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Myanmar army forces hundreds of Rohingya villagers from homes


Jun 14, 2016
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Myanmar army forces hundreds of Rohingya villagers from homes

The Rohingya are often said to be the world's most persecuted minority, an ethnic Muslim group in the majority Buddhist country.REUTERS
The area around Maungdaw Township, near the border with Bangladesh, is under military lockdown and journalists and aid workers have not been allowed to go inside
Hundreds of Myanmar’s Rohingya villagers are facing a second night hiding in rice fields without shelter, after the army on Sunday forcibly removed them from a village in a crackdown following attacks on border security forces.

Four Rohingya sources contacted by Reuters by telephone, said border guard officers went to Kyee Kan Pyin village on Sunday and ordered about 2,000 villagers to abandon it, giving them just enough time to collect basic household items.

The move marks an escalation in violence which has destabilised Myanmar’s most volatile state located in the remote northwest. In Rakhine, relations between the Rohingya and majority Buddhists have hit their lowest point since hundreds of people were killed and thousands displaced in ethnic and religious violence in 2012.

The government, led by Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, has said the army and police in Rakhine are fighting a group of at least 400 insurgents, drawn from the Rohingya Muslim minority, with links to Islamist militants overseas.

‘I became homeless’
“I was kicked out from my house yesterday afternoon, now I live in a paddy field outside of my village with some 200 people including my family – I became homeless,” said a Rohingya man from Kyee Kan Pyin village contacted by Reuters by telephone.

“After the soldiers arrived at our village, they said that if all of us didn’t leave, they would shoot us,” he said.

Another witness and two Rohingya community elders based in Maungdaw who are collecting information from across the area have corroborated the account, estimating a total of about 2,000 villagers were removed from homes.

Some were able to find shelter in neighbouring villages, but hundreds spent last night hiding in the rice fields. They are still stranded and are facing another without shelter.


In this photograph taken on September 7, 2016, minority Muslim Rohingya residents walk on a road at the Aung Mingalar displacement camp in Sittwe. AFP

Mynt Kyaw, a government spokesman, said the government was unable to contact anyone in the area because it was a militarily-operated “red zone”.

“A Muslim man called me this morning as they were being forcibly removed from their homes, but I was not able to confirm that information,” said Mynt Kyaw.

The military did not respond to a request for comment.

Videos uploaded on social media by Rohingya rights activists showed men and women speaking Rohingya language carrying their belongings and livestock to other villages or waiting out the crackdown in paddy fields.

The area around Maungdaw Township, near the border with Bangladesh, is under military lockdown and journalists and aid workers have not been allowed to go inside.

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UN calls for probe crackdown in Rakhine
The United Nations has called for a probe into allegations that Myanmar troops have killed civilians and torched villages in northern Rakhine state, as fresh reports emerged of forced evictions in a security crackdown.

Aid agencies estimate more than 15,000 people have been displaced since the military took control of an area close to the Bangladesh border two weeks ago, a region which is home to the stateless Rohingya minority.

Myanmar’s government says hundreds of Rohingya fighters led by a Taliban-trained jihadist were behind deadly raids on several police posts on October 9 that sparked a major security response.

Since then the military has stopped aid deliveries to tens of thousands of people in northern Rakhine and blocked access to rights groups and journalists.

Most of the people in the locked-down area are Rohingya — a Muslim minority reviled by many in Myanmar as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.


In this photograph taken on October 21, 2016, armed Myanmar army soldiers patrol a village in Maungdaw located in Rakhine State as security operation continue. AFP

In a statement released late Monday, the UN urged Myanmar’s government “to undertake proper and thorough investigations of alleged violations”.

“Reports of homes and mosques being burnt down and persons of a certain profile being rounded up and shot are alarming and unacceptable,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on summary executions Agnes Callamard.

“The authorities cannot justify simply shooting suspects down on the basis of the seriousness of the crime alone,” she said, referring to the assaults on border guards that sparked the clampdown.

While details of military abuses are hard to verify, the UN said it has received “repeated allegations” of arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial killings “within the context of the security operations”.

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The Myanmar Times


Rights groups call for humanitarian access to northern Rakhine State as displacement grows
Malala Speaks Out In Support Of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims

06/08/2015 03:58 pm ET

Carol Kuruvilla Associate Religion Editor

Malala Yousafzai is calling on world leaders and officials in Myanmar to stop the persecution of the country’s Rohingya Muslims.

“The Rohingyas deserve citizenship in the country where they were born and have lived for generations. They deserve equal rights and opportunities,” the 17-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner said in a statement. “They deserve to be treated like we all deserve to be treated -– with dignity and respect.”

Stripped of citizenship and subject to violence and discrimination, the Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing Myanmar in recent months. Thousands of migrants have been rescued off the coasts of neighboring countries after escaping by boat.

Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, has denied that the Rohingya are being persecuted in the majority Buddhist country.

However, multiple international human rights groups, like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have spoken out against the persecution of the Rohingya. The United Nations refugee agency has called them one of the most persecuted minorities in the world.

Yousafzai is an education campaigner and girls’ rights activist. She co-founded the Malala Fund after she was shot by the Taliban in 2012 for her progressive ideas. The organization has supported girls in Pakistan, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Yousafzai became interested in the plight of refugees while working to secure access to education for Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon.

“Today and every day, I stand with the Rohingyas,” Yousafzai said in the statement. “And I encourage people everywhere to do so.”

UN calls for probe into Myanmar crackdown on Rohingyas
AFP. Yangon | Update: 18:32, Oct 25, 2016

The United Nations has called for a probe into allegations that Myanmar troops have killed civilians and torched villages in northern Rakhine state, as fresh reports emerged of forced evictions in a security crackdown.

Aid agencies estimate more than 15,000 people have been displaced since the military took control of an area close to the Bangladesh border two weeks ago, a region which is home to the stateless Rohingya minority.

Myanmar’s government says hundreds of Rohingya fighters led by a Taliban-trained jihadist were behind deadly raids on several police posts on 9 October that sparked a major security response.

Since then the military has stopped aid deliveries to tens of thousands of people in northern Rakhine and blocked access to rights groups and journalists.

Most of the people in the locked-down area are Rohingya—a Muslim minority reviled by many in Myanmar as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.
In a statement released late Monday, the UN urged Myanmar’s government “to undertake proper and thorough investigations of alleged violations”.

“Reports of homes and mosques being burnt down and persons of a certain profile being rounded up and shot are alarming and unacceptable,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on summary executions Agnes Callamard.

“The authorities cannot justify simply shooting suspects down on the basis of the seriousness of the crime alone,” she said, referring to the assaults on border guards that sparked the clampdown.

While details of military abuses are hard to verify, the UN said it has received “repeated allegations” of arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial killings “within the context of the security operations”.

The violence has fanned fears of a repeat of the unrest that ravaged the state in 2012 and left more than 100 people dead.

Security forces have killed at least 31 people while defending themselves from attacks, according to a toll from state media and the military.

But Chris Lewa, from advocacy group the Arakan Project, says information from contacts in the area suggests the number killed is much higher.

Residents also say the crackdown, which has been led by the military but also includes border guard police forces, is intensifying.

Over the past two days, border officials have driven thousands of Rohingya from their homes in Kyikanpyin village, according to Maung Ni, a 32-year-old Rohingya shopkeeper.

“We are staying at another village,” he told AFP. “We do not know what to do—soldiers are still stationed inside the village.”

Police sources, who asked not to be named, confirmed troops had searched the area for “terrorists” and some villagers had fled when they arrived.
The govt of Bangladesh and the leader(s) of opposition never utter a word on the plights of Rohingyas as if they do not exist. The GoB is mum only because it wants to connect with China through Burma. However, the history of the world will attest that no country ever respects a greedy and weak country like BD who cannot stand up against a country that humiliates its own citizens only because they settled there from Bengal 600 years ago when Arakan was not a part of Burma.

BD must protest the torturing by the Burmese govt. troops. It must stand against its own greed because the more matured Burmese leaders are just playing with BD leaders' greed.
From Bangladesh Strategic point of view being supportive to Myanmars Democratic govt is OK. But, in the end we are human - what is happening over there is really heartening and inhuman. Personally I don't like Rohingya people, who have already tarnished our images in arab world by fake BD passports. But Again, In the end they are human.

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