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[Must read] “Pakistan believes I am pro-India. Yes, I am" Abdullah Abdullah

Almost every pakistani here still cheers for Taliban, whose leadership pakistan shelters in Quetta.
Kindly explain it
This person always post anti Pakistan and often in fact 100% baseless Pls check and displine him.
Kindly explain it
This person always post anti Pakistan and often in fact 100% baseless Pls check and displine him.

Please be better informed instead of whining. Thank you.

Afghanistan seeks to establish fate of 'injured' Taliban chief - Channel NewsAsia

A senior Pakistani intelligence official told AFP that Mansour had been "very seriously injured" in what he described as a "heavy exchange of fire" at a gathering of militant commanders near the Pakistani city of Quetta.

Nasiruddin Haqqani: Who shot the militant at the bakery? - BBC News

Confirming the rumours, a relative of Mr Haqqani told BBC his body had been spirited from Islamabad to the town of Miranshah in North Waziristan - roughly six hours drive across two provinces and one federal tribal territory, all dotted with heavily-manned military and police checkpoints.

@MaarKhoor you are a young man. I encourage you to ask tough honest questions to your elders, anyone can follow the state line. It will be great education.
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We are supporting, though word and deed the democratic setup in Afghanistan that is headed by a Pashtun close to Pakistan. Your observations are flawed. Why would we support bachabazi? Do you want me to take your accusations seriously?

You're shoving a whole lot of baggage behind a curtain. Now if anything's cute, it's Indians who are usually the first to start shrieking and moaning about human rights abuses closing their eyes to who is participating in the democratic setup of Afghanistan. This democratic process you support is filled with Jihadis, warlords and drug-traffickers who are already close to back-stabbing one another again as they did in the early '90s.
You seem to believe Pakistan can do no wrong.
Where did you get that assumption?
You're shoving a whole lot of baggage behind a curtain. Now if anything's cute, it's Indians who are usually the first to start shrieking and moaning about human rights abuses closing their eyes to who is participating in the democratic setup of Afghanistan. This democratic process you support is filled with Jihadis, warlords and drug-traffickers who are already close to back-stabbing one another again as they did in the early '90s.

Where did you get that assumption?

Then why does Pakistan recognize this regime? If Pakistan has a principled stand they should not recognize the regime like we and 200 other countries DID NOT RECOGNIZE TALIBAN GOVERNMENT, that you did!

Pakistan's double game is a problem.
Then why does Pakistan recognize this regime? If Pakistan has a principled stand they should not recognize the regime like we and 200 other countries DID NOT RECOGNIZE TALIBAN GOVERNMENT.

Pakistan's double game is a problem.
What do you say when Modi kills Muslims in Gujarat and many countries refuse to give him visa and you saffron terrorists vote for him.
Then why does Pakistan recognize this regime? If Pakistan has a principled stand they should not recognize the regime like we and 200 other countries DID NOT RECOGNIZE TALIBAN GOVERNMENT, that you did!

Did I say I have a principled stance? Pakistani officials have admitted their true motives over the years. It's Indians who are the ones carrying this holier-than-thou attitude wherever they go.
"Support the LTTE! The Tamils are oppressed in Sri Lanka!"
"Blockade the Nepalis! Madhesis are being oppressed!"
"Support the warlords! Long live democracy!"
Did I say I have a principled stance? Pakistani officials have admitted their true motives over the years. It's Indians who are the ones carrying this holier-than-thou attitude wherever they go.
"Support the LTTE! The Tamils are oppressed in Sri Lanka!"
"Blockade the Nepalis! Madhesis are being oppressed!"
"Support the warlords! Long live democracy!"

Your and @MaarKhoor s inability to post on topic has been noted. Thanks but I can not go into off topic subjects. Heck I won't even ask you to prove your claim that Pakistan officials have admitted their true motives. Good day sir!
This article smells like a pro Indian... and crying like a defeated filthy afghan..

long as the gobel Indian agenda n interest to cover pakistan"s western border from Afghanistan Pakistan will continue to do what it takes to counter the threat for its own interests...

India has no interest in Afghanistan 99.9 % of Pakistan's establishment views this ...

As long gov of afghans and Indians continue playing double games in Afghanistan...then Pakistan will continue the same game no one on this planet earth could change the agenda of Pakistan ....unless the trust deficit some how builds between all 3 countries







Amount of aid aND economic assistance Pakistan has provided to Afghanistan.
Lol it's like slapping a child and giving a lollipop to console him!!!
Good. You can do better. Furthermore, always remember, sovereignty belongs to those who can keep it, under all internal and external stresses. Last time I checked, we took them out of the clutches of USSR, risking our hides. Which basically means, we own them. Of course you are right, they are free to try whatever they want, in the end, in all probability it will be us deciding their future.

People who don't learn from history, are bound to repeat it. USSR tried it, US tried it, would India like to adopt them now, or is it going to be like dual custody between you guys and the US? I say, you are welcome, in the meantime the dragon rises, and us with them. Be our guests.

Tumm to pakkay pakkay paglon' kay chairman ho!

bro , we have different views here so let me answer

& following on that note only We (NATO) took them out of Your Claws , Bombed the Taliban govt till kingdom comes & toppled them from power. & by the way NATO is still there & are there to stay. As someone (remember John Kerry) once so aptly told to Pakistan its a Drawdown & not a withdrawal !
so now as you said remember , "sovereignty belongs to those who can keep it" & thus , It is Us who are the Victors & rightfully so & Not You Sir' (with my utmost respect) That shall Call the shots !

you re old & Old is Gold , i will give you that

but we (NATO) are The

& you need to remember that & respect it , remember bro , chivalry demands that

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It is ridiculous for Afghans to blame Pakistan for the acts of Afghan Taliban who btw are Afghan Citizens. It is the same Taliban who attack us so why are we blamed for their acts ?
Afghanistan can never be stable .. i dont think Pakistan sud be worried about pro or anti.. Afghan will always run to those who pay them they will kidnap indian kids for money if they have to .. they will smuggle amo and drugs if they have to American pour Dollars in their society to balance some fraction but as soon as American will leave they will come back to their nature and will be proud of killing each other.
Every other person in Parliment sud sing indian songs cuz they getting money and they are biggest trend maker..
i wish indian send their troops to help their Afghan brother to combat shoulder to shoulder against Talib,Al qaida and ISIS.
Afghanistan politicians are severely immature and to be honest I am tired of their constant blaming. Its you incompetence that Helmand is about to fall, its your incompetence that despite our efforts for peace and warm relations you backstab us, its your incompetence that your districts fall to Taliban. You can either blame us or grow a pair and actually showcase what you have done.

I an seriously getting tired of these Afghans. They blame and blame but immediately come and start begging them moment we started sending the refugees Back.

It is time we stop treating them like a brother and start treating them as a hostile nation.

Every day and every afghan. It's sickening these open allegations.
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