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my prediction about american double dip duration


Dec 21, 2010
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I have been following the economic collapse since 2009 (following alex jones since 2009) , but i recently saw "inside job 2010" , which is an excellent movie about the economic slump designs and how the bankers and top 1 percent investors will have a win-win situation.

so i am making my personal prediction based on intelligent simulations, comments from various economic gurus and online assesments.

here is it.

the stocks in US market are up because the corporations know that obama will succesfully raise the credit ceiling , the stock will remain up for two months and then by december (max by feb 2012) every thing will start to shut down affecting the entire world.

do see the quickie about INSIDE job. Mat Dammon always try to bring the results out like he did in green zone for false intelligence, the good shephard for CIA and illuminati and now , this :). its a must watch.

ps: if you read wikipedia, the events are well documented, but you cannot get the clue very easily even if you are an economics guru.the stakes, credit , insurances against the credit, the investment shares against the credit's insurance are best explained in the movie.here is the wiki link which is also a must read.

Late-2000s financial crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the movie starts with this,

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So does your crystal ball also tell you whether the world will end in 2012 or not? :D
okay , here is some thing from geo.tv house speaker john bohner just said what i mentioned above,

"The sad truth is that the president wanted a blank check six months ago and he wants a blank check today. That is just not going to happen," - house speaker

"I have told leaders of both parties that they must come up with a fair compromise in the next few days that can pass both houses of Congress - a compromise I can sign,"- barack obama

- now, both the democrats and republicans are not speaking out either in favour or against the credit ceiling.
- the new tax cuts can only be possible if there is liquidity in the market
- the federal reserve contract with US gov is expiring on 31 dec 2012, and they might wait till early/ mid 2012 in order to avoid public backlash.

the link from geo.tv,

Obama urges compromise to avoid "reckless" default - GEO.tv
"Greece’s ratio of debt to GDP has surpassed 100% and is heading towards 150%, a factor that has meant without bailouts from the EU and the IMF, the country would have defaulted.
The US is now nearing the same 100% margin with GDP growth floundering below 1%."

“We are less than three years away from where Greece had its debt crisis as to where they were from debt to GDP,”

but US wont take 3 years because its has a more complex problem then greece. the STIMULUS distribution plan is absolutely absurd, there are three wars going on and, the interest per month ratio is much higher then that of greec (no precise calculation however available)

the link,

» Former Comptroller General: “Sudden And Very Painful” Economic Collapse Is Coming Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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