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Muslims urged to boycott Russia, China goods on Syria veto

ITs not about wether a boycott will happen or not.

But that public opinion around the Arab world will turn against Russia and China if they don't handle this positively.

The UN resolution DID NOT have internvetion, it DID NOT have regime change either. India made sure that these two clauses were removed.

What the UN resolution was demanding was a time bounded free and fair election alongiwth withdrawal of heavy artilerry from civilians areas and realease of prisoners.

IF you read the full text, it was quite plain and the only "penalty" was suspension of Syrian govt. recognition.

Assad had promised elections back in September and its almost 6 months now, so an adidtional push is required to resolve this situation.
I think syrian people will have to pay the price for the mistakes made in iraq and libya. Sad but true.
Also those who intervene should ensure minorities are not wiped out, like sunnis in iraq.
If you push and topple the regime you will have blood in your hand, and if you wait and watch, you are immoral.
I think he trusts his own people and nation to back the legitimate government of Syria: the one with Assad as its president.
The people don't want him, why doesn't he leave ? He can save his country, and show a great example of leadership, and leave.
islam was first revealed to arabs by an arab..and no amount of spinning or personal attack will change that fact...

If Islam was revealed to a China man, Islam is religion for Chinese? If Islam was revealed to an African, Islam is an African religion? Is this your logic?

It is not the race of the founder of a religion that matters, but it's the ideas that matter. Ideas transcends race and creed.
If Islam was revealed to a China man, Islam is religion for Chinese? If Islam was revealed to an African, Islam is an African religion? Is this your logic?

It is not the race of the founder of a religion that matters, but it's the ideas that matter. Ideas transcends race and creed.

He's an example of typical indian mentality, don't be surprised if you encounter more of them with similar thinking.
The Arab spring was a common man's uprising over decades of atrocities done by the dictators. The common people demanding a regime change and looking for a better life are not the terrorists, the dictators trying to suppress them brutally are... The international community cannot be mute witnesses these atrocities.
You mean better life to get US marine soldiers raping Syria girls or humiliate Syria people dignity like they did to iraqi prisoner?
To help Syria is to help the justice and the humanity, it is to deliver a message to the world that the terrorists can never win!!! :sniper:
Not a resolution to interven, not a resolution to send in troops or form a no fly zone ...

It was a resolution for regime change backed up by threats of further action, supported by parties who are arming and instigating a particular side.

The fact that people are unaware of such elementary facts shows the power of the media and the cattle-like mentality of those who watch the media.

There are no saints in this sad situation.
Bullcrap. China and Russia have been the steadfast friends of the Muslim World for decades. China and Russia are the only super powers blocking Western Fascism and hegemony.
The UN resolution DID NOT have internvetion, it DID NOT have regime change either. India made sure that these two clauses were removed.

This is simply false. The UN resolution explicitly endorsed the Arab League statement of 22 Jan, which is a strident call for regime change. India supported the resolution with regime change included.

I am not condemning that though. India does not have a veto anyway, and we have our constraints.
This is simply false. The UN resolution explicitly endorsed the Arab League statement of 22 Jan, which is a strident call for regime change. India supported the resolution with regime change included.

I am not condemning that though. India does not have a veto anyway, and we have our constraints.

Correct, that resolution was specifically aimed at regime change, and only included demands for Assad, with no demands for the terrorists.
Correct, that resolution was specifically aimed at regime change, and only included demands for Assad, with no demands for the terrorists.
Western topples all those country they don't like unscrupulously. Even the resolution is rejected in UN, NATO will launch attack with Arab league pony up the bill. sadness of Syria. It is a war between Sunni and Shiah in Syria. western intend to hold the middle east in their hands by instigating conflict among the Muslim sects. After all the ANTI-western countries in the middle est is overthrowed, NATO is going to attack Russia and China. As long as China and Russia is watching each others back, they get nothing but slap on face. It's time for us to return stroke.
I think syrian people will have to pay the price for the mistakes made in iraq and libya. Sad but true.
Also those who intervene should ensure minorities are not wiped out, like sunnis in iraq.
If you push and topple the regime you will have blood in your hand, and if you wait and watch, you are immoral.

part of what i've been saying all along

Sad but my sentiment, too! As little as I care for jj's hyperbole and hysteria, the two of you nailed this one. The freedom fighters today could very well become the Interahamwe tomorrow. Actually in Libya they seem to be exactly one and the same.

Is one supposed to choose the lesser of two evils or gamble on the "greater evil" for the "greater good"?

I am old but I was still in "post-graduate" when the Shock-And-Awe shriveled down to "stuff happens" ... while sectarians shot up Sunnis in Baghdad just for having "Omar" as a name, and the Sunnis in turn took their hatred out on the oldest group of "followers of Maryam" on this middle earth!

I do hope fate deals kindly with my fellow "followers of Maryam and Isa" (no I am not above sectarian tendencies my humble self). Their whole lot just got turned out of Iraq, now they are looking to vacate Syria. Of course, the lords and custodians already planned a land of milk and honey for them. It's called "New Phoenicia". They will find gainful employment there and duly construct a better northern buffer than the Hizbo fiends in southern Cedar country.

The rest is just Sunni vs Shia, custodian vs persian ... nothing new here, while Peshmergar braves hold the centre and remind the turks not to be too cozy in their underbelly as to forget whose bed they are sleeping in.

The balance of power prevails. Of course the ideal balance is no power.

This goes back to the beginning: "shock-and-awe" --> no power; "stuff happens" --> balance of power.

Just as in "structural unemployment", not everybody can or need to have a job. In this reshuffle, some minor sects have clearly put in overtime and can now retire. These include the Anbar Sunnis and Alawites of Sham, I mean shame ...

To tell the truth, who even heard of Alawites before last year? Time is up, Bashar!
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