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Myanmar claims St Martin’s Island is theirs

Saint martin, Coxs bazaar and CHT belongs to Myanmar by default because majority of the population in these region are Buddhists and the culture of the people of these regions are similar to the Arakanese.
Yes come and get those. We will push those areas through your anus.
Stop talking non sense, Saint Martin island is a part of Cox's Bazar district.
ওদের কৈফিয়ত দিয়া লাভ কি? কশে লাথি দেন একটা বান্দর গুলারে।
Yes, I was going to write also that it is irrelevant if the population of a certain area is the Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist majority. Point is Bangladesh has the sovereignty over that part. I think @Homo Sapiens has become too apologetic when he gave the population figures. He is feeding the trolls of Bongobhumi in Khulna as well.
My reply was not solely for him. Many foreigners may get wrong impression about Chittagong region by reading his false claim.Such threads are visited by hundreds of people.
My reply was not solely for him. Many foreigners may get wrong impression about Chittagong region by reading his false claim.Such threads are visited by hundreds of people.
Even then it is unnecessary to point out the demographic figures in the present topic. Point is which country currently holds the sovereignty over those lands where the Buddhists or Hindus form the majority of the population, even they are 100%.
Myanmar removes St Martin’s Island from their map
The Foreign Ministry has been asked to check whether the information has been spread in other media as well

Myanmar has removed Bangladesh’s St Martin's Island from their map, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed.

The ministry informed the parliamentary standing committee of the decision at a meeting held on Sunday.

Earlier maps reportedly displayed on two Myanmar government websites, showed St Martin’s Island as part of that country’s territory.

Reacting against it, the Foreign Ministry’s Maritime Affairs Unit Secretary, Rear Admiral (retd) M Khurshed Alam, on Saturday had summoned the Myanmar ambassador in Dhaka, U Lwin Oo, to his office in Dhaka and handed over a strongly-worded protest note.

The ambassador acknowledged the matter saying that it was a "mistake" to show Bangladesh’s lone coral island as part of their territory, according to a diplomat.

Lwin Oo also pledged to discuss the matter with his government and convey Dhaka's concerns.

At Sunday's meeting held in the Parliament Complex, the ministry informed the parliamentary standing committee that after receiving the protest note, Myanmar removed the island, off the coast of Cox’s Bazar, from their territory on their website maps.

Presided over by committee Chairman Dipu Moni, the meeting was also attended by Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Shahriar Alam, committee members Faruq Khan, Selim Uddin, and Mahjabeen Khaled.

Faruq Khan later told reporters: "Upon our protests, Myanmar has already removed all information that claimed St Martin's Island as part of their territory from their government websites."

The Foreign Ministry has been asked to check whether the information has been spread in other media as well, he said.

Meanwhile, a press release circulated by the Parliament Secretariat said the meeting also discussed the news reports that pointed out Myanmar's inclusion of St Martin's Island as part of their territory, in Myanmar's Department of Population website.

The island was never a part of Myanmar if anyone looks back at the history since 1937 and Dhaka says there is an “ulterior motive” behind drawing and sharing the map of Myanmar on websites.

It was part of British-India when Myanmar got separated back in 1937, said a government official, adding that this means it was part of India. "A clear line was drawn in between."

In 1974, it was clearly stated through a signed agreement that the island was part of Bangladesh, said the official.

"Even when Bangladesh won the maritime boundary dispute against Myanmar through the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in March 2012, it was clearly mentioned that the island is part of Bangladesh," the official said.

Locally known as “Narikel Jinjira,” 13-sq-km St Martin’s Island is located on the southernmost tip of Bangladesh, separated from the mainland by a 9-km-long wide channel.

The government declared the island an “ecologically critical area” back in 1999.

Myanmar removes St Martin’s Island from their map
The Foreign Ministry has been asked to check whether the information has been spread in other media as well

Myanmar has removed Bangladesh’s St Martin's Island from their map, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed.

The ministry informed the parliamentary standing committee of the decision at a meeting held on Sunday.

Earlier maps reportedly displayed on two Myanmar government websites, showed St Martin’s Island as part of that country’s territory.

Reacting against it, the Foreign Ministry’s Maritime Affairs Unit Secretary, Rear Admiral (retd) M Khurshed Alam, on Saturday had summoned the Myanmar ambassador in Dhaka, U Lwin Oo, to his office in Dhaka and handed over a strongly-worded protest note.

The ambassador acknowledged the matter saying that it was a "mistake" to show Bangladesh’s lone coral island as part of their territory, according to a diplomat.

Lwin Oo also pledged to discuss the matter with his government and convey Dhaka's concerns.

At Sunday's meeting held in the Parliament Complex, the ministry informed the parliamentary standing committee that after receiving the protest note, Myanmar removed the island, off the coast of Cox’s Bazar, from their territory on their website maps.

Presided over by committee Chairman Dipu Moni, the meeting was also attended by Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Shahriar Alam, committee members Faruq Khan, Selim Uddin, and Mahjabeen Khaled.

Faruq Khan later told reporters: "Upon our protests, Myanmar has already removed all information that claimed St Martin's Island as part of their territory from their government websites."

The Foreign Ministry has been asked to check whether the information has been spread in other media as well, he said.

Meanwhile, a press release circulated by the Parliament Secretariat said the meeting also discussed the news reports that pointed out Myanmar's inclusion of St Martin's Island as part of their territory, in Myanmar's Department of Population website.

The island was never a part of Myanmar if anyone looks back at the history since 1937 and Dhaka says there is an “ulterior motive” behind drawing and sharing the map of Myanmar on websites.

It was part of British-India when Myanmar got separated back in 1937, said a government official, adding that this means it was part of India. "A clear line was drawn in between."

In 1974, it was clearly stated through a signed agreement that the island was part of Bangladesh, said the official.

"Even when Bangladesh won the maritime boundary dispute against Myanmar through the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in March 2012, it was clearly mentioned that the island is part of Bangladesh," the official said.

Locally known as “Narikel Jinjira,” 13-sq-km St Martin’s Island is located on the southernmost tip of Bangladesh, separated from the mainland by a 9-km-long wide channel.

The government declared the island an “ecologically critical area” back in 1999.


What an unnecessary drama!

They are just boggling over what to do after getting squeezed by the whole Rohingya crisis. Wouldn't even be surprised if they declare a war on Bangladesh and take it back just the next minute.
if Myanmar showed again this type of bogus work then BD have to increase their land with mention Arakan in BD map.

Times are coming for world to talk about the Uyghur people.
What's wrong with you? And how China supporting Myanmar makes it Bangldesh's enemy? When Myanmar is not Bangladesh's enemy to begin with.
Do you guys want me to enjoy China playing Burma tricks on us? It is your choice if you like it. China deserves a full kick on its ***.

Times are coming for world to talk about the Uyghur people.
Uighur people are Turkic. So, a day may come when China will expel them to other Turkic countries like nearby Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, and claim the Uzbeks are Turkic and they do not belong to China.

China is a keen student and is now learning the expelling process from its small brother Burma. Burma is also expelling the Rohingyas from Arakan by stating that they are Bangali people.
Don't come to this sub-forum you low breed Chinese hairtail monkey. China is an enemy to Bangladesh, it supports Burma. Oh!! I forgot. You are here not as a Chinese but as a Caucasian living in white Canada where you earn your ration six months a year during the winter when you have no job!!
চায়নার সবকিছুই দুই নাম্বার। ভাওতাবাজ
Do you guys want me to enjoy China playing Burma tricks on us? It is your choice if you like it. China deserves a full kick on its ***.
Whose gonna kick them? You?

Thinking emotionally won't do anything. China only looking after it's own interest. I'd expect BD to do the same if it were in China's shoes.
Don't come to this sub-forum you low breed Chinese hairtail monkey. China is an enemy to Bangladesh, it supports Burma. Oh!! I forgot. You are here not as a Chinese but as a Caucasian living in white Canada where you earn your ration six months a year during the winter when you have no job!!
if Myanmar showed again this type of bogus work then BD have to increase their land with mention Arakan in BD map.

Times are coming for world to talk about the Uyghur people.
Do you guys want me to enjoy China playing Burma tricks on us? It is your choice if you like it. China deserves a full kick on its ***.

Uighur people are Turkic. So, a day may come when China will expel them to other Turkic countries like nearby Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, and claim the Uzbeks are Turkic and they do not belong to China.

China is a keen student and is now learning the expelling process from its small brother Burma. Burma is also expelling the Rohingyas from Arakan by stating that they are Bangali people.
Good job, I hope you stick to it.

China not only supports Myanmar's peace talks. China also supports other countries.
For example:

Export tanks and warship, submarines to Thailand.
Export warships to Malaysia.
Export artillery system and warship equipment to Indonesia.
Export missiles to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Philippines is receiving Chinese arms aid.
Of course, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Kampuchea and Laos are Chinese traditional weapons customers.
Other Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar.... It's also a Chinese weapon customer.
This is all the countries you mentioned?

Give me 5 minutes. I'll give you a list.

Chinese subs, tanks, ships sold in South, Southeast Asia

Southeast Asian nations on a spree buying Chinese weapons

How China is helping Malaysia’s military narrow the gap with Singapore, Indonesia

Indonesia acquires Chinese-developed CIWS for another Kapitan Pattimura-class corvette

China delivered HQ-9 air defense systems and Ylong-1 UAV to Turkmenistan

Chinese QW-2 MANPADS missile in service with Turkmenistan army

China to open a drone factory in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia shows off Chinese DF-3 missiles

Saudi Arabia armed forces use Chinese-made PLZ45 155mm howitzer to fight rebels in Yemen

Saudi Arabia unveiled CH-4 armed unmanned aerial vehicle

Qatar Parades New Chinese Short-Range Ballistic Missile System

Chinese AH-4 Howitzer Wins First Middle-East Export Order

Iraq debuts new Chinese CH-4 UAV

China's Key Role in Facilitating Iran's Military Modernisation and Nuclear Program; Implications for Future Relations

@Bengal Tiger 71 @bluesky The world? do you think you know the world?

@Mage @UKBengali @Bilal9 @Nilgiri @Aung Zaya @shourov323 @Homo Sapiens

My brothers, I have no ability to mediate your conflict. So I will not intervene. sorry. I still believe that if we focus more on national development, it is better.
Don't come to this sub-forum you low breed Chinese hairtail monkey. China is an enemy to Bangladesh, it supports Burma. Oh!! I forgot. You are here not as a Chinese but as a Caucasian living in white Canada where you earn your ration six months a year during the winter when you have no job!!

The F is wrong with you dude....off your meds again?


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