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Foreign Solar Power to Shine on Mandalay
Author: Tin Mg Oo | 1 December, 2014 15:12 pm
| Vol 2 Issue 48
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Vivek Prakash/Bloomberg
American firm ACO has invested $480 million to construct the two solar power plants in Mandalay region which will supply 12 percent of total electricity consumption in Myanmar.
New York-based ACO investment group is set to start generating electricity from two new solar power plants currently being constructed in Mandalay in April next year, a minister said.

ACO has invested $480 million, the largest American investment in Myanmar in any sector, to construct the two facilities – in Thar Se township and Na Buu township in Mandalay region – which will ultimately supply 12 percent of total electricity consumption in Myanmar.

“The union government will buy electricity generated by the company and distribute it to the public through the national grid. The company has secured the land and conducted sunlight and site surveys after signing a memorandum of agreement [with the government],” U Kyaw Myint, regional minister for electric power and industry, told Myanmar Business Today.

ACO’s Convalt Energy is building a 150 megawatt solar plant in Thar Se township in Myeiktila district and another 150 megawatt solar plant in Nabuu township in Myin Chan district, which will cumulatively produce 300 megawatts when completed in 2016.

The union government will buy electricity from those plants at K130 (13 cents) per unit (kilowatt-hour).

Convalt Energy has pledged to generate up to 100 megawatts during the first eight to ten months after the construction started and the full production target will be reached in 2016, according to Mandalay Region’s ministry of electric power and industry.

The recent electricity legislation enacted on October 28 allows private corporations to be established without restrictions to invest and engage in electricity distribution.

Electricity consumption in Mandalay region sources 452 megawatts from national grids while electricity demand in the dry season reaches 332 megawatts.

Electricity consumption in the region is rising by 20 percent per annum and consumption is already equivalent to 77 percent of the supply allocated for the region.
Foreign Solar Power to Shine on Mandalay
Author: Tin Mg Oo | 1 December, 2014 15:12 pm
| Vol 2 Issue 48
0 comment

Vivek Prakash/Bloomberg
American firm ACO has invested $480 million to construct the two solar power plants in Mandalay region which will supply 12 percent of total electricity consumption in Myanmar.
New York-based ACO investment group is set to start generating electricity from two new solar power plants currently being constructed in Mandalay in April next year, a minister said.

ACO has invested $480 million, the largest American investment in Myanmar in any sector, to construct the two facilities – in Thar Se township and Na Buu township in Mandalay region – which will ultimately supply 12 percent of total electricity consumption in Myanmar.

“The union government will buy electricity generated by the company and distribute it to the public through the national grid. The company has secured the land and conducted sunlight and site surveys after signing a memorandum of agreement [with the government],” U Kyaw Myint, regional minister for electric power and industry, told Myanmar Business Today.

ACO’s Convalt Energy is building a 150 megawatt solar plant in Thar Se township in Myeiktila district and another 150 megawatt solar plant in Nabuu township in Myin Chan district, which will cumulatively produce 300 megawatts when completed in 2016.

The union government will buy electricity from those plants at K130 (13 cents) per unit (kilowatt-hour).

Convalt Energy has pledged to generate up to 100 megawatts during the first eight to ten months after the construction started and the full production target will be reached in 2016, according to Mandalay Region’s ministry of electric power and industry.

The recent electricity legislation enacted on October 28 allows private corporations to be established without restrictions to invest and engage in electricity distribution.

Electricity consumption in Mandalay region sources 452 megawatts from national grids while electricity demand in the dry season reaches 332 megawatts.

Electricity consumption in the region is rising by 20 percent per annum and consumption is already equivalent to 77 percent of the supply allocated for the region.
this is really good ! ! i like it
China Pours Additional $8 Billion into Myanmar, Eyes Energy Security
Author: Morley J Weston |


Wang Ye/Xinhua
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) attends a welcome ceremony held by Myanmar President U Thein Sein prior to their talks in Naypyitaw.
The most public outcome of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s recent visit to Myanmar was the signing of $7.8 billion in more than one dozen new deals in different sectors, dominated by the energy sector, according to China’s state-run China Daily.

Even before this deal, China was the largest investor in Myanmar, with investments totalling over $14 billion, a major part of the total foreign direct investment of $50 billion estimated by the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) in October.

Since the 2011 reforms, China’s clout has been slowly waning in Myanmar as investors from scores of countries have tried to take advantage of the country’s rapid opening and development.

This latest move is illustrative of the lengths to which China will go to maintain its lead role in Myanmar’s foreign policy and the importance of Myanmar to China, particularly in energy security.

This comes partly in the form of building hospitals and gas-powered power plants and providing agricultural loans, all a result of this most recent deal, and also by becoming a convenient export partner for Myanmar’s rich mix of energy resources.

As a part of this deal, China will to set up an Energy Cooperation Committee to advocate and streamline future projects.

Myanmar currently operates a gas pipeline from Rakhine state up to Kunming in China’s Yunnan Provence, and a parallel oil pipeline is being constructed.

These pipelines could reduce China’s dependency on naval shipments of oil and gas through the narrow Malacca Straits, which has huge US Navy presence, by providing an overland link to the Indian Ocean.

this is really good ! ! i like it

how about BD's energy sector..? how many solar plants ...? mate..

First Round-The-World Solar Plane to Make Stop in Myanmar
Author: editor | 28 January, 2015 03:43 am
| Vol 3 Issue 5
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Solar Impulse | Revillard | Rezo.ch
World’s first round-the-world solar plane, Solar Impulse 2, is set to take off from Abu Dhabi with stopovers in India, Myanmar and China before crossing the Pacific Ocean and flying across the United States and southern Europe to arrive back in Abu Dhabi.
A plane powered by the sun will attempt an unprecedented flight around the world in February, the project’s founders said, seeking to prove that flying is possible without using fossil fuel.

Solar Impulse 2 is set to take off from Abu Dhabi with stopovers in India, Myanmar and China before crossing the Pacific Ocean and flying across the United States and southern Europe to arrive back in Abu Dhabi.

On its five-month journey of 35,000 km (22,000 miles), the engines will be powered only by solar energy. The two Swiss pilots, Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg, will take turns at the controls in the tiny cabin for five consecutive days and nights in the air.

“Miracles can be achieved with renewables such as solar power. We want to show we can fly day and night in an aircraft without a drop of fuel,” Piccard, the project’s co-founder, told reporters on the sidelines of the World Future Energy summit currently underway in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates.

At speeds between 50 and 100 kilometres per hour (31-62 mph) Piccard and Borschberg aim to circle the globe flying about 25 days over a total of about five months.

An earlier version of the plane was the first solar-powered aircraft of “perpetual endurance” to fly “day and night without a drop of fuel,” according to its website, thanks to advanced solar cells that charge light-weight lithium batteries.

The batteries are able to store enough energy to allow the plane to fly long distances at night. Developers say Solar Impulse 2 takes what engineers learned from its predecessor and pushes it a step further.

Compare the aircraft’s wingspan to a giant Boeing 747-8: Solar Impulse 2 is 12 feet wider – at 236 feet. It’s lightweight, 2,300 kilograms, lighter than a large SUV.

With just one seat, designers acknowledge Solar Impulse 2 isn’t commercially practical. But that’s not the point. Instead, engineers aim to demonstrate the possibilities of solar-powered aviation and to promote clean-energy technology.

Feasibility studies, design and construction have taken 12 years, said Borschberg, the second pilot and co-founder.

“It is not the first solar airplane, however it is the first able to cross oceans and continents,” he said.

Piccard said of the challenge: “It is simply the unknown. It is a question of technical reliability, of human weather and it is the challenge of discovery.”

If something goes wrong, they will build another aircraft and continue the journey, he said.

Companies involved in the project include Bayer AG, Solvay, ABB, Schindler, Omega and Abu Dhabi’s Masdar.

“Solar Impulse will inspire a new generation to embrace innovation and technology to solve the planet’s biggest challenges,” said ABB Chief Executive Officer Ulrich Spiesshofer.

Three ABB engineers have joined the Solar Impulse team. Their work includes improving control systems for ground operations, enhancing the charging electronics for the plane’s battery systems and resolving obstacles that emerge along the route. (Agencies)

Britain Makes Deeper Inroads into Myanmar, Albeit Cautiously
The UK Ambassador Andrew Patrick talks exclusively to Myanmar Business Today about British investment and trade, Myanmar’s business environment and the UK’s expectation from the Southeast Asian nation’s upcoming election

Author: Sherpa Hossainy |

Andrew Patrick British Ambassador Myanmar.JPG

Wai Linn Kyaw/MBT
British Ambassador Andrew Patrick speaks during an exclusive interview with Myanmar Business Today at the British Embassy in Yangon.
Western investors’ interest piqued in early 2011 when Myanmar’s former ruthless junta loosened its ironclad grip and a new semi-civilian government initiated a series of political and economic reforms. It pardoned scores of political prisoners, secured a ceasefire with Karen rebels and agreed to talk with other ethnic rebel groups. By-elections took place in April 2012, which was hailed by the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as “an important step” in Myanmar’s democratic transformation. It also paved the way for the global democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi to become a member of the parliament after spending 15 years under house arrest since November 1989.

Britain was one of the first Western nations to actively seek a thawing of relations with Myanmar – one of its former colonies. Prime Minister David Cameron’s April 2012 trip was the first visit by a high-profile Western leader to Myanmar in decades, and also was the first ever to the country by a British head of government. His visit was preceded by the British Foreign Secretary and the Department for International Development (DFID) Secretary of State’s visit to the country. Cameron advocated for suspension of the European Union (EU) sanctions against Myanmar and in April 2013 all EU sanctions were dropped, except for an arms embargo.

Now, more than two years after Cameron’s visit, Myanmar observers are concerned that the reforms are stalling, with some even blaming the government of backsliding on its much-hyped reforms. Andrew Patrick, who took charge in September last year as the UK Ambassador to Myanmar, thinks that while “some things are going really well, [there are] things we are worried about.” His concerns also hold true for businesses.

“It is still quite a difficult place [to do business], but things are improving. We are working very closely with DICA [Directorate of Investment and Company Administration] and ministers to try to help that process along and make it an easier place to do business,” Andrew Patrick told Myanmar Business Today during an exclusive interview at the British Embassy in Yangon.

“There are a lot of businesses coming here, that’s true. But, there are a lot of businesses that are still very cautious.”

Myanmar was placed at the bottom of the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index last year, ranking 177 out of 189 countries. It moved up one position in this year’s index.

The UK Ambassador said British firms see Myanmar as an “extraordinary market” but there are trepidations about political and social stability.

Myanmar’s next general election is slated to be held at the end of 2015. However, there are doubts if it will be free, fair and credible. With Suu Kyi effectively barred from becoming president and a constitutional change to allow that seemingly too-distant, the next election is going to be an acid test for the government to show its willingness to carry on with the transition to establishing genuine democracy.

“People want to see what’s going to happen, and you can’t divorce politics from business. Any company coming in to invest a large amount of money … would need to look very carefully at the situation,” the Ambassador said.

Rising investment and trade

Jitters aside, British businesses are in fact surpassing every other Western investor when it comes to tapping this frontier market. However the UK Ambassador was quick to point out that “[Western countries] are engaged in many different ways.”

According to DICA data, investment from 76 UK enterprises stood at $3.45 billion as of October 31, which makes UK the fifth largest investor in Myanmar, accounting for 6.88 percent of total Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow.

The closest EU countries in the ranking are France with $474.36 million and the Netherlands with $398.34 million in investments from three and 10 enterprises respectively. During the same period, 15 US enterprises invested $243.56 million and 18 Canadian enterprises put in $195.8 million, while the rest of Europe invested $181.8 million, with FDIs coming from Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Norway.

However, the four countries above the UK in the FDI list – China, Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong – accounted for more than 76 percent of the total FDI: a sum of $38.3 billion.

Lisa Weedon, director at UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) Burma, said a variety of UK companies are now coming into Myanmar, “much more varied than I thought it would be when I first arrived.”

“From education to construction to FMCG, there’s a whole slew of companies. At the moment we are seeing a lot of interest in the energy sector,” said Weedon, who has been in charge of UKTI for about two years in Myanmar.

In March, British oil and gas firm BG Asia Pacific won four blocks in the offshore bidding and Weedon said there are UK companies who are interested to provide the subsequent support to the supply chain ranging from scaffoldings and rigs to providing health and safety training.

She said there are massive potential for British companies in Myanmar’s electric power sector as the country struggles to provide electricity for even one-third of its population. British law firm Allen & Overy is also helping the Ministry of Energy in negotiating Power Purchase Agreements (PPA).

British businesses are indeed foraying into Myanmar in a range of sectors: banking giant Standard Chartered, which has had a history of over 150 years in Myanmar, opened a representative office in Yangon last year; automaker Jaguar Land Rover opened its dealership in June, while financial services group Prudential Plc was awarded a licence to establish a representative office in October 2013.

Consumer goods firm Unilever launched full business operations in May 2013, world’s largest temporary power generation firm Aggreko and Rolls Royce have both signed contracts with the Ministry of Electric Power, while in the education sector Harrow, Dulwich and the British International School started operations.

Trade has been rising too. UK exports to Myanmar increased from £12.8 million ($20.2 million) in 2012 to £44 million ($69.5 million) in 2013, an increase of 244 percent. In July, the UK became the first country to launch a locally registered Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar with more than 80 founding members.


Lisa Weedon, director at UK Trade & Investment Burma, speaks during an exclusive interview with Myanmar Business Today at the British Embassy in Yangon.

Engagement with the government

The Ambassador said UK is working closely with the Myanmar government to provide technical assistance in public sector financial management to ensure a clear and accountable budget, in a bid to help the government “be more responsible and transparent.”

“Britain advocates for change with the government and the parliament. We’ve been talking about various business issues that are needed to be taken care of for the economy to grow further,” he added.

UK International Development Minister Desmond Swayne announced new British funding in August, increasing direct UK support to Myanmar from £64.7 million in 2014-15 to £82 million in 2015-16.

The Ambassador said he was pleased with the international banking licence awarding process, although the only British heavyweight Standard Chartered pulled itself out of the race citing “commercial reasons”.

“You need to have international banks in order to have foreign investment – at least in this market because domestic banks are so undeveloped. It’s essential for providing capital and we are very pleased the government has taken this difficult step,” he said.

Britain has also started a push to revive relations with Myanmar’s military. The UK’s Chief of Defence Staff General Sir David Richards visited Myanmar in June last year, offering help with security reforms. He became the first Western military chief to visit Myanmar in decades and hold official talks with his counterpart, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Opening up and SMEs

There are concerns among the local business community that with the surge in foreign players into the country the local small and medium enterprises (SME) are going to find themselves out of depth. Matters may get compounded as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which ensures free flow of labour and capital within the region, comes into effect in late 2015.

“This is a very important issue when you are opening a market. You do have to be careful about in which sector you are opening and how far. You just don’t throw open the doors to everybody,” the Ambassador said.

He added that there are some industries where foreign entries can be “sort of enabling,” where the entrants help other developments to happen such as financial services.

The British Embassy in September initiated an entrepreneurship event, funded by the Standard Chartered and run by the British Council, to provide training to specifically SMEs. “Helping SMEs is a big part of what we are doing here,” Andrew Patrick said.

“It is also important that we recognise the role of British private sector companies to support capacity and it’s not going to come only from aid organisations and the government. Foreign investors themselves are helping to build capacity,” Weedon added.

Legal infrastructure and corruption

Andrew Patrick acknowledged that legal framework is a concern for SMEs coming into Myanmar. He said one significant change was Myanmar acceding to the New York Convention Arbitration, which obliges Myanmar’s Courts to give effect to contractual provisions which provide for disputes to be resolved by arbitration and enforce foreign arbitral awards. However, implementation will be a different issue altogether.

“There’s a long way to go in terms of building capacity to implement those judgments. We and the British firms are working here to help improve the capacity of the legal system, which was basically frozen for thirty years.”

The Ambassador said some new legislation such as the Companies Act and steps to rationalise the Investment Law do show that the government is trying to tackle the difficult issues related to business.

British companies, like other Western firms see corruption as a huge problem in Myanmar while doing business as it makes it difficult for them to find a “clean” local partner. Myanmar ranks 157th out of 177 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index.

However, Patrick said British firms that are doing business in Myanmar are doing businesses elsewhere in the region, where corruption is rampant, so they are used to coming across issues. “I don’t think it’s particularly a more difficult concern here than in some other frontier markets. But obviously they need to be careful.”

British companies have to comply with the UK Bribery Act, which can sometimes be even tougher than its US counterpart, while many British companies also have to comply with the US regulations because of their US interests.

“There are definitely businesses they can’t get involved in and they won’t. But equally there is a way of doing business here: carrying out due diligence, getting legal advice and being careful about identifying the local partners,” Weedon said.

“There are many companies who have managed to do that, and they tell me it’s not more difficult than any other regional markets,” she added.

Advice for British firms

The UKTI director said companies have to be realistic about doing business in Myanmar – and be prepared to accept the unexpected. “When I arrived here last year there was definitely a flurry of investments. But a lot of those companies are probably now beginning to realise that it is a challenging place to do business.

“You’ve got to be prepared to be here and roll up your sleeves. This is not a country where you can do business remotely. You have to be prepared to spend the time on the ground, build relationships and understand the way to do business here,” said Weedon.

She added that companies have to look at the long-term potential of Myanmar and be comfortable with the fact that they are investing in the long term.

The tipping point

The British Ambassador said there were setbacks on the political reform process and “significant concerns” remain. “The key issue is definitely the election next year. There are big question marks about what the electoral system would look like, how will it work and if the country has the capacity to see it through.”

When asked if Western interest will dwindle if Suu Kyi doesn’t win, the Ambassador said: “It depends on the circumstances. One of the important things we have to bear in mind, although I think it’s very unlikely, that if there is a military coup here we’ll be back to square one.”

He said some people might look at Thailand and say, “well the reaction wasn’t too bad” and if something happened here nothing would change, but “that’s wrong.” In May, Thai Army toppled the country’s caretaker government in a coup d'état, following six months of political turmoil.

“If we have a military coup in Burma ... everybody would go out,” the Ambassador said, referring to the country by its former name, but still officially used by the British Government. The UK, and many other Western nations, refuses to call the country Myanmar as the overnight name change in 1989 was done by an oppressive regime. However, the Ambassador said if there is a fully democratically elected government in the country that decides to reaffirm the name Myanmar, “we would change [the name].”

The British Ambassador said there’s a range of possibilities on how the election will go, but the bottom line is that it has to be a credible one. “If it’s not, it would make things difficult,” he said.

“Eventually the most likely scenario is somewhere in the middle. Not perfect, not completely disastrous.

“If we turn back to the authoritarian political arrangement here then that’s a very pessimistic future. But if we can sustain the transition and preserve the legacy of this government in terms of rule of law then I think Burma has quite a bright future.”

Belarus Says Ready to Invest in Myanmar
Author: Phyo Thu | 10 November, 2014 01:40 am
| Vol 2 Issue 45
0 comment
belarus myanmar Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich.jpg

Belarus is ready to promote cooperation with Myanmar in a number of areas, the Eastern European country’s Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich said.

“... we have considered a number of options for expanding our trade and economic cooperation. In particular, we can discuss the provision of export loans for individual Belarus-made products, supplies of civilian machines on terms of leasing or postponed payments,” the Belarusian Prime Minister said in a statement, as he met with Commander in Chief of the Myanmar Army Min Aung Hlaing in Minsk.

“We are ready to discuss matters of investment cooperation in Myanmar,” he said, adding that matters on industrial cooperation, power engineering and infrastructure could be the key areas.

Cooperation in healthcare, production of medications and agriculture are some other potential sectors, he added.

“We consider setting up manufacturing enterprises [in Myanmar] taking into account our abilities, including investments. We are also ready to transfer technologies and know-how,” the Belarusian head of the government said.
how about BD's energy sector..? how many solar plants ...? mate..
Bangladesh is world's largest solar system customer. we have different system, it is not plant but it is house to house, private house ownership
Bangladesh is world's largest solar system customer. we have different system, it is not plant but it is house to house, private house ownership

so single unit for each single home.. ? sound great..!! Gov plan..? or people's wish..?
Can i get some data of BD's solar plan..? dude..

Myanmar Naval Exercise in older days (around 1990s)


Gentlemen from Myanmar...I would like to request something. I know you have the potential of showing off and sharing the capacity and power of Myanmar military with the sense of patriotism. But there should be limit. Although they are not the very serous top secret stuffs, but still they are the 'information'. I think You guys should limit the posts. Thank you!!! (Zaw Latt)
Gentlemen from Myanmar...I would like to request something. I know you have the potential of showing off and sharing the capacity and power of Myanmar military with the sense of patriotism. But there should be limit. Although they are not the very serous top secret stuffs, but still they are the 'information'. I think You guys should limit the posts. Thank you!!! (Zaw Latt)

Bro.. I'm neither military personnel nor member of any defense team.. Just a fan.. I got this from open sources and networks whoever can be easily seen.. I found these from internet and just repost.. Some other I talk about is u know just ေဆးထိုး.. Bro.. If I think the one is serious case then Never shown and kept in secrete.. Thz for ur suggestion.. Bro..
Gentlemen from Myanmar...I would like to request something. I know you have the potential of showing off and sharing the capacity and power of Myanmar military with the sense of patriotism. But there should be limit. Although they are not the very serous top secret stuffs, but still they are the 'information'. I think You guys should limit the posts. Thank you!!! (Zaw Latt)
i want to know :ph34r::secret:
With advancement in Internet and commercial surveillance system, i don't thing it will be hard to made a guesstimate about some nation fighting capability.

Navy personnel of Indonesia or singapore ( i didn't see clearly ) and other countries in 2nd photo.. the rest are exercise of Myanmar Navy that held in previous month..

name of this force ?

which other country's personnel is that ?

Indonesia, Philippine, Myanmar and Australia
With advancement in Internet and commercial surveillance system, i don't thing it will be hard to made a guesstimate about some nation fighting capability.

agreed.. although some serious case should keep in secrete , rest should be revealed to grab the people's confident.. hope our gov get more transparency in its military strength..
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