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Mustafa Kamal and his Pak Sar Zameen Party-My analysis

Panther 57

Aug 18, 2013
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A personal analysis based on happenings.

1. Undoubtedly Altaf Hussain is ill and may leave for eternal adobe anytime
2. AH is involved in money laundering and Dr Imran Farooq murder
3. MQM has tried its level best to become national party, but due has not been able to its founding concept despite changing its name and collaborating with electables in other areas of Pakistan
4. MQM cannot get of maintaining militant wing.
5. Irrespective of what their leaders say MQM cannot be absolved from being pioneering bhatta culture in Karachi.
6. Recent revelations of its undeniable connections with RAW may result in banning of the party.

If this happens how will those survive who have been minting money being in MQM, through government contracts when in official seat, bhatta if not part of government and international funding for continuing anti-state activities. Besides many of those will face serious criminal charges.

What is the solution?

Mustafa Kamal backed by Malik Riaz funding. A person who has been projected as best Mayor Karachi had.

Mustafa Kamal's manifesto

1. No party flag only Pakistan flag. Personally speaking by law making party flags should be prohibited and displaying photographs of their corrupt leaders' (dead or alive) in government offices should not be allowed, when they make it to public offices. Generally when talking of democracy USA is considered a bench mark. No need to mention, during political gatherings only flag which is seen is American flag.
2. Mustafa Kamal uses a deceptive name for his party that is Pak Sirzameen Party. This name should not be allowed for a political party as national anthem starts with this word and it can mislead naive citizens.
3. Mustafa Kamal advocates condoning MQM criminals by shifting blame on AH. As if these criminals were so naive, not to know what they are doing. He becomes emotional and concerned about the families of dead criminals but has no remorse for those who have been killed or burnt alive by these criminals.
4. Mustafa Kamal has Anis Qaimkhani by his side, giving a clear message that the militant wing of MQM is now with him.
5. Mustafa Kamal not condeming anyone in MQM except Altaf Hussain and some individuals of London secretariat.
6. Mustafa Kamal was from a humble background working as telephone operator at 90. He has not been in any worth mentioning position in his educational or professional career. Today he is roaming around in a caravan of Prados and Land cruisers. From Kakhpati to Lakhpati rather Arabpati. Five years salary cumulatively does not qualify him to drive a Corolla what to talk of luxury jeeps, especially when 50% of the salary from official position goes into party fund.
7. Zameer Ki Baidari relates only to seek pardon for criminals. A real remorse would have called for a confession followed by apology for the crimes committed, return of looted wealth and surrender to LEAs.

Bottom line is Mustafa Kamal has been pitched by MQM itself and the time is not far away when complete MQM will be part of this new party. Most MQM members will leave before AH is arraigned or deceased.

It will be same old wine in new bottle.
A very interesting analysis and has good points as well. Many members of MQM have joined him and one cannot simply say that they are washed clean just bcz they ditched the party and they partook in some soul searching. The actions of those that participated in implementing the lawless and gangster nature of MQM are equally responsible as altaf and they should confess to the crime. What's the point of calling or naming change when it will be these very ex-MQM politicians in power under the title of PSZ?

The point of @Panther 57 is correct. He is absorbing the body of what he says is evil while attacking the head. When the head is gone and the body is absorbed into you then you become that very evil you were fighting.

You could be true in this. The next elections will shed more light to this. Correct me if I am wrong but despite heavy attacking, MQM has been relatively quite when it comes to PSZ.

Politics is a very dirty game and deceptive as well.

I do agree with one thing. Each party must have only the Pakistan flag. No pti bat symbo flag,, no arrow symbols flag, no tiger symbol flag no nothing. Only Pakistan flag. I personally see more political flags than our national flag which is sad. The PSZ was perhaps the first jalsa I saw where there were only Pakistani flags. Nothing else and if was beautiful.
Once a bhatta khor always a bhatta khor :angel:
HE first needs to answer all those ambulance hit gangs during his reign as mayor in Karachi if he knowingly aided them them hr should be tried for murder i refuse to give him clean chit
also you should never have more than 3 words in your party name
Mustafa Kamal is not absolute solution of Karachi crisis but yes he is part of the solution today.
Today he is good force for people of Karachi. He is directing them, guiding them and breaking the boundaries of fear and tears.
His party and his vision is positive todate. He is absorbing the body of the evil is the fact.
But the real question is the capacity of PSP and mustafa kamal to heal the evil body with light and positive vision.
The second phase of the karachi operation soon after the ranger operation, the political solution of the political problem of the karachi is more difficult and very deceptive.
We need to adopt mechanism to monitor and assist police through rangers in karachi permanently. There is no temporary solution beneficial for the country
Mustafa Kamal is not absolute solution of Karachi crisis but yes he is part of the solution today.
Today he is good force for people of Karachi. He is directing them, guiding them and breaking the boundaries of fear and tears.
His party and his vision is positive todate. He is absorbing the body of the evil is the fact.
But the real question is the capacity of PSP and mustafa kamal to heal the evil body with light and positive vision.
The second phase of the karachi operation soon after the ranger operation, the political solution of the political problem of the karachi is more difficult and very deceptive.
We need to adopt mechanism to monitor and assist police through rangers in karachi permanently. There is no temporary solution beneficial for the country
I was an ardent believer that this country will stand in line with any developed country of the world. But my decades of observation forces me to conclude, what @Neutron said; there is no temporary solution. A country which has been brought to the brink of disaster by its own custodian not excluding, starting from the most powerful to the weakest. We all do not want a change, because a positive change will eny us the liberty of not following building , traffic rules, trade, business and ethical rules. Each one of us is responsible for this dilapidated situation of this country. We want rules to be applied to everyone else, except us. We break rules on the pretext that someone else has also done that. Look at traffic lights what is happening, look at our impunity when we do encroachment for our houses and business.

Long term solution is each one abiding by the rules without any exception. We have to train our next generation to follow rules, but how can we, especially when we break the rules in their presence on the pretext " this is pakistan sab chalta hai". We must start self accountability and evaluate our selves as to how many times a day we have broken traffic laws, how many times we have offered bribe in order to take short cut, even for our legal jobs. How many times have created problems for people around us may it be in shape of loud music, reckless driving, by passing the queue or our protocols (where we could get).

Isn't he the same guy, who's under-suspicion for Baldia Twon Factory case?
He's been "baptized" now alongside many sector in charges and low level mafia people. Patrons are clueless about how to finish MQM after PTI phenomenon failed miserably (Partly because PTI not using brains and seeking alliance with Jamat)
For PDFians the ultimate solution for Karachi is support anyone who is anti-Altaf .. but what they don't realize that MK can not take his entire Vote bank on just bashing Altaf and reading the Tasbhee of RAW RAW RAW ..
its good that MK is back , and I like this guy .. so he gets my support in Karachi ..

Girtay hue Altaf kooo , Ek dhakaa aur do :D
I was an ardent believer that this country will stand in line with any developed country of the world. But my decades of observation forces me to conclude, what @Neutron said; there is no temporary solution. A country which has been brought to the brink of disaster by its own custodian not excluding, starting from the most powerful to the weakest. We all do not want a change, because a positive change will eny us the liberty of not following building , traffic rules, trade, business and ethical rules. Each one of us is responsible for this dilapidated situation of this country. We want rules to be applied to everyone else, except us. We break rules on the pretext that someone else has also done that. Look at traffic lights what is happening, look at our impunity when we do encroachment for our houses and business.

Long term solution is each one abiding by the rules without any exception. We have to train our next generation to follow rules, but how can we, especially when we break the rules in their presence on the pretext " this is pakistan sab chalta hai". We must start self accountability and evaluate our selves as to how many times a day we have broken traffic laws, how many times we have offered bribe in order to take short cut, even for our legal jobs. How many times have created problems for people around us may it be in shape of loud music, reckless driving, by passing the queue or our protocols (where we could get).

So true. The leaders we complaint and moan about are from us.They are not foreigners, they are not raw or mossad agents. They are the reflection of the people of Pakistan. Real problems of Pakistan are not corruption, energy resources and all but the people who does nothing but blame others. We have become egoistic, selfish, and materialistic. Our illicit desires have made us all puppets and dependent on others. Today we lack vision. I remember a poem by Nasir Kazmi which was a part of my urdu syllabus in college. The theme of the poem was to tell people that many of our ancestors slept after the partition however that was the time when we needed to do the real hard work. And while people were unaware of the greater task of nation building, there were some patriots who dedicated their lives for it. After all of the sacrifices we gave this is what we have, a land where people are willing to kill each other for no reason. No faith in Allah, nothing we have. This is the only reason we are facing so many challenges and our sufferings will continue till the moment we realize our mistakes which we have to realize soon.
No doubt that many of political rivals have been speaking of MQM and anti-Pakistan nexus but the same voices lost the value as blamed being political rival though MK, an insider and ex-MQM, revealed the same truth that not just affected the total situation of Karachi but also had an impact on decent MQM voters & supporters.

IMO, MK is just like a matchstick in the sea in case of his entry separately into politics based upon his previous experience with MQM as being Mayor as well in Karachi. This city has more complexity than any other city in Pakistan especially where the business class depends upon the peace of Karachi and this city help generate the most of the revenue of Pakistan.

Karachi has been the victim of terrorism/riots/unrest not just because of the political rivalry but it was always planned to hit the business hub so the economy be damaged. If I am not wrong and many members may remember the leaked wire of American Ambassador in Karachi sent to Washington, few years back stating that there are several armed militant groups supervised by the political elites that can be helpful & useful for them to execute the evil agendas. As much as i remember, the list started with MQM then PPPP, ANP, Jiay Sindh that these parties does hold the most of fighters among them.

MK has to reveal many other truths as well as AH's RAW links discovery isn't new but MK has to tell that how organization worked, who related and attached them, who has been doing the bridge work, who was running the sleeping cells and all the wrong doings and orders given by AH and many others including Farooq Sattar & Rizvi etc while they attended the secret meetings at few selected Sector offices or mostly at 90.

IMO, MK's entry is just like availing the opportunity as well. We know the sooner or later, AH has to leave the party whether due to his ill health or cases so by targeting the AH alone as MK does, proves more about interest to get hold of the same setup under new umbrella being acting as an innocent that would need to work a lot to gather the supporters or voters. I am not saying that MK's arrival is not a good sign but it would be feasible, beneficial and more realistic for the Karachi & Pakistan if he tells the whole truth and not just the AH's secrets alone.

Not to forget about recent developments in the case of Uzair Baloch especially his links with Iran. Indeed Uzair & Co has links with Iran and got the support as well to sabotage the peace of this city. On other hand, the same mission was carried out by the MQM that it has been involved in most of the sectarian killings in Karachi especially. MQM is not just a RAW asset but it is like a rent-a-militant service thing that whoever will pay for whatever, MQM did the job no matter what it costs us like precious lives, peace of the city, money and much more. I still remember Zulfiqar Mirza's statement regarding MQM having contracts with Int'l Agency(s) to work for them.

Many people in Karachi joined, supported or had links by way of paying good amount to them whether it is MQM, Aman Kameti or any other group for personal benefits as well. I mean, like we are also responsible for the situation that we are into. Still many of us are supporting these terrorists, anti-Pakistan just because of their worship of the person and being blind folded in love of the so called fake leader. Still, we never miss chance and try to adopt the short cut way for our personal benefits even by paying the bribe or it is to bring down someone due to our personal grudge and enmity. We let these corrupts to rule us and no doubt we have chosen the life style that we are living today which is indeed not to be called as peaceful and literate society. Many of Karachites still talk big, show potency for the growth of this country but when it comes to elect the right one, there is the time when the worst of inside enemy comes out by electing these terrorists.

These revelations aren't new about MQM or AH but the interesting thing is, nobody including MK is telling the whole truth but still everyone is just trying to pick for himself as much as can from the dying terrorist loot.

I must congratulate the efforts of LEAs in Karachi and especially the Rangers for bringing the peace to this city after a while though there is still lot more to do yet big fishes are still at large but hope the same dedication would be carried on till last terrorists. Indeed Rangers have done a great job but this is not the permanent solution as we being citizens have to play our role and need to elect people who may serve this city/country and prosper that such election may not be based upon some ethnic, sect or language choice but Pakistanis only.

@Gufi bro, thanks for the tag and apologies for late reply as did not get the notification.
hahahaah Yes i am also thinking same new bottle not even me all Pakistani and other same thought about him let's see with Positive Hope
People are still voting for the MQM even after these revelations. Plus its not like altaf and only altaf, there are many other leaders in line e.g farooq sattar ready to take the place and continue the party. Hopefullu PSP will have a better impact but like Game of thrones, good guys lose or turn bad.
People are still voting for the MQM even after these revelations. Plus its not like altaf and only altaf, there are many other leaders in line e.g farooq sattar ready to take the place and continue the party. Hopefullu PSP will have a better impact but like Game of thrones, good guys lose or turn bad.
Its because the Rangers are delibrately trying to push them to the wall. At one time, the Rangers continue to arrest their office bearers and torture them to death and at the same time DG Ranger is perfectly fine with the Anees QaimKhani the person who was held responsible for baldia town incident. Such things would only lend MQM more sympathies of their voters and they see PSP as beptised MQM members.
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