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My girlfriend likes to wear like this. . . Too sexy?

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Can't tell unless I can see a picture of it...
Oooooh ... nice and sexy clothes I must say!

good one - all the tharkies arrived here!
On seeing today's scenario our older generation is sure to have a heart attack!

Sitting in pakistan,a guy is asking indians,banglas,lankans and yankees advice on what his gf should wear!

Dude, He is sitting in Armenia.......

Need to brush up on your Geography, Bro....:argh:
Regardless of the clothes you claim she likes to wear and of which you have not posted any photograph, the question is does your status as a boyfriend give you any rights to object to the way she may dress? What if she tells you to go hop and gets herself another boyfriend? Friend, don't push your luck. Boyfriends are expendable and discardable commodity with zero locus standi, just enjoy whatever comes your way instead of getting too possessive.
You lost the plot this time bro.
Never mind, I chatted with few fembots when yahoo was new.
. .
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