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Myanmar Defence Forum



Some dude edited the Burmese military page and included Myanmar and DPRK built equipments.
Both of them will do anything to destabilize the western part for their benefit.
Anything that will block Indian's investment in the rakhine will be their priority.
Just look how paletwa area is infested with all sort of rebel pests.
We buy their jets but they train Islamist extremists in our country.

both China and Pakistan not to be wholly trusted. Use them for our own gain but be wary of what’s going on in the dark.

Dont be too rash about it though. If and when the west becomes desperate enough to counter china then the situation might change unexpectedly.

also Russians are white and they sell us all kind of stuff no?
No one else will sell you guys anything other than China.

Go beg your CIA asset Aung San Su Kyi and see what she can buy for you from white man.

Myanmar lately bought stuff from India, Israel, Bulgaria and Belorussia.
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