Iran can be considered as a military power. Drones are small weapons and not a deterrence. Tatmadaw must have high ambitions and must try to be a regional military power.
Why are u advocating so much for ballistic missiles? Having ballistic missiles only further alienates trade partners and allies. While China, Russia and the rest are big markets, no market is still bigger then the free market which the WEST have control over. If we go for ballistic missiles, it will only further antagonise the west which we can’t afford.

sure if we’re already an established country that works extensively with the west in the past then they may close one eye. However the military Junta already ruined it for us. It is simply too hasty to go for the big guns when we have so much to lose
Well yes, I think the method of only revealing vague information on where the budget is going on a yearly basis is good while the full details released every ten years is a good alternative

Why are u advocating so much for ballistic missiles? Having ballistic missiles only further alienates trade partners and allies. While China, Russia and the rest are big markets, no market is still bigger then the free market which the WEST have control over. If we go for ballistic missiles, it will only further antagonise the west which we can’t afford.

sure if we’re already an established country that works extensively with the west in the past then they may close one eye. However the military Junta already ruined it for us. It is simply too hasty to go for the big guns when we have so much to lose
Tbh Myanmar is economically very weak and have a poor infrastructure. I think economically Myanmar is in the same league as Ethiopia and Somalia. Infrastructure wise Myanmar is also far behind. Many poor nation even countries like Bhutan and Cambodia managed to launch their own satellite but Myanmar is still struggling to make one.

The reason I advocate for ballistic missiles is because the Tatmadaw is the best institution of Myanmar so I think at least militarily Myanmar can become stronger if not economically. Currently Myanmar is not so strong both economically and militarily.
Tbh Myanmar is economically very weak and have a poor infrastructure. I think economically Myanmar is in the same league as Ethiopia and Somalia. Infrastructure wise Myanmar is also far behind. Many poor nation even countries like Bhutan and Cambodia managed to launch their own satellite but Myanmar is still struggling to make one.

The reason I advocate for ballistic missiles is because the Tatmadaw is the best institution of Myanmar so I think at least militarily Myanmar can become stronger if not economically. Currently Myanmar is not so strong both economically and militarily.
So u mean basically dump the economy and become better militarily? It dosent work that way. Economy is the foundation where strong militaries are supported and built upon. Build up the economy first then worry about a strong military. Right now, the tatmadaw would be able to hold its own against neighbours. Even against China or India, the tatmadaw would be able to hold their ground due to geographical location and the fighting spirit.

Burmese people gets absolutely fanatical when defending their own land we were Britain’s Afghanistan for a while after colonising us. The terrain also would play much much more to our advantage. So no, the tatmadaw is able to hold their own for now. With a strong economy, a lot more options would be open to us. With a strong military first, coupled with legacies of human rights violations, not only would options be limited but also closed on both the economy and military front. So no, having a hyper strong military that just wants to measure cock size loses us far more then building the economy first
So u mean basically dump the economy and become better militarily? It dosent work that way. Economy is the foundation where strong militaries are supported and built upon. Build up the economy first then worry about a strong military. Right now, the tatmadaw would be able to hold its own against neighbours. Even against China or India, the tatmadaw would be able to hold their ground due to geographical location and the fighting spirit.

Burmese people gets absolutely fanatical when defending their own land we were Britain’s Afghanistan for a while after colonising us. The terrain also would play much much more to our advantage. So no, the tatmadaw is able to hold their own for now. With a strong economy, a lot more options would be open to us. With a strong military first, coupled with legacies of human rights violations, not only would options be limited but also closed on both the economy and military front. So no, having a hyper strong military that just wants to measure cock size loses us far more then building the economy first
First of all Myanmar cannot defend against India and China, this is a big joke.

Secondly I agree with you when you have said that Myanmar needs to build a good economy but the truth is countries like Pakistani, North Korea, Iran and Myanmar who are under constant threat should give preference to its military. Myanmar has too many problems to deal with starting from the Rohingya issue till tackling foreign funded insurgents. Without a strong army Myanmar will break into pieces like Yugoslavia and that is the truth.

Economy is very important but after economy military is the next important thing for Myanmar
So the aircrafts have already been delivered. Looks like spooky package is not part of the deal.
They are finally using the locally made Armored vehicles

Today's Air force day finished with the introduction of
2 Y-12
2 G 120 TP
1 Beechcraft 1900
Also I heard that a BD helicopter crashed today.
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