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My take on the recent escalation in Kashmir and the Long-march. Thougts?

A string walks into a bar. He asks for a shot of tequila. Bartender replies, "sorry we dont serve strings". So the string leaves. Next day, the string stands outside debating about whether to go in or not. He ties himself into a knot and frays the bottom of the string. He goes in an asks for a shot of tequila. Bartender replies, "hey , aren't you the string who came in here yesterday ? ". The string replies, "No im a freyed knot"

bwahahahahahaha ! :tup: Get it ? "Freyed knot" ?
Dude....did you listen to this awesome new beiber song ? I really like his hair. Awmg its like totally awesome !

So three guys walked into a bar....

A string walks into a bar. He asks for a shot of tequila. Bartender replies, "sorry we dont serve strings". So the string leaves. Next day, the string stands outside debating about whether to go in or not. He ties himself into a knot and frays the bottom of the string. He goes in an asks for a shot of tequila. Bartender replies, "hey , aren't you the string who came in here yesterday ? ". The string replies, "No im a freyed knot"

bwahahahahahaha ! :tup: Get it ? "Freyed knot" ?

This is what the defense of "God's own country" has come down to?

Trying to deflect criticism or just observations about it by less-than-average bar jokes?

Jai Hind?
A string walks into a bar. He asks for a shot of tequila. Bartender replies, "sorry we dont serve strings". So the string leaves. Next day, the string stands outside debating about whether to go in or not. He ties himself into a knot and frays the bottom of the string. He goes in an asks for a shot of tequila. Bartender replies, "hey , aren't you the string who came in here yesterday ? ". The string replies, "No im a freyed knot"

bwahahahahahaha ! :tup: Get it ? "Freyed knot" ?

I don't get it. :no:

Edit: Wait, now I get it... lol.
Gotti's dump at 09:54
A mushroom sits at a bar and asks the bartender for a beer. The bartender says: "get out of this bar, we dont serve mushrooms here". The Mushroom says "come on man, I'm a fungi" !


I don't get it. :no:

Edit: Wait, now I get it... lol.

Its the worst i could find on such short notice. I'm glad you get it. :tup:
So you think that China-Russia-Central Asia-Iran-India are all going to be in one camp, and you would like Pakistan to join with America in the opposite camp?

And you want to be America's "Israel" of South Asia?

I don't even... what?

Yes. It's in our interests to side with America, a country that has a language we can understand, culture we can relate to (there are plenty of mosques in America, religious freedom and permission to pray in Churches if the mosques are lacking), and an education most of our elites have and students are so keen to seek.

We have had a similar culture since our inception and Jinnah made of his first speeches at the VoA requesting the Americans to accept us as our struggle against the British was very common.

There are also a lot of other historical things such as the planes flying from Pakistan, taking Americans to negotiate their pullout in Vietnam along with Americans signing important cold-war era pacts with us that I am sure everyone, including you, is aware of.

While, the Chinese-Pakistani relation has benefited both (Pakistan's current status deceives people into forgetting Pakistan was the country that introduced the Chinese to the Americans and I am referring to Kissinger. Let's also not forget the UN and other benefits China received through Pakistan because of the latter's relationship with the West).

Also, we were a route to provide China with Western technology, albeit, illegally and have been a convenient trade route (although the Strait of Malacca had been the route for 90% of China's trade, I know).

But, given the current circumstances, and the immediate situation ahead of us, it is likely that we could side with America given our special military relationship since the past decade or more (despite shortcomings that Indians have pointed out)

Furthermore, the present COAS had received his education in a well-reputed American military school and in general, training has been very clearly been given by America to our armed forces.

Despite a few exercises with China, Pakistanis always preferred American tools to fight the Indians like in '65 when F16s were used to decimate the Indian Air Force.

I made the argument without any personal biases, although I do have a tilt towards America, but that doesn't mean the points I have presented should be dismissed only for this reason as most of them are valid including those in this post.
great idea but how you ll fit this equation ?

I got 1 more idea. Just why not collaborate with aliens and rule over whole earth ? Why to end up with India and rest countries. Well In dreams everything is possible ?

Bro sare sapne sach nai hote...
Yes. It's in our interests to side with America, a country that has a language we can understand, culture we can relate to (there are plenty of mosques in America, religious freedom and permission to pray in Churches if the mosques are lacking), and an education most of our elites have and students are so keen to seek.

I made the argument without any personal biases, although I do have a tilt towards America, but that doesn't mean the points I have presented should be dismissed only for this reason as most of them are valid including those in this post.

I am not dismissing it at all. In fact I am taking it quite seriously.

I just don't understand why so many Pakistanis (including many senior members here) are still so pro-America despite everything that has happened in the past decade.

Yes, it does annoy me when some of them openly support America over China in various issues. The annoyance mostly stems from the fact that I can't understand it.
A mushroom sits at a bar and asks the bartender for a beer. The bartender says: "get out of this bar, we dont serve mushrooms here". The Mushroom says "come on man, I'm a fungi" !


Its the worst i could find on such short notice. I'm glad you get it. :tup:

I got jokes too :yahoo:

Failed my Politics exam. The question was "Describe the role that India plays in the modern world".

Apparently "Tech Support" is not the correct answer.
Fortunately, I have been able to come across one serious reply in a sea of trolls. I do feel bad that you couldn't spell sovereignty right and were unable to drive your point home with a "bang" (assuming that's what your username is referring to).

It did have some impact but not as strong as you would've liked but that doesn't mean we should discourage you from trying harder, next time.

My argument, although spun in a very twisted Indian manner, is that America will need Pakistan in order to have any influence in this region or else it will have no political existence in this region. It is also in Pakistan's interest to do the same now that Russia has made clear it's intent and China can only lobby so much for Pakistan till it realizes that it would rather have secure borders with India (not that India can ever do anything) while it has to face the wrath of the Pacific tilt. Also, a rising Russia that has historically been it's rival in the Golden Triangle states is discomforting to say the least.

Unfortunately on a late thursday night I have to take lectures on spelling from a apparently self-obsessed essay writing borderline megalomaniac who thinks his heaps of self-pontification is a god given right. But such is life :sigh:

Bang is reference to a superhit bollywood movie that stars salman khan and by all accounts was ahit in Pakistan too. maybe you missed it becauseyou were too busy visiting TMZ and reading up the scoop on Chris Brown and Rihanna break-up with a wet towel to control your flows. Anyways.

So we proposing going back to Americas campo ala good old 50's and 60's when dear old Ayub famously stated to Americans " Our Army is your Army", and the happy ending as usual.

Now, how about you tell us how you planning to turn the public opinion where close to two-thirds of your country people are against America the big fat evil.

Or is that too tough a question for our self-declared intellectual super being here.
I am not dismissing it at all. In fact I am taking it quite seriously.

I just don't understand why so many Pakistanis (including many senior members here) are still so pro-America despite everything that has happened in the past decade.

Yes, it does annoy me when they openly support America over China in various issues. The annoyance mostly stems from the fact that I can't understand it.

Can't necessarily speak for the Pakistanis or the "vast majority" of them but for me personally, it's impossible to relate to the Chinese as we have had a colonial past of learning English and that's the medium through with communication takes place in America.

In our culture, the elites (most of whom we consider looters and corrupt) prefer sending their kids to have an education in America and most prefer settling there by marrying women there. There are families that have become white or even foreign for that matter and of those, you may include the previously tipped for PM and potential leader of our nation, Imran Khan. (Although his wife is British, but my point still stands).

Also, it is of every Pakistani's interest to somehow move to America or have an education recognized by it.

Unlike in Hong Kong vs. China, where Hong Kong folks prefer the West and mainland people don't, there is absolutely no "divide" in Pakistan on this matter as everyone is equally impressed and mesmerized by the Western society and culture.
Can't necessarily speak for the Pakistanis or the "vast majority" of them but for me personally, it's impossible to relate to the Chinese as we have had a colonial past of learning English and that's the medium through with communication takes place in America.

In our culture, the elites (most of whom we consider looters and corrupt) prefer sending their kids to have an education in America and most prefer settling there by marrying women there. There are families that have become white or even foreign for that matter and of those, you may include the previously tipped for PM and potential leader of our nation, Imran Khan. (Although his wife is British, but my point still stands).

Also, it is of every Pakistani's interest to somehow move to America or have an education recognized by it.

Your choice. :wave:

Unlike in Hong Kong vs. China, where Hong Kong folks prefer the West and mainland people don't, there is absolutely no "divide" in Pakistan on this matter as everyone is equally impressed and mesmerized by the Western society and culture.

I am a Hong Konger, born to a Hong Kong family, and I can most certainly tell you that I do NOT "prefer" the West. Otherwise I would be living there.
I got jokes too :yahoo:

Failed my Politics exam. The question was "Describe the role that India plays in the modern world".

Apparently "Tech Support" is not the correct answer.

Well honey, that's just fine. Just remember, tech support can only help you when you're in one piece. Watch out for those IED's.
Unfortunately on a late thursday night I have to take lectures on spelling from a apparently self-obsessed essay writing borderline megalomaniac who thinks his heaps of self-pontification is a god given right. But such is life :sigh:

Bang is reference to a superhit bollywood movie that stars salman khan and by all accounts was ahit in Pakistan too. maybe you missed it becauseyou were too busy visiting TMZ and reading up the scoop on Chris Brown and Rihanna break-up with a wet towel to control your flows. Anyways.

So we proposing going back to Americas campo ala good old 50's and 60's when dear old Ayub famously stated to Americans " Our Army is your Army", and the happy ending as usual.

Now, how about you tell us how you planning to turn the public opinion where close to two-thirds of your country people are against America the big fat evil.

Or is that too tough a question for our self-declared intellectual super being here.

Going to ignore the initial rant at trying to prove you have a command on the English language and pop-culture (no need to prove it to me, I am sure you're a Tinsel town gossip aficionado)

I don't necessarily have an issue with the "Asian Tiger" phase of Pakistan and the time in a country that bore a city like Karachi, which was instrumental in influencing Seoul, South Korea.

The answer to your "public opinion" question was in the title of the thread and in the content in which I mentioned the "popular" or populist (your choice of word won't make a difference as I still feel offended at you not capitalizing the "G" in God so as to insinuate that it's not my God-given right) forces like Mr. Qadri and Mr. Hussain.

Any background or interest in the two characters would indicate that the two are very well-accepted (not necessarily "respected") by the West and by "those" who are carrying a pro-Iran bias (euphemistically referring to a religious group that had become radicalized in Pakistan recently after Zardari's attempts at dividing Pakistan along ethnic lines failed).

In short, as I argued in the piece (which is definitely masterful, to say the least - given how it got all Indians up in arms - or trishuls, as "arms" is more of an American thing), the long march will become a consequence of turning the public opinion in favor of the Americans.

The people who follow Mr. Hussain, specifically, had always been pro-West and Qadri's followers even go as far as to celebrating Christmas (he always has the highest attendance in his ceremonies, commemorating the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, May God have Mercy on his soul).
America and Pakistan have been military partners (directly) for over a decade, coordinating military maneuvers and strategies as if they are in sync.

This is the time to decimate the Russia-India alliance by taking some serious diplomatic steps.

It is in America's interest to cement a place in all Pakistanis' hearts by openly and unequivocally supporting Pakistan on the Kashmir issue.

All across the Muslim world (and the world, in general), Bush was hated, faced protests, burning of effigies and even greeted by a shoe in some places but in Albania, he was cheered on due to his stance on Kosovo.

If America wants to replace China, it has the best opportunity especially now, given that India has sided with Putin, which means Pakistani and American interests are aligned in this regard.

Also, the same can be said vis-a-vis Iran and Afghanistan (they can host their troops for China's containment if they choose to go against the so called "zero-option". They can do it just like in Saudi Arabia while respecting the local laws and customs that aren't any different in the two countries, Saudi and Afghanistan).

If the Indians don't give up Kashmir, we (Pakistanis amd Americans) should take it diplomatically like Kosovo and threaten them with unrest and protests like Tibet in China. The rape protests are a great example of shutting Delhi down.

The ex-soviet states and their colour revolutions like Orange should be exploited in India through the use of Sikhs, Tamils and the slogan of Azad Deccan should also keep the South Block in check, or, even go as far as to rid the subcontinent of the Indian menace like Yugoslavia in Europe and USSR before it.

I say carve 10 states out of India and put Manmohan in the history books like Tito. NATO was instrumental in doing that before, we can do that now as they are already here in the Hindu Kush.

China wouldn't mind as a rising Russia is also a threat while India had always been a menace. It will work!

In the end, the long march should be representative of a moderate government in place, if there is a move made to attack or invade Iran, from Pakistan. The reason it would only make sense to do so through a moderate government in power is that the individuals (MQM and Qadri) involved are not only acceptable to the West but also those sections of society that have a soft-corner for Iran.

Pakistan provided land and it's territory to dismantle and remove an extremist regime in Afghanistan, doing the same in Iran should be palatable.

Otherwise, if Pakistan is to stay away from America, then it would lose it's "special status" in the Russian-Chinese camp, as it is clear that Putin will always favor India given his historic position in the KGB.

Also, without Pakistan, America is doomed in the region as India, China, Iran, CIS and Russia are all going to be in one camp. America has no choice except to side with Pakistan and Pakistan, on the other hand, will need to benefit from it's potential status as the Israel of Central and South Asia. Forget the past and look at the benefits and interests of today - they are aligned - with America.

I also don't see China having a problem, as I've mentioned above, given the threat of Russian influence, especially in the Golden triangle states, and it will prefer the focus shifted from it for a few years, and the Pacific-shift, delayed or not focused on, as much. They already prefer to have secure borders with India, which is why the PLA chief ran to India after the Indians declined the Western bids (primarily due to the South Block's historic NAM stance).

On the other hand, Indians didn't have the capacity to do America's bidding in the region vis-a-vis China as they need to build an economy to support the poorest population in the world half of whom never saw power or sanitation.

India could have benefited from a relation with the West and sided with them against Libya and Syria, but it was hesitant, diplomatically. It only went against Iran due its own interest vis-a-vis the Nuclear deal with America.

What's more is that, they have millions of their expats hosted in the Gulf countries but even that didn't assist them in making the wise decision of siding with the West and Arabs. The Socialist-bias and the Congress following Nehru's pro-Russian stance has not gone despite benefiting from billions in IT dollars from the West.

But, given it's historical relationship, India made the right choice as Russia is a trusted partner for them, but going against America wasn't smart, either. Putin had to move indoors due to the rape protests similar to the ones started after the self-immolation in Tunisia.

Also, the campaign to malign Indians as "rapists", worldwide is at it's peak. Some Pakistanis find it to be a pay-back for Indians labeling Pakistanis as "terrorists" worldwide and you can already see social media glimmering with the thoughts of being able to malign Indians (NRIs, specifically) by calling them "rapists", just as they were unduly and unjustifiably called "terrorists" with the intent of causing torment and harm.

Your thoughts?

Only if the wishes were horses. but there is no harm in day dreaming. It keeps you happy, and happiness increases longevity of human life.

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