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Myanmar border guards kill Bangladeshi fisherman

Seeing from the news reporting of Bangladeshi media, Burmese media and other Asian media (which we should look at) - There are stark differences. The deliberate bias of both the Bangladeshi media and Burmese media are clearly present. But we are all human aren't we? :D

But, one thing I did notice in the is that our border security officials are not clear as to what constitutes the water lines. They are not sure whether or not those fishermen crossed the line. And that is a cause for concern.

While there is no information regarding the particular unfortunate fishing vessel in question, it is worth noting that most (if not all) of these small rural fishing boats do not carry sonar or radar equipment. Or in other words, they don't carry any equipment whatsoever. Since it was a 'fishing boat', it is likely to have been a very rudimentary vessel.

Given the tensions in that part of Burma, one should take all the necessary precautions. Did Bangladesh' law, its security forces take these measures to ensure safety of its citizens?

Going into international waters without equipment is never a bright idea. You will attract all manner of dangers.

Well, the Tatmadaw also use Chinese weaponry. I don't see how Bangladesh using Chinese weapons makes any point.

I believe we have talked enough about Burma. Let's look at how Burma can potentially see Bangladesh as an adversary.

Let's begin from strategy. What would be their basic strategy against an opponent like Bangladesh? The idea here would be to see the Way of an adversary. The Way meaning the moral fiber of the adversary in question, the coherence of social order, the popularity of the government, or the common morale. Under the correct conditions, a small group can prevail over a large group. And these conditions are justice, order, cohesion and morale. Regardless of equipment and numbers, those who run a moribund organization are bound to perish and those who run a viable one will be the victors.

See, during the Arab war against the Persians, the Persian forces were far better trained and equipped along with the numbers to back them up. This is relative to the force led by Khalid Ibn al-Walid. And yet, Al-Khalid emerged as the decisive victor in every battle against the more numerically and technologically advanced Persian army. Now that is a true mark of a brilliant general. Indeed, military history has shown this. There are so many examples.

Now ask yourselves, how do you fare in the above? I leave it to all of you to figure it out. Do not blame anyone (or any country for that matter) if it isn't anything good.
I don't blame Burma. I am disappointed on each and every Bangladeshi leadership to date except that caretaker govt which was marginally actually better.
fishermen should be treated differently from people who actually jump a visible border... fishermen of all countries neaby cross the boundary, should we start shooting each other's fishermen?
fishermen should be treated differently from people who actually jump a visible border... fishermen of all countries neaby cross the boundary, should we start shooting each other's fishermen?

Bangladeshi fishermen hardly cross over unless they lost their way.
There are usually three stages to R2P: Early warnings, diplomatic and other pressures and finally direct military intervention. UN has already released documents suggesting crimes against humanity taking place in Rakhaine while diplomatic pressure is also underway. Legally, Myanmar is quite close to facing R2P. Perhaps, now they are trying to put the attention away by provoking Bangladesh...

Also, I guess a sense of insecurity over the submarine acquisition of BN is partly the reason behind these adventurisms... I won't be surprised if they stage a naval showdown similar to that in 2009... It's a pretty f**ked up state we have in the east...
Bangladeshi fishermen hardly cross over unless they lost their way.

How do they know whether or not they have crossed?

We get very good catch near our shore, no need to go to barren sea.

Only that incident was at a river. It still doesn't quite answer the question now does it?

Irrespective of whether they had crossed the international border or not, it's very irresponsible & aggressive of the mogs to open fire on unarmed fishing boats & fisherman on a border that's as complex as Naff river is. They should have arrested & processed them according to international laws.

End of all arguments.
I don't blame the Burmese govt. its all our govt. fault, they never protest this type of incident militarily they do only giving the protest letter. Burmese are decades per decades separated from the whole world how they could be well mannered.just shot the MM illiterates monkeys bums.
Irrespective of whether they had crossed the international border or not, it's very irresponsible & aggressive of the mogs to open fire on unarmed fishing boats & fisherman on a border that's as complex as Naff river is. They should have arrested & processed them according to international laws.

End of all arguments.

Perhaps. Perhaps they were given verbal warnings (loud-speaker? radio?). Perhaps the fishermen did not understand them and went on about their business. And hence, the result.

They could have done the 'civilized' way like you had mentioned, yes. I agree with you 100% on that. They probably didn't want all the bothers. Remember, ethnic tensions are high in the country. Anti-Muslim sentiment is very high in that country. Just little over a week ago, a prominent Muslim lawmaker within the NLD had been assassinated in Rangoon. Everybody is human. Bias will be there. It is usually easier to destroy than to save. And we have to factor in that psychology.

But what if? Maybe, their border guard are doing it on purpose over in our territory. Testing our response time and capabilities. We do not know for sure.

But one thing we should ensure is that whichever fishing vessel, or any civilian Bangladeshi vessel must know exactly where they are at all times. With all the shenanigans going on over there, that area is a hotspot now. If the Bangladeshi government truly values the safety of its citizens, it should require them to comply with certain standards. Standards like having at least a bloody radio on board so that they can call for help among other things. No exceptions.

I don't blame the Burmese govt. its all our govt. fault, they never protest this type of incident militarily they do only giving the protest letter. Burmese are decades per decades separated from the whole world how they could be well mannered.just shot the MM illiterates monkeys bums.

Actually,the Tatmadaw are a capable force. They can very easily rush through Bangladesh Army positions like a river through a broken dam and strike like a hawk with ease.

Military experience, morale, legitimacy of the government among others are largely in their favor. Bangladesh's commanders know this very well.

Do not underestimate them.
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I stumbled across this thread while doing some other research and just could'nt help but responding to some of the observations.

Well, I get it. Most of you are wannabe soldier boys (most likely never facing a single bullet) who are disrespecting another country from the comfort of your bedroom. But, while at it, please do some research beforehand. Else, your ignorance becomes more apparent.

A very astute observation sir.

Have you followed the economic statistics coming from Bangladesh? In terms of Human Development Index (HDI), Bangladesh is ahead of India. So, what does India have to offer to a Bangladeshi? Nothing. If a Bd person wants to get a job, livelihood; the Middle-East, Malaysia are legit and more lucrative option. Nobody in their sane mind would want to go to a country which cannot provide its citizens sanitation facilities (and if there is some, they opt to defecate in public).

I have no idea about India. I have read many wild numbers here ranging from 100 million illegal Bangladeshis to 300,000. I'd say that there is a 'holier than thou' attitude going on there. But other than that, if found they overstayed, just deport them - Simple. No need to whine and cry all over the Internet.

With regards to Myanmar, I had the nightmare of staying there for a while for job purposes (a project for which they couldn't find one native expert. Go figure). These subhumans are so illiterate that they don't even understand basic English. Most of their food is fermented entrails of god knows what animal, insects, boars etc. Again, a sane Bangladeshi will not cross the border illegally even if money is offered. This hell-hole has nothing to offer.

A lot of countries don't speak English. That doesn't qualify them as illiterate. And if the statistics are correct, their literacy rate is higher than Bangladesh. We are what we eat don't we? I understand the country is a thorn on our side, but that doesn't mean we should be arrogant.

As for 'illegal immigrants', I agree. Why should any modern day Bangladeshi risk his/her life to cross over to Rakhine? That state doesn't even have any proper running electricity. Let alone any lucrative industry. As far as I can see, the Rohingyas are descendants of Muslims dating back generations. Bangladesh didn't exist at the time. It is odd that Bangladesh is getting a thorn for this. I believe that this is so just because it happens to be the only Muslim-majority country in a region of pagan-majority countries.

Anyways, Myanmar being a despotic country is trying to cover up their crimes by turning it into a cross-border international issue. They are baiting Bangladesh for a conflict. Its tempting to engage but we should be strategic and play the restraint game for the time being. This banana republic of Myanmar will collapse by its own weight (of ignorance, corruption and lack of political order).

The Burmans have alienated a lot of ethnic groups in their own country over the many generations over the most silliest of things. The Rohingyas are merely a way to unite their various warring ethnic groups into one. The Rohingyas are very poor and very weak relative to other ethnic groups in the country, and hence their unfortunate position. Dark-skinned, poor, illiterate, primitive, weak are easy group to target.

Other ethnic conflicts are still very much present there which can threaten the country's progress even in light of the sanctions being/or to be lifted. Every government needs a boogeyman to stay alive.

Our prime now is to keep our citizens safe, which I feel the current measures being insufficient. It'll make our HDI look good won't it? (I am not expert in this though).

You said Human Development Index.

I dont care about specific indicators that are produced by BBS and lapped up by whatever media organisation.
WSJ will vet their stats before publishing an article.

You obviously don't know how the mainstream media works. They "vetted" so many of their polls regarding the US election, how did the reality turn out?

Even the UN doesn't "vet" BBS stats. It just accepts it, given there is no other choice (and no one really cares about LDC data too much). What it does do is put an asterisk beside a lot of BD data saying "pending re-analysis" (like in the FAO data about BD health) as a placemark to illustrate this stuff only is really legit when BD improves its endemic corruption in its institutions (incl BBS). You are several times worse than any developing country in the region in this matter, don't forget it. So whoever takes your data and runs with it (in some leftist feel good motive to say development can happen with next to nothing but unicorn farts propelling it) ....it proves nothing when fully 3rd party data acquisition (like say the liveability index concerning Dhaka, terrible poverty of the BD community wherever it goes, really bad intelligence development and patent and science output etc...) shows a terribly stark picture.
In addition, Google "No, GMOs Didn't Create India's Farmer Suicide Problem, But…" Yeah, 300 thousand Indian farmers have committed suicide out of desperation since mid 1990. 300 Thousand! Wow! What a utopia India is! Every now and then, we hear such pathetic stories from India (On top of the filthy sanitation culture that you have). trust me, no self-respecting Bangladeshi in his/her sane mind will choose to go to India for livelihood. Those which get shot are cattle smugglers mostly.

Did you bother to normalise that with the suicide rate of the whole population?

Of course you didn't. You feel for the sensationalist headline like the rest of the sheeple out there.

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