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Myanmar border guards kill Bangladeshi fisherman

Somebody would've called out and debunked them by this time.

No one frankly cares about BD. It only pops up in the news when a coolie sweatshop collapses or something about rohingyas is mentioned. I guess you can add Gulshan to it now too.

BBS probably knows the threshold of when people would bother enough to notice and keeps the numbers just within that.

Since I chose to live in my country (unlike you of course)

I visit plenty, travel around it...and invest a lot more than you can possibly comprehend.

I can attest first hand the changes that are taking place.

Good for you. But I would believe the Economist a lot more when it says Dhaka is less liveable than most warzones and subsaharan africa.

Ah! The same old mainstream media is failing BS. The fact that you are singing to the tunes of Trumpite idiots validate my observation about you being a dimwit.

No one really cares about what a BeeDee has to say, you guys are born relatively intellectually challenged in the first place.

Now we are referencing white supremacist articles?

Feel free to look up the original paper:


With regards to Dhaka's current state; every city goes through rock-bottom phases. London, Chicago, New York all had horrible bouts of cholera, plague etc etc during the industrial revolution period. Dhaka is also going through the dirty but developing stage. No shame in it. You have to hit rock bottom first before elevating your fortune. The infrastructure investments, dynamic entrepreneurship and overall optimism of people will raise the city from its current state. To some extent, I also doubt the indexes. Dhaka in the same plane like Damascus? Give me a break! Nobody is dropping barrel bombs in Dhaka.

Fair enough. Though I believe Dhaka ranked above most war zones but not by too much. Lot of it is they didnt have every single city in the world, but a sampling of them.

Best of luck to you guys.

You seem to be a reasonable sort, so I wont go so hard on you. Welcome to the forum btw.
Google "
Half the Kids in This Part of India Are Stunted" and read the NYT article

Dude both countries suffer from it...no point saying who is marginally better (given the statistical methods involved that create error margins even if we assume BBS is a quality organisation)

The point is to look how bad it has been in history and that the direction is good for both countries:


As more areas of India succeed in socioeconomics (like South where I am from), even in rural areas, it is natural that pressure will be put on less developed parts of India (Ganges valley etc) and the ideas and efforts from the more developed parts will be put into action (like with the current Swach Bharat program to eradicate open defecation).

Lets hope the same for BD. I really don't care about the published numbers (esp from BD) that much....we are all overall so far behind in the race anyway...comparing few % difference isnt a big priority for those that have to live in that suffering needlessly.
With regards to these papers. There are two observations: You can generate statistics the way you design the experiment. Though I could not go beyond the pay wall to read the article, I don't attach too much credibility to it. On top of that, IQ is a stupid measure of intelligence anyways. This has been debunked time and again.

Google, "Why Britain’s Bangladeshis are so successful" or "
Against the odds: how ethnic minority students are excelling at school"
that's the reality today. With the right opportunities, future is sky high. Rather than tearing each other down, lets hope South Asia restores back to its rightful glorious position.

After recent two incident in Naff river & Saint Martin firing to BD fisherman from MM, now BD need to face this aggression by deploying war ship both place at border line.

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